sugars from fruits?

Hi, I'm new here and have a question about daily sugar. My settings have me at 27g a day. So far I have sugar from an apple and a yoguart and I am already over my daily limit. So I guess my question is as long as it's a healthy food and I go over, does that really need to matter?



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Simply ignore the sugar listing on your settings. There is so much discussion about it on here, and there are so many myths about sugar being the latest boogyman. Eat a reasonably well balanced diet and you'll be fine.

    If you want some details as to what to pay attention to, do this: (1) hit your calorie goals consistently, (2) get enough protein and healthy fats, (3) get enough fiber, and (4) watch key micronutrients such as vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and iron. And honestly, there are plenty of very successful people who only do (1) through (3), since if you hit your macros and get enough fiber, then you probably hit (4) anyway.
  • acrowder99
    acrowder99 Posts: 63 Member
    I am pretty new too, just started in February. Welcome :)

    I removed sugar from my tracker since I am trying to follow the 40/30/30 rule and it's easier to see if all I have showing are the carbs, protein & fats. Before I did that though if I had an orange and a banana then I was over what the MFP suggested portion is, it's got to be low.

    In my little world if it's a natural sugar from fruit & it doesn't put me over my calories then it's fair game. If it's candy, cake or soda it's out unless it's a one-time cheat.

    Keep an eye on those yogurts - I think a lot of them are high in refined sugar & it's not all from the fruits. I use plain greek & mix in what I want, like honey & fruit because I try to stay away from artificial sweetners too. It's just easier for me to mix my own than try to figure out what they've thrown into that little cup.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I agree with the other postings here. Delete the "sugar" setting in your macros. Make sure you are getting most of your daily sugar from fruits and not from soda or processed "foods". Good luck on your journey
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    MFP puts you on very low sugar macro. Just ignore it. As long as you dont have any carb or sugar restrictions you should be able to have a good amount of fruits etc. I don't even count my sugar, I just count carbs because realistically thats where its going anyway. If your carbs a in good goal range, you are fine. Just make sure to log all the fruit and veggies you eat. They are all complex carbs which are good for you and the body breaks them down much slower than the simple carbs that are made up of white rice, white bread and pasta.
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    ... Just make sure to log all the fruit and veggies you eat. They are all complex carbs which are good for you and the body breaks them down much slower than the simple carbs that are made up of white rice, white bread and pasta.
    I agree with the general drift of this post, but technically, fructose and glucose contained in many fruits are simple carbs, while starch contained in pasta etc is complex.
    I'm all for explaining complicated things in plain English, but it's also important to keep the facts straight.