SUGAR IN FRUIT.....Good or Bad



  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    If eating too much fruit is wrong, I don't want to be right. I "juice" in the mornings 3-4 days a week. My average concoction consists of:

    15-20 grapes
    7-8 strawberries
    1/2 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup raspberries
    1 banana
    3-4 kale leaves
    handful of spinach
    1/2 cup green beans
    1/2 broccoli
    1 celery stalk
    small piece of ginger


    I have never done a smoothie with Kale?! I'll have to try it out.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    It's fine. I always use the "no sugar count" fruit options when available so i dont even stress it.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    fruit sugar=is fine, watch overall calories
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    The sugar in fruit is fructose. It is the same as any other fructose. The primary difference with eating fruit vs. candy that has fructose is that the fruit comes with fiber and more nutrients.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    i personally ate TONS of tree ripened fruits when i was in Asia for two months and i lost weight in spite of it....

    now if i had chowed down on TONS of candy, processed sugar goodies....i might have had the opposite effect.

    fruits are nature's candy. they are SO full of vitamins and fiber.

    so i say go for it . count your sugar cals but ignore the ones that come from fresh fruit.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    I had a similar conversation with my chiro (who specializes in holistic medicine, too) - he pointed to a jar of Jolly Ranchers that sat on the receptionist's desk and asked me what the difference was between eating one of those and eating an apple (aside from the obvious that they're two different things, heh.)

    He went on to say that when you eat an apple, your body can process the entire thing - it knows what to do with every bit of the apple, and none of it is wasted. When you eat a Jolly Rancher (or any other empty sugary treat), your body is pretty much like, "Dude, WTF??" and hasn't a clue what to do with the extraneous sugar, colorings, etc.

    Lesson: Don't be afraid to eat the fruit. Your body is made for it! :)
  • stephaniecrg
    stephaniecrg Posts: 13 Member
    I did a LOT of research on this topic because I was having a huge freakout over my sugar intake. I hated that two pieces of fruit shot my sugar intake through the roof!! What I found out is that. basically, sugar is sugar. Whether refined or natural, your body is going to turn it into fat. HOWEVER, unless you're hitting a plateau or are having problems with your blood sugar (like diabetes, etc.) by no means shuold you eliminate fruit from your diet based on sugar alone. The nutriets you get from fruit is so essential that it trumps going over your reccommended sugar intake by a few grams. That being said, if you find yourself hitting a plateau even though your exercise schedule and calorie intake is in order, try substituting vegetables for some of the fruits in your diet and see if sugar (even though it's natural sugar) is the reason you can't lose weight. But until that happens, have some fruit! (In moderation, of course. ;D)
  • It is hard to overeat fruit, you would have to ingest a ton. You will just need to be neat a toilet if that is all you consumed.

    I limit my fruit intake as it stalls out my weight loss. If I plateau, I stop eating fruits and I start to lose again. Then I will wean myself back on fruits again.

    Fruits are amazing for you and some are considered superfoods. Eat fruit, just don't go crazy.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    As long as you don't eat 30 bananas in one sitting or a case of are fine. Yup at one crazy time I was a fruitarian! Gained 30 lbs. Now that I eat fruit like a regular person-no problem. Yes you can get fat eating fruit. The 30 banana a day website is a joke. The reason people like durianrider on that website can eat that much is because he does extreme cardio. .
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Too much of anything - even if it is good for you - can be a bad thing.

    Everything in moderation... Don't cut out on fruits just be aware of the sugar content in the fruits you are choosing. I think the recommended daily sugar intake for women is around 26grams....

    Google some sugar content of fruits and then from there you can make healthier fruit choices.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I eat lots & lots of fruit. My diary would be horrifying to a carb counter! I use honey to sweeten most things and I try to limit my added sugars. I include the honey in my sugar counts, but not the fruit. If I only go over a little I am a happy camper. I ate two huge bowls of cookie crisp yesterday. My sugar count was crazy! I don't think fruit is a "free" food. A calorie is a calorie whether it comes from an apple or an apple pie. It will affect your weight if you go over.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    God I wish people would stop giving old outdated science as fact. Frustose is not good for you. You could say a necessary even due to the good stuff you get from fruits.
  • Confirmation bias?

    Sugar is sugar. Fructose is actually much worse than any other sugar. It is more diabetogenic, lipogenic, etc. Plus keep in mind that the fruit you eat now is bred to be this sweet. Originally, they weren't this big, or shiny, or tasty. Yes, be careful with fructose. Balance your sugars, and make sure you go for low sugar high antioxidant ratio of fruits.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    In my opinion natural sugars are broken down easier just limit your intake of fruits to 3 servings a day added to a balanced diet

    Healthy weight loss promoting fruits

    Apples, prunes,bananas, grape fruit, strawberry etc

    Lemon water is a good to add to a diet as well
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 114 Member
    Too much of anything - even if it is good for you - can be a bad thing.

    Everything in moderation... Don't cut out on fruits just be aware of the sugar content in the fruits you are choosing. I think the recommended daily sugar intake for women is around 26grams....

    Google some sugar content of fruits and then from there you can make healthier fruit choices.

    ^ This is my motto. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. I personally do about 3 servings each of fruits and veggies a day. :)
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    counting sugar as a separate macro is asinine anyway.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    stop trying to group any type of foods as "good" or "bad". Context and amount.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    If you're not diabetic/pre-diabetic, there's no real reason to track sugar. I suppose if you're on some nifty new "all pie" diet or something, tracking sugar has merit; otherwise, it's something you probably shouldn't stress over if you're otherwise on target with your macros.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Someone prob already said this, but unless there is a medical need to track your sugar, I would gets included in your carb macro so dont sweat it.