fitbit question

Should I get one. Hardly computer literate so will I be able to get it to work. Don't own things like Ipods, bluetooth or a cell even. Do most of my exercising in a pool. Are they waterproof. Would it be worth the cost of the $100.00 for me. Thanks for any advice.


  • stephanieadorman
    stephanieadorman Posts: 31 Member
    The flex is waterproof and might be a good idea.

    Check out my fitbit profile, it's open to everyone and you can see the things it tracks.

    The benefit is you only have to wear it and it does everything for you :)
  • Lisa_D1989
    Lisa_D1989 Posts: 9 Member
    The flex is waterproof and might be a good idea.

    I was looking at the flex today and I think it's only water resistant. I don't think they recommend it for swimming.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes water resistant not proof. You might need some help to set it up if you aren't good with stuff like this but afterwards it's easy.