Injured- how to burn calories in a chair?

I have been very active my whole life. I love to move! I have had various associated injuries over the years, but nothing that stopped me. I would dance on crutches!

However, since I turned 50, this wear and tear has slowed me down, and I have gained 20 pounds. I have been favoring a bad knee, then a few days ago I partially tore my achilles, due to the altered gait protecting my knee. :-( I have had achilles tendonitis for 20 years, so this is not likely to heal well... In addition, my lower back has acted up. In addition, I had a melanoma which makes me afraid to swim outdoors. There is not an indoor pool nearby. OUCH!!!!

So. I decided I will be hungry for the rest of my life. That will be the new normal for me. I have lost 8 pounds (YAY). Here I am, out of work, in 2 cast-boots, with a bad knee, using crutches for more that 20 steps. Even grocery shopping is off my list of activities for now.

HELP! How to maintain a minimum level of muscle strength, and burn a few calories while non- weight bearing, without straining my back? I am not willing to give up. My brain, and heart, and hands still work, as my body fails me...
