My life is like a child's poem: "Humpty Dumpty"

Humpty Dumpty is what I feel like. Short, round, and sedentary. Hi all, I've been lurking awhile and not weighing in or tracking (for months) but after a friend begged me to "try to lose weight with her", I decided to do this for real. I'm a 50ish year old woman who still thinks she's in her 20s but my body has other ideas. I started this about 10 days ago and so far, so good. Let's see what I think in 3 months. My goal is to drop 50 pounds and I'm not going to put a timeline on it because I'm afraid I'll defeat myself. So one day at a time. Time to stop making excuses about age, hormones, busy life, and whatever else I usually come up with.


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Once we lose all the excuses we've used in the past, which it sounds like you've done, then there's room for the success you want to achieve. It's great that you have a friend who is motivated with you as it makes the process better with company. It's also nice that you're not giving yourself a "deadline", however do set mini goals to give yourself something to strive for along the way. Also sedentary just makes it harder and longer so get up and walk if nothing else. You can always add other activities as you move along. Good luck and I'm glad you've decided to begin!
  • EthelNorm
    EthelNorm Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I have started walking (again) and am trying to get at least 30 min. a day of some sort of activity. When the weather gets better I will drag the bike out and try to add that in. I have a tendency to go crazy the first month or so and then drop off. I am going to change that pattern (hopefully). "Slow and steady wins the race".