Need friends who use/want to use video games for exercise

DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
Hey all,

Been on MFP for about a year, lost about 60 pounds so far and I'm looking for more friends who either use video games (like Xbox Kinect or Wii) for exercise or are thinking about it.

And of course, I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for good people to connect with so even if you don't want to use games to exercise, send me a friends request. :)

Don't be shy. The water is fine and I don't usually bite. :)



  • partaegurl
    partaegurl Posts: 3 Member
    Hey design guy, I too sadly am a game junkie, even at 37! I'm currently best friends with the Wii. Just dance is my fave activity atm and I weigh in on the Wii fit plus. We also have a PS2 and PS3 in the house. I'm an awesome window washer lol.:tongue: