Pictures.. ugh

So I just was out with some friends last night and of course my friends are picture takers, just saw some of them and I finally see what the scale has been reflecting lately, but not in a good way.... As you can probably tell I am pretty new to this site as well as weight loss (this time around) and I suppose I am being pretty vain but she AND her mom tagged the photos of me on facebook and I swear I look way heavier than I ever have, it kind of disgusts me, and embarrasses me... As soon as I saw them it sent me into a funk, And to make matters worse I was out with a guy that night who I really am starting to like and I thought I may have a chance with, but after seeing those it just looks like he is way out of my league, I understand fitness is a slow process but right now I feel like I've been doing this all for nothing at this point. I have had a little bit of a past with anorexia and bulimia so this is making me want to fall right back into that, I know that isn't the right thing to do but I can't help but think how much faster it would be just to not eat. I guess I am just looking for a little support now... Am I being too hard on myself? Is it possible they are just terrible pictures? Maybe I don't really look that heavy? *sigh*


  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm bumping to see what other say.
    I found myself tagged in photos on Facebook the other day. When I first saw them (the small icon), I was like "Who is that bigger girl in the picture? I don't remember her." Then I clicked on the picture and I realized it was me. Trust me, I've been doing this for about 8 months now... I've only lost 20 pounds, and sometimes it feels so hopeless.
  • adunkin22
    adunkin22 Posts: 47 Member
    girl, i feel ya. but i can promise you that you don't look bad. everyone thinks pictures of themselves are horrible. i'm quite the picture taker myself now. i've learned that even though you may not like a picture right now, you will like it later on. it's weird, but true. as for this boy, i'll bet he thinks YOU'RE out of HIS league. you're a gorgeous girl and you should not resort to not eating. i've been in that same position. i feel like it would be so much easier just to not eat and then boys will come running. ask any boy, though... they all love a girl who eats. and, if you really feel like you look that bad in the photos, it could've just been a bad angle or something. we all have bad photo nights. don't be so hard on yourself. you're beautiful and i'll bet that boy is thinking about you (:
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Whatever you do, don't stop eating, it will make you ill. Healthy eating and exercise is to way to go. Looking at your profile picture you look fine to me, but I know it's how you feel yourself that matters. You sound as though you are lacking in self esteem.
    You have to start loving yourself and realise that nobody is out of your league. Don't worry about a few photos, we all have bad ones taken now and again. Just eat sensibily and do more exercise and at your age that should be no problem and you'll acheive your goal.
    Take care xx
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    Don't tell me you've never heard that pictures always add at least 10 pounds...
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    PS You're beautiful.
  • inpeaces
    inpeaces Posts: 12
    Thanks all... I know, judging by my profile picture I look fine, but the ones from last night I look like a completely different person *sigh* I guess I am just gonna have to work that much harder if I want to reach my goals.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    darn right darlin'! every time you get discouraged and just wanna give up, go take a look at those photos! works for me every time :)
  • ldybugg
    ldybugg Posts: 134
    yea i had some pix takin of me 2wks ago and they were BAD! didnt know she was takin them and it was just wrong! she wont delete them either :grumble: but i know they were just bad pix and i cant go by them. i too have a history of ED and one of the reason i started on this site was so i wouldnt fall back into it. at first it was a little tough but i just kept at it. the longer i do it the better i feel. i still get a lil obsessive bout it but atleast its in a healthy way, ya know? i only have 7lbs 2go and im lookin great. i have muscle tone and im super healthy and it feels great! so stick w it, k hun?
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Hey! I know exactly how you feel! I was always the fat one in my college snaps, why in college, even in school. Always lost a little weight, gained it all back and plus some. Thats how I got to this position, now I want the weight to go as slowly as possible(I figure it will come back as slowly and I will have time to check, LOL).

    I am taking all of this one day at a time, my goal is not reducing my weight,but to be under my calorie limit and finish the exercise I planned for the day. And trust me weight loss is coming on its own! :)

    So hang in there! Give yourself time! Good luck!

    Add me as a friend if you like, we can motivate each other! :flowerforyou:
  • carolina0105
    I was also tagged in some pics on FB and I detagged myself. I thought those pics are horrible. Since then I've started working harder and now that I'm finally seeing results I've taken some of my own "before" pictures. They help to inspire me to get my workout done.

    Your are beautiful just keeping working hard. I guess one thing to remember is it really didn't go on overnight and it won't come off that way either. At least that's what I like to tell myself when I'm having a bad day.
  • nomoremuffintop2010
    I think allot of us have hated pictures that we have been in. My husband posted some pics on facebook of me with our children and I wanted him to deleate them . How sad is that ! That is when I decided to make a change. No more starving myself, yo yo diets or binge eating . This time I'm changing my life and it feels so great . Good diet and exercise have been the best thing that has happend to me . Don't fall back into a bad habbit . I think if you do things the right way you will feel like a new person. You are a cutie-patutie !!!
  • baldric1331
    baldric1331 Posts: 30 Member
    hell hun dont get yourself down cos of a photo its not that what matters at the end of the day there is a lot more to just a few photos that he would have liked about you like your personality ect remember that ppl look more than just whats showing on the front its like judging a book by its cover you just cant tell how good that novel really is till you start on it.

    Plus can tell from your post and pics that your beautifull woman and if i was not married hell id have asked you out in a heartbeat :P thought you would prob tell me no :P
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    #1 you're beautiful
    #2 if guy can't see what a beautiful person you are on the inside you don't need him.
    #3 do this for a better healthier life for yourself, your future husband and your future children
  • cameron_en
    cameron_en Posts: 54
    I used to untag the photos of myself in which I thought I looked "unappealing" but now I just let them go. I figure I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am, and if I do manage to lose weight, people are gonna be able to notice it a lot better after seeing all them ugly pics of me from before.

    Like Nikki said before, you can use them for extra motivation when you feel like giving up. I'm automatically encouraged to keep going whenever I see my unappealing photos pop up on Facebook.

    Just hang in there, it won't be too long before you'll want everyone to tag your photos :smile:
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I had two pictures of me taken on the same exact night wearing the same exact thing at the same exact place. First picture, I looked so awesome and skinny. Second picture, I looked like a horse. I was like WTF, but it's ALL about the angle. I'm sure you look awesome!
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I completely understand, but use those pictures to keep you going! I went to Disney World last December and these pictures I took with my husband and Tigger (hehe) really hit it home just how disgusted with myself and what I'd let myself get to. I didn't start my healthier lifestyle until a few months later (for other reasons) but I used those pictures and others to drive me forward!

    And as far as the guy: do NOT sabotage yourself! If you're discouraged and thinking that he's out of your league that very attitude could be what pushes him away and ruins your chances, not your weight! If he's truly into you your weight won't matter. Plus you have the fact that you're changing your lifestyle to show that you're not your weight. Hang in there!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I always hated having my picture taken..still avoid it if I can. But then I realized...what I see is exactly what everyone else is seeing when they look at me. That's my change what I see and what I show everyone else. I hate being the fatty in all the family photos. I have relatives in Europe who have never seen me in any pictures. Im 38 years old and they have no idea what I look like. That's sad.
  • smalltowncutie82
    Angles are everything!!! The pictures probably weren't good angles. I understand where you are coming from though, I've NEVER been so heavy in all my life. I used to be the 'hot' girl and now I'm the 'heavy' girl. It isn't fun. I'm told you eat right and exercise and eventually you will look like your old self again!
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    see my profile pic? see how my son is on my lap? in almost every single photo taken of me since my son was born I have been either holding him or have him in my lap. He was my picture prop, (The thought being that people wouldn't notice how fat I was they would think oh look how sweet/cute Ethan is) I have a family wedding in August and this time when the camera is pulled out I won't be pulling Ethan into my lap or picking him up, I'm gonna stand proud and let them take that photo, I've lost weight but I'm still "big" I know but I don't care what people think as I am working to reduce my weight, they might not know it but I do and thats all that matters!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    I got really hard on myself about weight and people were worried about me as well..they wanted me to be happy with who I was.

    They gave me this quote and it's stuck with me ever since--I hope it can help you too.

    "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we will not find it." ~Ralph Waldo Emmerson.

    Love yourself. You're beautiful and wonderful.