build up lean muscles - women's suggestions?

Wemen! Hello!
I am a female, 29 years old, I am trying to loose body fat to build lean muscles and tone everything up!
Any suggestions about the ideal work out to reach the best results?


  • alissadough84
    alissadough84 Posts: 95 Member
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Unfortunately you cannot build muscle on a deficit. You have to be eating at a calorie surplus to build/gain muscle. You can strengthen the muscle you have and prevent muscle loss as you lose, though. Check out Starting Strength, NROLFW, and Stronglifts.
  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    I love squats helps butt and thighs!! I m going to do the 30 day squat challenge. Also a kettle bell is really great for whole body toneing. On Youtube there are really great videos for kettle bells and toning work outs!!
  • sexymuffintop
    Unfortunately you cannot build muscle on a deficit. You have to be eating at a calorie surplus to build/gain muscle. You can strengthen the muscle you have and prevent muscle loss as you lose, though. Check out Starting Strength, NROLFW, and Stronglifts.

    This is the only advice i'd take on this thread so far, You can lose fat and reveal the muscle thats already there, but you won't build muscle whilst on a deficit. Also just to add, you don't need advice from women only, Men and women lose fat and increase muscle in exactly the same ways.
  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    Ok I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate from this but I have been lifting weights at a deficit since Feb 4 2013 I was 155lbs, size tight 15 I'm 4'10. I am now in a size 11 still 155 on the scales!! Everyone says wow you've lost weight but no I haven't, I lost 4 inches off my stomach and I fell so much stronger and better!! Apparently I'm a freak but I'll own it lol!!+
  • sexymuffintop
    Ok I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate from this but I have been lifting weights at a deficit since Feb 4 2013 I was 155lbs, size tight 15 I'm 4'10. I am now in a size 11 still 155 on the scales!! Everyone says wow you've lost weight but no I haven't, I lost 4 inches off my stomach and I fell so much stronger and better!! Apparently I'm a freak but I'll own it lol!!+

    Why would you get hate for that? It's awesome!! Thats what lifting does.