Could use some friends/support.

Hello everyone. My story is a bit different. I am 26 years old. Ten years ago when I was 16, I was in a size 6. When I was 18-22 I was in a size 8. Then I got sick... really sick, now I'm in a size 18. I had hyperparathyroidism along with a multitude of other things that are symptoms of hyperparathyroidism. I got so sick I had to quit work and drop out of college and eventually I wound up on bedrest for 8 months during the time before and after a 3.5 gland parathyroidectmy. Of course I gained weight from lack of activity and from my endocrine disorder alone, but I also started using food as a comforter. I quit smoking cigarettes at the onset of my illness, which is ultimately a good thing, but I also had to abstain from alcohol and exercise and anything that could increase my heart rate because it was resting around 120bpm and would shoot up with barely any exertion. So, I was in a stressful health situation and couldn't smoke or drink or exercise, so I ate. I have gained about 100 lbs since 2008 as a result of all this. Now, I have had surgery for my illness and am back to pretty good health aside from the weight thing (not pre-illness perfect health but good enough.) I want to lose this weight. I need to lose this weight. I now suffer from upper back and shoulder pain and I really believe it's because I carry ALL my weight up top. I have never had issues with high blood pressure or blood sugar or anything like that, my heart has no issues except for some tachycardia, which is better than it used to be. But, I know if I don't lose the weight that all could change. I know what it's like to be sick and I don't want to be the cause of any sickness.

So, that's my story. I really don't know where to start with this weight loss thing... I guess this is my start? But like I said, any friends or support would be amazing because I know it's going to be hard.


  • Log_n_Jog
    Log_n_Jog Posts: 64 Member
    You're off to a good start by wanting to make changes, being on MFP, and getting support! My best advice is to take it one day at a time, one little change at a time. You can add me if you like! I am on here daily and have used this site for over 2 years. I have hypothyroidism, so my weight loss has been slow, but I have been able to lose 46 lbs so far. :) Good luck to you!
  • karlaperry2
    I think you will love MFP. Just go thru the motions in the beginning. It will work. Because of my health the weight comes off slow but it does work. Good luck. Do you have a support system at home?
  • AZibaie
    AZibaie Posts: 2
    I do kind of have support at home, but not really. Everyone in my family is thin and even though they're all smokers and addicted to smoking, they can't understand my food addiction... so it's kind of rough.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hi, sent you a friend request. :) Please feel free to add me. I'm new to MFP (2 weeks), very motivated, and log on every day. Right now I am trying to leave the car at home (as much as I can) and walk every day. I live near a national park and hike several miles a day. Health problems can be tough, but it looks like you're on the road to getting your good health back. :)