Little tricks

There's so much conflicting info out there, that I much prefer hearing what has or hasn't worked for people. I'm a big fan of green tea and any fruit teas (trying to reduce caffeine) and also adding chilli to my food when I can. What other tips do people have for losing weight? Small things that do eventually make a difference.

I look forward to seeing your tips!



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My favorite trick is that some movement is better than none. It is really hard for me to convince myself to work out, but if I can get in a few ten minute spurts here or there, it might actually happen.
  • mossy3
    mossy3 Posts: 6
    Have a glass of water with your meals, I found that really helped
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    There are a lot of little things can tip the weight loss scales in a persons favor. It has been suggested that people who fidget can burn up to 500 extra calories a day without really trying. Perhaps you could get into the toe-tapping habit.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    My favorite trick is that some movement is better than none. It is really hard for me to convince myself to work out, but if I can get in a few ten minute spurts here or there, it might actually happen.

    THIS is exactly what I have to do more times than not. I find that I get in more exercise this way at least.
  • JessicaJoanJarvis
    JessicaJoanJarvis Posts: 80 Member
    My favorite trick is that some movement is better than none. It is really hard for me to convince myself to work out, but if I can get in a few ten minute spurts here or there, it might actually happen.

    Yeah I find even if I make myself do half hour walking or ten minutes hula hooping I feel better for it.
  • JessicaJoanJarvis
    JessicaJoanJarvis Posts: 80 Member
    Have a glass of water with your meals, I found that really helped

    I have been trying to up my water intake, I've been making a jug of juice and trying to get through it whilst I study
  • JessicaJoanJarvis
    JessicaJoanJarvis Posts: 80 Member
  • mossy3
    mossy3 Posts: 6
    The problem I found with juice is the sugar content .... Even the no added sugar ones still have plenty in:(

    Coffee with no sugar and no milk has 1-2 cals depending on how strong you have it ;)
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    There's so much conflicting info out there, that I much prefer hearing what has or hasn't worked for people. I'm a big fan of green tea and any fruit teas (trying to reduce caffeine) and also adding chilli to my food when I can. What other tips do people have for losing weight? Small things that do eventually make a difference.

    I look forward to seeing your tips!


    There's nothing wrong with a moderate amount of caffeine; studies show it improves brain acuity. Of course, if you don't drink coffee and tea black than plain green tea will be fewer calories.

    I like bottled water. The tap water in my city is no longer good. Sometimes I'll add freshly squeezed lemon, or a little key lime juice from a bottle.
  • snowmoon13
    snowmoon13 Posts: 165 Member
    a small salad with lunch and dinner..

    Let your spice draw be your friend.. flavor beyond salt and pepper ... If my brain thinks it's getting burritos or sesame noddles my taste buds seem happy ...
  • JessicaJoanJarvis
    JessicaJoanJarvis Posts: 80 Member
    Mines usually robinsons and I don't have it too strong. See I was drinking black coffee then I saw a video on lean secrets saying that coffee can make it harder to lose weight !!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    The problem I found with juice is the sugar content .... Even the no added sugar ones still have plenty in:(

    Coffee with no sugar and no milk has 1-2 cals depending on how strong you have it ;)

    I'm still on my quest for coffee I can drink black. I tried Stumptown today. It's OK. I think my brewing method needs refinement.
  • JessicaJoanJarvis
    JessicaJoanJarvis Posts: 80 Member
    a small salad with lunch and dinner..

    Let your spice draw be your friend.. flavor beyond salt and pepper ... If my brain thinks it's getting burritos or sesame noddles my taste buds seem happy ...

    My dinners and lunches are pretty much salad with some protein anyway :(
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    Ezekiel bread (but only if it's toasted) is a much healthier and nutrient rich bread option than merely whole grain.

    Vinegar or lemon juice are great on steamed veggies instead of butter, and great on salads instead of dressing.

    Mustard is super low calories and carbs, and if you increase the use of mustard you can cut down or eliminate mayo and hardly notice.

    Eggs are fantastic, too.

    For a sweet tooth, skinny cow ice cream sandwiches are good, or a piece of dark chocolate.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    Eat slower to get full faster.

    And don't neglect fats. My morning oatmeal filled me up, but by mid-morning I was hungry again. I started adding a bit of coconut oil, and now it keeps me full till lunch.

    And skip the artificial sweeteners. They sabotage you.

    And stick with kids sizes, when you're eating something bad. A happy meal is better fast-food than a king-size. And a "fun-size" Snickers is better than a full size.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    And the biggest thing is that if you "mess up" and totally blow your calorie limit or skip your workout, don't let it be the a step onto a slippery slope. Just get back up and start right back to it. Somebody wise on the forums said "you don't drown because you fall in the water, you drown because you STAY in the water.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    My trick is to eat at a deficit. It's ~magical~.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Don't drink your calories

    Eat a salad every day, either a big one as a meal, or small as a side.

    Color your plate. (meaning fill your plate with colorful vegetables)

    Log everything.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    My trick is to eat at a deficit. It's ~magical~.

    Psh weight loss can't be that simple! You have to follow strict diets that force you to eat ABC at times 1,2,3 and not eat any carbs, fats or proteins.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    To keep myself satisfied when I want to eat but i'm not hungry I chew Extra Dessert gum and drink lots of water / tea.

    I picked up a personal tea infuser to carry with me and different types of loose leaf tea. The tea tastes amazing by itself and I feel like I'm treating myself but I'm not consuming calories. My personal favorite is Chocolate Banana Foster Herbal Tea. Yum

    Caffeine isn't going to destroy your weight loss journey. Don't be afraid to drink it. I have caffeine daily, usually a diet soda and never had a problem losing weight as long as I have kept my calories intake lower than my calories burned.