Bust workout?

Anyone have this experience?

I try to work out a minimum of 4 times a week. Sometimes with my work it ends up being 2 maybe 3 days in a row. Yesterday was my 3rd day and today was to be my 4th for this week. Well, I woke up early to work out before my brother comes over to pick me up for lunch. I felt a bit sore and tight, I was feeling it a bit in my lower back and my knee. I worked out hard yesterday. I thought to myself, meh, i've worked through muscle soreness before, no biggie. I start my workout and quickly realize that my body is screaming for me to stop! Quit? I am not a quitter, i don't quit, how can I quit? well, I quit! I ended up doing a 12 minute ab routine. I felt if I pushed through I would of injured myself. So, there goes my 4th day for this week. I am probably taking a rest day tomorrow unless I feel a lot better. Now trying not to feel guilty about it. I just need to move on. Anyone have workouts that end up in a bust?


  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    You said your knee hurts...do you mean the joint itself? Because if you ever feel pain in your joints, you are doing it wrong.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Im not sure what kind of workout you are doing but you should not work a body part two days in a row. Try splitting it up so you work legs one day and upper body the next then take a day off. That will give you 2 days of rest on before you hit a body part again. Or if you are doing some kind of full body workout then you should workout every other day.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    this was a misleading title
  • kategettingbuff
    That's kind of the problem. When I live in a building and used the gym there I would train different body parts on different days. I moved to a house a couple of years ago. Got a bit out of shape, bought a treadmill and worked out on a total gym with some free weights. I wasn't loosing or toning like I hoped. The last few months I've been doing interval training. Love what it's doing for my body. It's more all over conditioning. So I'm always woking the lower and upper body together.

    I have a bad knee. My form is fine. I have some issues with my body due to almost 30 years of riding and training horses. As well as being active like running and lifting at the same time. I have been athletic my whole life. Wear and tear doesn't mean I am doing it wrong. I just have to be careful with what I do and modify things I know I can't do.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    That's kind of the problem. When I live in a building and used the gym there I would train different body parts on different days. I moved to a house a couple of years ago. Got a bit out of shape, bought a treadmill and worked out on a total gym with some free weights. I wasn't loosing or toning like I hoped. The last few months I've been doing interval training. Love what it's doing for my body. It's more all over conditioning. So I'm always woking the lower and upper body together.

    I have a bad knee. My form is fine. I have some issues with my body due to almost 30 years of riding and training horses. As well as being active like running and lifting at the same time. I have been athletic my whole life. Wear and tear doesn't mean I am doing it wrong. I just have to be careful with what I do and modify things I know I can't do.

    Not trying to be mean but over training IS doing it wrong. Rest and recovery are just as important as exercise. You probably have wear and tear because you have been overdoing it for all this time. I could be totally wrong. I am just going off the "I am not a quitter" statement from above.
  • kategettingbuff
    You are not being mean. ;) Yes my wear and tear is from over use of certain muscles and joints over the years. Unavoidable when you are competitively showing horses and training 3-4 sometimes more in one day. I am not doing this anymore. I do have a hard time with limits. It's something I've worked on for years. So in a way you are right. This is why I keep my workouts to 4 days a week most weeks. So i do get in the rest days I need. After injuring my back 4 years ago on a horse, I have learned to limit myself and not push myself too hard. I listen more to my body now than I ever have. I don't like quitting. There is still the voice in my head that tells me not to quit and to push harder. It's hard not to listen to it. I did quit today, yet I still feel the guilt for not getting in what I wanted in the week since I am working towards a goal. I'm still a work in progress mentally and physically.