IBS Diet

Hi I have just joined this site today, this week i was diagnosed with IBS and i'm having a real difficulty finding the right foods to eat. Can anybody who suffers with IBS or just knows someone who does, please tell me how they dealt with it? Did you just cut out certain foods entirely and if so did you replace them with anything?

I hope someone can help me.

Katie, 21, Ireland


  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Do you have IBS-D or IBS-C?

    If you have constipation, like me this is what I do. I take a probiotic, limit the amount of red meat I eat (red meat makes it way worse) drink green tea with lemon, lots and lots of green leafy vegetables and whole, unprocessed, grains.

    If you have diarrhea I think the opposite applies, but taking a probiotic is still recommended.

    Good luck dear, I have been living with this for 10 years and it sucks.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    There are two groups here where you can get more information.
    They are the first two on this list -- http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/search?utf8=✓&phrase=ibs
  • thanks so much !
  • Red meat might not be your problem. I have IBD-C (Colitis). I work with women who have IBS and IBD. It is my passion. Feel free to check out my site. I hope you find something that helps you:) www.agutsygirl.com
  • sahiratorres
    sahiratorres Posts: 54 Member
    I have had IBS with constipation for over 20 years and had my share of bad times. What I have found with the help of my GI is to limit red meat, no fried foods, eat fiber, no foods and fruits that are acidic (tomatoes, oranges, etc), and foods in low fat or no fat. For me, the foods i had to cut out or limit made my GI tract work over time and exacerbated my IBS. Living a low to no stress life and an easy going personality also helped me keep my IBS in check. I hope this helps!
  • anyone have interstitial cystitits? its a bladder autoimmune dieases and makes it hard to find foods to eat!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You really need to know what foods cause you discomfort as it's different for everyone. Some highly processed foods cause mine to act up like poptarts. I tend to feel I have less symptoms now that I am vegetarian, but I also eat less processed foods now so maybe that's part of it? It's really about trial and error.
  • You really need to know what foods cause you discomfort as it's different for everyone. Some highly processed foods cause mine to act up like poptarts. I tend to feel I have less symptoms now that I am vegetarian, but I also eat less processed foods now so maybe that's part of it? It's really about trial and error.

    is this for IBS OR IC? i dont eat processed foods but i love coffee and spicy foods all foods i cannot eat
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I struggled with IBS a lot when I was eating a mostly junk-food diet. Cutting back on fast food and eating more whole foods with lots of fiber helped a lot.

    If you're in doubt about what to do, have your doctor give you a referral to a dietitian.

    Oddly enough, after losing about half the weight I want to, my IBS symptoms are pretty much nonexistant.
  • canoe4you
    canoe4you Posts: 8 Member
    I have had IBS - D for 15 years now and I must say that the less I eat the less I have it. I dont know if yours is diarrhea or not but if it is trust me that eating a big (heavy) meal that weighs down on your intestines is the worst thing you can do as you will be running to the bathroom not long afterwards. Best of luck.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You really need to know what foods cause you discomfort as it's different for everyone. Some highly processed foods cause mine to act up like poptarts. I tend to feel I have less symptoms now that I am vegetarian, but I also eat less processed foods now so maybe that's part of it? It's really about trial and error.

    is this for IBS OR IC? i dont eat processed foods but i love coffee and spicy foods all foods i cannot eat

    IBS. If you find out a specific food is bothering you the best thing to do is cut it out or know what you are going to be doing later on that day, and decide "do I want to eat this now and is it worth the discomfort later?"