I'm stuck



  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    almost 3 weeks now.
    i had the same thing, i upped my calories a little bit, to 1300. hit the gym again and boom 1.2lbs off. you dont need to do 1500, start with 1300 and see how you go. remember to drink plenty of water!
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Change how much you are eating. I alternate my calorie goals between 1 pound loss per week and 1.5 loss per week. The 1.5 is a little hard, and I usually end up exercising more so I can eat more, but it really helps with the plateau. I always eat back my exercise calories. As soon as I hit a plateau (1 week without a loss), I change the goal. I stick to that goal until I hit another plateau, and then I change it again. It really makes you stay accurate since you have to readjust how you eat.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Your body is most likely used to your routine now, which means your metabolism has slowed down and your body isn't getting "revved" up. Try changing up OR adding to your exercise routine. Incorporate some body weight exercises in there if your don't have access to weights. Try adding in some different forms of Cardio, etc. When it comes to exercising, it is good to keep that body of your guessing! Changing your regime often keeps your body out of a routine, which is good!
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    thanks everyone for your responses. For this week I will eat 1300/day and see what happens...Appreciate the help..:smile:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Do the treadmill "hill" option mode. I do this 5 days a week and am soaked with sweat in the end and burn over 500 calories 5 days a week....
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    thats the mode I use now on the treadmill.
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    You might try doing some strength training. The stronger your muscles are, the more calories you will burn doing just about anything, even resting. Granted, it's not something you can measure with MFP, but theoretically you would start losing weight again.

    Since people around here seem to doubt my word, I'll give a link to a reputable source to support what I'm saying: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/strength-training/HQ01710

    Good luck!

  • BRMiller0808
    I haven't lost much weight in the last month. HOWEVER, I have noticed a huge difference in my inches and overall strength and endurance. I think some of us put too much stock into the numbers on the scale. If you're at a healthy weight, than I wouldn't stress about it as much. I do think you should be upping your calories though. 1200 is the very minimum a woman should intake and that's assuming you're not very active. You need calories to burn the calories.

    Good luck!
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Forget the hours of endless cardio, if that's what you've been doing. Switch it up and try some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Find a local fitness group/centre/etc. that's offering these kind of classes, or just do some research on the internet and do them yourself. It's not difficult and it works. It can certainly break you out of your plateau. Plateaus come about because our body has figured out what it expects us to do, based on what we've been doing, and it adjusts to accept that as our "norm". Shaking things up throws our body into confusion and helps us break through our plateaus.
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    1200 calories was originally set because I have a desk job and really didnt exercise AT ALL. Now my husband and I have joined a gym and we go about 3x a week. I agree with everyone saying that my body is used to what I'm doing and its like its not a challenge anymore. I was never a big exercise person but I'm going to try jogging outside. I've joined weight watchers before and I know about changing the daily calories (mixing it up a bit to shock your system). I burn about 500-700 calories a week at the gym.
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    I do have a question and hope someone can please answer this. This week Im going to up my calories to 1300/day. If I exercise at the gym and burn say 250 calories, that makes it a total of 1550 calories for that day. Should I be eating all my daily calories including the ones I burn at the gym too?

  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,598 Member
    I do have a question and hope someone can please answer this. This week Im going to up my calories to 1300/day. If I exercise at the gym and burn say 250 calories, that makes it a total of 1550 calories for that day. Should I be eating all my daily calories including the ones I burn at the gym too?


    I never eat back all my exercise calories, only about half. I'm from Buffalo too! I thought that was UB in your picture :)
  • starlight38
    starlight38 Posts: 18 Member
    Yep it is. My son graduated in 2011 from Canisius College. Boy I hope it warms up, its still chilly outside
  • sexymuffintop
    I do have a question and hope someone can please answer this. This week Im going to up my calories to 1300/day. If I exercise at the gym and burn say 250 calories, that makes it a total of 1550 calories for that day. Should I be eating all my daily calories including the ones I burn at the gym too?


    Well if you don't eat them back you are netting 1015. Isn't this less than the amount you were plateauing on?
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    less than 10 percent of body weight should be ate in calories
    285=- 2850
    200- 2000
    300- 3000
    245- 2450
    275- 2750
    195- 1950

    No......just no.
  • skkm25
    skkm25 Posts: 9
    You might try a three day cleanse to reboot your body's metabolism. Drink 10 to 12 oz. of water before you eat and another 10 to 12 oz while you eat. Eat single ingredient foods. An example: breakfast - have 2 hard boiled eggs and a fruit, Mid-morning snack -:All-natural peanut butter on celery or low sodium crackers (2 Tablespoons of peanut butter). Lunch- 1/2 cup of non fat cottage cheese with a teaspoon or two of ground cinnamon and a fruit or vegetable. Mid-afternoon- non fat Greek yogurt and add berries. Dinner- Fish or ground turkey (use of spices really helps bring out the taste and also helps your body's metabolism) and have steamed veggies. It is simple and filling. Also add a cup of green tea to one or three meals.

    Best wishes to you: heart:
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    Absolutely change up how you eat and how you move if you've hit a plateau. Try carb cycling: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bbinfo.php?page=CarbCycling and remember to increase or change your exercise. I found the low-carb days difficult, but it did bust a plateau for me.

    Are you neglecting any one or more of: daily rest and relaxation, enough sleep, enough water? Give yourself each of those. Not getting enough of one can bottleneck weight loss, as stress and cortisol hold weight in your body.

    I vary my exercise between yoga, Jillian Michaels DVD's, aquajogging, running, walking through the week. My body never knows what I'm going to throw at it.

    I have lost 80lbs overall and have had plateaus that lasted for months regardless of what I did. Then it seemed that in an instant, I'd lose 5 more pounds. Bodies can be tricky, just keep doing what you're doing.
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    I have two more thoughts. First, see if you can change the carbs you're eating. Try going whole grain if you haven't already. Experiment with higher protein grains/faux grains like quinoa and buckwheat. Quinoa makes the best tabouli salad, used in place of bulgar wheat. I eat a lot of carbs, and as long as I don't overeat, I do just fine.

    The other one is a second on that recommendation to try a detox. There are a lot of them out there. My favorite (mind you, I've never done a proper detox, but when I do--which will hopefully be after I wean my baby--it will be this one) is the one available from modernmanna.org. It's a 10-day one, but I think they have a shorter version, or you could only use some of the products. In any case, as I understand it, toxins are stored in fat. Sometimes the body hangs on to the fat to keep from getting sick with the toxic load (which is another reason why losing weight too fast is not a good idea). You can read more about it here: http://www.wellnessresources.com/weight/articles/why_toxins_and_waste_products_impede_weight_loss_-_the_leptin_diet_weight_l/

    In any case, do experiment and don't be afraid to change things up. MFP isn't God and doesn't know exactly what you need. It can give you a starting point, but being here is a learning experience, and you'll hopefully figure out exactly what your body needs, with it's help and all of us. :)