I'm stuck

starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Help please...yes I'm a carb eater and I'm staying within my daily calories and sometimes exercising..When i exercise I try to make sure that I eat a little more..My weight wont drop pass a certain weight...It keeps juggling between 1 point.....How do I get this going again for me?



  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    Help please...yes I'm a carb eater and I'm staying within my daily calories and sometimes exercising..When i exercise I try to make sure that I eat a little more..My weight wont drop pass a certain weight...It keeps juggling between 1 point.....How do I get this going again for me?

  • In order to get over that hump-challenge yourself a little more when you exercise. Raise the speed or elevation on your treadmill for 1-2 minutes then recover. This raises your heart rate and more calories are burned. You also might need to eat more frequently to raise your metabolism. Just make sure you're eating protein, too and that those carbs are good ones! This has worked for me-hope it might help! Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    I have lost a total of 18 lbs but its coming off slowly. I have a very slow metabolism. I've been using the treadmill and having it incline so after about 1/2 hour I burn about 200 calories. I've been stuck and not losing weight for a good couple of weeks now. Any suggestions to get these pounds off, its like my body doesnt want to release it...
  • JacquiMayCrook
    JacquiMayCrook Posts: 308 Member
    How many calories do you allow yourself?
  • I'd say make sure you're drinking an abundance of water as well :-)
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    First things first, drink water. Second, it sounds like you plateau'd. You need to change up your workout routine or at least push yourself harder. Doing a run at an even pace? Change it up and do sprints. Short duration, high intensity is better for fat loss according to studies. Another words, 20 minutes of sprints is better than a half hour of running at an even pace. Don't pay attention to the "fat burn" zone for your heartrate. It's b.s. Push yourself for a good cardio workout. You should be dripping sweat when you're done.

    ..... and what kind of carbs are you eating? Sugars are bad and need to be avoided. High Fructose Corn Syrup (which can be found in everything from yogurt to whole wheat bread) does nasty nasty things to fat cells and makes them almost impossible to burn.
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    You might try doing some strength training. The stronger your muscles are, the more calories you will burn doing just about anything, even resting. Granted, it's not something you can measure with MFP, but theoretically you would start losing weight again.

    Since people around here seem to doubt my word, I'll give a link to a reputable source to support what I'm saying: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/strength-training/HQ01710

    Good luck!
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    I eat 1200 calories/day. I've started drinking more water each day hoping that will help. I belong to a gym so I do a treadmill (cant use an elipitocal I have bad knees ), then I do some stomach crunches and lifting weights with my legs. I work out about 3x a week. I do eat carbs, for breakfast I eat bagel thins with light cream cheese or sometimes cereal. I dont think I could survive without carbs. For dinner I try to eat a protein like fish or chicken. I definitely think I've hit a plateau. Its aggravating but I'm not going to cheat with my calories...
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    Im also eating every couple hours to keep my body burning calories (read about this)
  • I eat 1200 calories/day. I've started drinking more water each day hoping that will help. I belong to a gym so I do a treadmill (cant use an elipitocal I have bad knees ), then I do some stomach crunches and lifting weights with my legs. I work out about 3x a week. I do eat carbs, for breakfast I eat bagel thins with light cream cheese or sometimes cereal. I dont think I could survive without carbs. For dinner I try to eat a protein like fish or chicken. I definitely think I've hit a plateau. Its aggravating but I'm not going to cheat with my calories...

    You can't 'cheat' with your calories. They won't know, they don't have feelings :happy: I would personally try upping your calories. I use the TDEE - 20% to lose fat. Works for me....Most people on 1200 calories recoil in horror though from eating this much.
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    I misspoke. I meant that I do not go over 1200 calories a day. My daily calories is based on my profile when I first joined myfitnesspal.
  • I misspoke. I meant that I do not go over 1200 calories a day.

    Would you consider trying a new approach or is 1200 set in stone for you?
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I eat 1200 calories/day. I've started drinking more water each day hoping that will help. I belong to a gym so I do a treadmill (cant use an elipitocal I have bad knees ), then I do some stomach crunches and lifting weights with my legs. I work out about 3x a week. I do eat carbs, for breakfast I eat bagel thins with light cream cheese or sometimes cereal. I dont think I could survive without carbs. For dinner I try to eat a protein like fish or chicken. I definitely think I've hit a plateau. Its aggravating but I'm not going to cheat with my calories...
    You don't have to do without carbs. How long have you been stuck at your number?
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    How many more calories do you think I should eat each day?
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    almost 3 weeks now.
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    I agree - try eating more. You're probably eating too little given your activity levels. Lots of people on here plateau on 1200 and succeed on quite a bit more. Do a week or two on 1500 calories. You'll probably be amazed to find you start losing weight.
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    I'll try that thank you...
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    You don't have to live without carbs, just eat them moderately. I do 30% carbs, 35% fat 35% protein. May seem. A scary concept at first but is very doable.

    Home, goals, change goals, manual...

    My diary is open.

    My weight loss stalls out if carbs creep much above that, 30% is a good amount for weight loss. Every successful friend I have in myfitnesspal follows these ratios.

    Something to think about... Hope that helps!

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    less than 10 percent of body weight should be ate in calories
    285=- 2850
    200- 2000
    300- 3000
    245- 2450
    275- 2750
    195- 1950
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