Newbie :)

SandraMay1982 Posts: 328
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys. My name is Sandra, I'm from South Australia. I have a massive amount of weight to lose. I had started to lose just after giving birth to my now 1 year old son, i got down to 112kgs : 246lbs on the Celebrity Slim (meal replacement shake) diet, which is basically cutting as many carbs from your diet as possible. When I went off the wagon my carb consumption went back up and I put the weight back on in the last 6 months.

At my heaviest I was 135kgs : 297lbs - Pregnancy was good to me and During the pregnancy I dropped to 125kgs and after giving birth I popped down to about 117kgs which was a big bonus.

Basically now I had a interweb friend approach me about joining this site so she had people to 'compete' against to help motivate her, and here I am. I am now trying a Low GI Meal Replacement shake diet called Tony Ferguson where good carbs are allowed. Yay!


  • jmatecki
    jmatecki Posts: 32
    Hi, I would suggest you try a more rounded approach to your food. The latest fad diet won't help need to have balance between whole grain, fruits, veggies, healthy fats and NO PROCESSED FOODS! I know it's not easy to hear but It;s gonna take hard work and good habits to get the weight off permanently. I hope to help you on this adventure and look forward to getting to know you. :flowerforyou:
  • BigVinney
    BigVinney Posts: 16
    Welcome to the states!
    I totally agree with Jmate..
    You need to eat the right stuff at just the right time...
    Forget about all that fad stuff.
    This is not a diet site, it is a place to check in, stay in line, get some help
    and encourage one another. The very fact that you are hear tells me you are true, honest, and a fighter..
    post a picture, love who you are, then work hard and be honest..
    Good luck here! You can do this...
    PS, my son and daughter are both in Sydney enjoying the beautiful landscape...
    Big Vinney!!!
  • not to seem ungrateful for the advice. I generally eat more when on the shake diet in comparison to not *L* I just don't find the time to prepare and eat the right foods. I will slowly come off of it. But many people have had great success with these things, and things like "optislim" and "optifast" are actually the same and recommended by doctors for pre-op patients. I'm certainly not lacking in knowledge of them. ha. it's all definitely dependant on what habits you throw out while on the specific diet, and how many lifestyle changes stick at the end. For me. It's a matter of convenience, and actually forcing myself to eat more than anything.
  • lisacherrone
    lisacherrone Posts: 11 Member
    start moving! put your baby in a stroller, and just walk to start. keep your motivation high with small rewards. pedicures are a great reward for a 5 lb loss!! :)
  • sandruh9
    sandruh9 Posts: 2
    hello! my name is sandra and im new to this thing. i added the app on my phone. im trying to lose 20-30 lbs i dont really have time to cook nor look to find everything healthy i eat a ton of fruit and drink basiaclly nothing but water and eating salads with a viniger dressing and doing work outs at home.
  • I need more friends on here. I only have 3 :( anyone feel free to add me.
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