3 squares vs 6 mini....

ergumm Posts: 82 Member
Hi! I am just curious about what everyone else does, and why. I do 3 large meals a day with little or no snacks. I am tired ALL the time! I drink my protein shake, and then sit down and fall asleep! What can I do to increase my energy???

I have thought about switching to 6 mini meals a day, but I'm not sure what I would eat for those meals! I'm afraid I would go over my calories. I don't eat lettuce, so having a light salad is out!

I would appreciate everyone's input! How do you do your meals and why? Also, If you do 6 mini, what do you eat!? Thanks :-)


  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Are you watching your potassium and iron intakes? I wasn't, and I was exhausted all the time too. Turned out I was slightly anemic. Just a thought!
  • Forest777
    Forest777 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been tired lately too. I realized I have spring allergies and a slight nasal drip. Nothing too horrible, but I think the allergies are making me feel fatigued too. Not sure where you live, but just a thought!

    As far as meals, I eat 6 minis. Or I think 3 snacks and 3 medium meals. For snacks, lately I've been loving Greek yogurt or Fiber One English Muffins.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I would rather have 3 large meals that I can fill up on than be hungry all day with 6 minis.
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    Are you watching your potassium and iron intakes? I wasn't, and I was exhausted all the time too. Turned out I was slightly anemic. Just a thought!

    Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think of that! I have been anemic off and on my whole life! I just don't ever remember being this tired all the time!
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I eat 4 meals at between 300 and 400 calories each. You can eat a lot of food if you choose the food carefully. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, whole grains and drink a lot of water. I try to stay away from refined sugars and flours and find that I am satisfied and have plenty of energy, but never have that bloated, overfull feeling. Little by little I am learning the difference between hunger and appetite. When my tummy starts hurting, I know I am hungry and eat. But I find if I am eating at regular intervals I do not get hungry. If I am hungry before bed, I will have a handful of nuts (carefully measured out on my food scale of course). Occasionally (once a week or every two weeks), I will allow myself a treat meal to keep cravings and binges at bay. If I find myself craving ae dessert or goodie someone brings in to work, I will let myself have a small piece if my calorie balance allows or if I am close to my goal, I will have a taste (one bite or a small piece broken off), my co-workers are really supportive of my efforts and will usually share a small piece of their goodie or let me break off a piece of some of the leftover.

    This works best for me and am looking at it as a lifelong change of lifestyle. I have a long way to go, but since January 4 I have lost 39.4 pounds with this eating style, lots of water and regular exercise.
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Several reasons you could be tired: ck for low Vitamin B12 levels (animal protein) ; levels lower as we age. Your adrenals could be fatigued, you are not supporting your increased exercise with proper nutrition, not enough sleep, hormonal, etc...., numerous reasons. I have been doing Intermittent Fasting 16/8; 2 meals per day plus one extra when I train. Right now this works for me.
  • fairfatandfabulous
    fairfatandfabulous Posts: 28 Member
    I like 3 large meals or else I wounld be snacking away all day. I think you should try a multi vitamin. I get tired if I havent eaten enough protien a good steak on the bbq usually does the trick.
  • I usually eat 3 larger meals each day. Sometimes I have a snack in the afternoon and a small snack after dinner. Works for me!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I would rather have 3 large meals that I can fill up on than be hungry all day with 6 minis.

    So would I. I can't stand being hungry all day. I don't think I have the self-control to do many small meals.

    I do think it is good to do 6 small meals if you can do it though. One of my sisters is very thin and she stays that way by having small meals frequently. When I was pregnant I thought it would have been easier and I would have been less sick if I would have been able to eat 6 small meals a day. Eating too much at a meal seems to make you more sick because of the extra food left in your stomach.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    When I'm at work being sat at the desk all day makes me want to snack so I tend to have 6 smaller meals that I've pre-planned rather than be tempted to hit the biscuits. On the weekends when I'm out and about I'm more likely to have 3 main meals. It's just a case of what suits you best. How many meals you have will not have any bearing on weight loss / metabolism, etc.

    I have tendency towards anaemia so I take iron replacement and a B12 supplement which keeps things stable.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,463 Member
    Are you eating enough calories overall?

    I mainly eat three meals a day, but use any "spare" calories for a snack at the end of the day. I have a very small breakfast, so getting to the mid-day meal is often the hardest, then a bigger mid-day meal, then a bigger evening meal. That's what fits in with work, etc. At the weekends when I can choose my mealtimes, I might have a bigger sort of brunch meal to replace breakfast and lunch, late morning, then another evening meal, so just two meals plus whatever is left over for an evening snack.
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    Are you eating enough calories overall?

    I mainly eat three meals a day, but use any "spare" calories for a snack at the end of the day. I have a very small breakfast, so getting to the mid-day meal is often the hardest, then a bigger mid-day meal, then a bigger evening meal. That's what fits in with work, etc. At the weekends when I can choose my mealtimes, I might have a bigger sort of brunch meal to replace breakfast and lunch, late morning, then another evening meal, so just two meals plus whatever is left over for an evening snack.

    I think I'm eating enough calories. I'm usually under my 1200 cal. goal. I try not to eat any of my exercise calories. I would say my diet is high protein...very low carb. I usually just have a protein shake for breakfast and then 2 meals. Now I am trying not to eat after 6 p.m., but I might have to change that to 8 p.m., because I hate eating before my husband even gets home from work, even though I cook him something different than I eat. It's hard to sit and keep him company when I'm done eating for the day. Especially if I have fixed him fried potatoes :-)
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    I like 3 large meals or else I wounld be snacking away all day. I think you should try a multi vitamin. I get tired if I havent eaten enough protien a good steak on the bbq usually does the trick.

    I do take centrum specialist energy vitamin. I start my day with a protein shake and I eat a lot of eggs. In fact, I go over on my protein a lot in my diary. Maybe I will try taking something with added iron and see if that gets me to stop feeling so tired. If that doesn't work...next step would a check up I suppose.

    Thanks to all of you for your thoughts on the subject!
  • Hrl1993
    Hrl1993 Posts: 106 Member
    I do something in between...I have a good sized breakfast, lunch, or dinner, but I also leave room for a nice afternoon snack and dessert (I have to have dessert......darn you sweet tooth).

    I think it keeps me from being TOO hungry at the next meal and overeating then. But of course that doesn't work for everyone.

    Like a PP said, Greek yogurt is awesome for a snack. Cottage cheese is too :) I also make a lot of chicken breast at the beginning of the week, so I can grab one of those for a snack, too. I like to make sure my snacks have lots of protein to satisfy me.
  • bestmeicanbe84
    bestmeicanbe84 Posts: 58 Member
    Are you eating enough calories overall?

    I mainly eat three meals a day, but use any "spare" calories for a snack at the end of the day. I have a very small breakfast, so getting to the mid-day meal is often the hardest, then a bigger mid-day meal, then a bigger evening meal. That's what fits in with work, etc. At the weekends when I can choose my mealtimes, I might have a bigger sort of brunch meal to replace breakfast and lunch, late morning, then another evening meal, so just two meals plus whatever is left over for an evening snack.

    I think I'm eating enough calories. I'm usually under my 1200 cal. goal. I try not to eat any of my exercise calories. I would say my diet is high protein...very low carb. I usually just have a protein shake for breakfast and then 2 meals. Now I am trying not to eat after 6 p.m., but I might have to change that to 8 p.m., because I hate eating before my husband even gets home from work, even though I cook him something different than I eat. It's hard to sit and keep him company when I'm done eating for the day. Especially if I have fixed him fried potatoes :-)

    So you aren't meeting the 1200 calorie minimum and you don't eat any exercise calories back? No wonder you're so tired. I can't imagine living off so few calories. I would suggest eating your exercise cals back and making sure to net 1200.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,463 Member
    Are you eating enough calories overall?

    I mainly eat three meals a day, but use any "spare" calories for a snack at the end of the day. I have a very small breakfast, so getting to the mid-day meal is often the hardest, then a bigger mid-day meal, then a bigger evening meal. That's what fits in with work, etc. At the weekends when I can choose my mealtimes, I might have a bigger sort of brunch meal to replace breakfast and lunch, late morning, then another evening meal, so just two meals plus whatever is left over for an evening snack.

    I think I'm eating enough calories. I'm usually under my 1200 cal. goal. I try not to eat any of my exercise calories. I would say my diet is high protein...very low carb. I usually just have a protein shake for breakfast and then 2 meals. Now I am trying not to eat after 6 p.m., but I might have to change that to 8 p.m., because I hate eating before my husband even gets home from work, even though I cook him something different than I eat. It's hard to sit and keep him company when I'm done eating for the day. Especially if I have fixed him fried potatoes :-)

    If I was you, I'd start off by eating more and see how that affects your tiredness. If you have MFP set at 2lb loss, drop it to 1lb or 1/2 lb AND eat back exercise calories, and see if that makes a difference. Alteternatively you could try something like http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937712-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0 . I find it easier that way. Either way, you probably just want to eat at a smaller deficit, closer to the calories you would need to maintain. That should give you enough for more normal sized meals, and hopefully more energy!

    However, it's probably worth getting a medical check-up because there might be something else happening, such as thyroid issues.
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    Are you eating enough calories overall?

    I mainly eat three meals a day, but use any "spare" calories for a snack at the end of the day. I have a very small breakfast, so getting to the mid-day meal is often the hardest, then a bigger mid-day meal, then a bigger evening meal. That's what fits in with work, etc. At the weekends when I can choose my mealtimes, I might have a bigger sort of brunch meal to replace breakfast and lunch, late morning, then another evening meal, so just two meals plus whatever is left over for an evening snack.

    I think I'm eating enough calories. I'm usually under my 1200 cal. goal. I try not to eat any of my exercise calories. I would say my diet is high protein...very low carb. I usually just have a protein shake for breakfast and then 2 meals. Now I am trying not to eat after 6 p.m., but I might have to change that to 8 p.m., because I hate eating before my husband even gets home from work, even though I cook him something different than I eat. It's hard to sit and keep him company when I'm done eating for the day. Especially if I have fixed him fried potatoes :-)

    If I was you, I'd start off by eating more and see how that affects your tiredness. If you have MFP set at 2lb loss, drop it to 1lb or 1/2 lb AND eat back exercise calories, and see if that makes a difference. Alteternatively you could try something like http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937712-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0 . I find it easier that way. Either way, you probably just want to eat at a smaller deficit, closer to the calories you would need to maintain. That should give you enough for more normal sized meals, and hopefully more energy!

    However, it's probably worth getting a medical check-up because there might be something else happening, such as thyroid issues.

    I always thought that to lose weight you had to burn more calories than you take in, that is why I don't eat my exercise calories. I might try adding a small snack in between meals and see if that helps. I will check out the link you posted.

    Thanks for all the suggestions ;-)