Annoyed. No Loss. Need to Vent

It's been 2 months since I've lost any weight. I actually gained back 5lbs from being sick.

I tried out Jillian Michaels' plan - nothing. I figured I shouldve lost SOMETHING with her plan. It is restrictive. I was on 1400 cals/day and exercising - she doesn't allow for eating back exercise calories. I figured at 330lbs that shouldn't matter - at my weight starvation mode isn't going to be an issue and I'm not a big believer in that at my weight anyway.

So...I decided to go back to the MFP levels of 1700 cals per day and see if that helps again.

I eat a good balance of carbs/proteins/fats. I don't eat junk, only drink water.

I'm frustrated. I feel better than I have in years so I'm happy about that. I just wish this weight would shift!

I sent a txt to a friend of mine who's a wrestler and personal trainer asking for advice. He runs a gym but it's too far for me to get to :( I'm anxious to see if he has any advice for me.


  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    have you gotten your measurements taken? is it possible you are loosing inches and its just not reflecting on the scale cause of muscle gain?

    I'm frustrated too...its my own fault I weighed myself almost every day this week and tues and weds I was at 173 my goal weight for this week (friday is my weigh in day) and then again this morning I weighed myself and I'm back to 174.
  • apexmomof5
    apexmomof5 Posts: 16
    Have you ruled out a medical issue? My sister had unexplained weight gain tied to an endocrine issue.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I agree with you. You need to eat more calories. I don't believe you have to eat back all your exercise but some of them. Mess around with your numbers and see what shifts your weight, I bet the increase in calories will. Good luck
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    No inches lost either :(

    I've have had every test done known to man - no medical issues either.

    I think I just need to be patient. The first 25lbs seemed effortless - wanted the whole journey to be that way too :)
  • ruthcooper
    ruthcooper Posts: 22 Member
    It is a frustration for me, too. Sticking to 1200 cal/day, good mix of healthy fats/carbs/proteins, no junk. Some exercise-more than before I started. Been keeping track of every morsel for 90 days........lost about 5 pounds in first two months, but nothing since then. Goal was to lose 15, would settle for another 5 pounds. Biggest disappointment is no loss of inches around waist.
  • CarlGleave
    CarlGleave Posts: 46 Member
    ok i can see you have lost 25lbs so well ****ing done!!!!!!!!!

    my advise have a week off eat ****e and start again see if you can shock your body!!!!!!!!

    also are you measuring your portions right?

    i was very supprised how little 30g of cornflakes is i just to eat more like 100g thinking it was 30g

    just an idea again well done on the 25lbs lost
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I've only been losing small amounts like 0.8 lbs and 0.4 lbs for the last two weeks. I'm trying to shake up my exercise and do different things to break through and I'm hoping fir better results this week. That being said, I understand what you feel like. I have more than 100 lbs to lose and I keep thinking that by eating a healthy amount of calories and exercising, the weight should be flying off. My husband, who eats complete crap, got on the scale the other day and had lost 5lbs. It's infuriating. What I have decided to do is just hang in there. However long it takes to break through just don't stop trying!! Good luck!
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I have been the same way, I have actually gained 5 lbs since April 21st. I upped my calories and changed up my exercise (I eat back my calories) and about 3 weeks into it I finally dropped 2 lbs and have maintained it for a week. Hold your head up hang in there and listen to the great advice on this site and we will get through this!
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    1. You've hit a plateau. This happens to everyone. This is not my first go round with the down side of the journey. This is where I always lose track. It's time to recommit yourself. Even if you've been working hard all the way, you are going to hit a plateau. This does not mean however that you will not start losing weight again. It just means that you need to change things up in order to stay in the game until that time. Find a new class to take, grab a new book on nutrition or add a new strength routine to your workout.

    2. Don't rule out a medical problem until you've had your thyroid tested. You may have already, but if the doctor has not tested your thyroid ask him/her to do so. Its estimated that more people have thyroid conditions than have heart disease and breast cancer put together. The problem is modern science still doesn't entirely understand how the endocrine system works, so it's hard to pin point when someone has Hypo/Hyperthyroidism if exactly the right tests are not run. It's worth asking. (Trust me.)

    3. Finally, don't lose faith in the simple "Eat Right and Exercise" mentality. It works...we know it will never stop working. You just have to stick to it.

    You can do it!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    ok i can see you have lost 25lbs so well ****ing done!!!!!!!!!

    my advise have a week off eat ****e and start again see if you can shock your body!!!!!!!!

    also are you measuring your portions right?

    i was very supprised how little 30g of cornflakes is i just to eat more like 100g thinking it was 30g

    just an idea again well done on the 25lbs lost

    Thanks. I do measure my food. I bought a food scale when I first started this change. I knew I was eating WAY too much so I wanted to control that first. I knew that would be they key to my success. Then I cut out all the junky stuff.
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Have you tried zig zagging? I keep hearing this it the key to get out of those plateaus...
  • mak1272
    mak1272 Posts: 3
    Don't feel bad I have been working out for 6 weeks now and I have the exercise routine down put I will lose 3 or 4 pounds and just just it right back on. I know my body is changing because I can see it in my clothes but boy is really makes me angry to step on the scale and see nothing or to have gained a pound. I am watching what I eat and don't really snack on junk but I need help!!!!! I just wish I could lose the weight ...
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    Have you tried zig zagging? I keep hearing this it the key to get out of those plateaus...

    No, havent tried it yet. I was on one website that gave me really high calorie numbers to consume - 2600-3400 and that really scared me. LOL! I'll have to look into that more.

    I think I'll take everyone's advice and change things up a bit.

    Ive received some PMs about making my diary public - I wont [have issues with people criticizing what I eat - stems from childhood when no matter what I ate, my mom would always say "god, do you need to get fatter?!"] but I pretty much eat the same thing daily:

    Breakfast : Whole wheat bagel w/2 egg whites and FF cheddar
    Lunch/Dinner: Chicken Breast w/ Veggies [usually broccoli or cauliflower - I cant digest raw veggies so I have to eat them cooked].
    Snacks: Fruit, Nuts, FF Dairy.

    I sometimes indulge in popcorn.

    Off topic: We get quotes at work daily and this one just came in...thought it was appropriate:

    When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you. Author: Lao-tzu
  • mak1272
    mak1272 Posts: 3
    I don't mean to sound dumb but what is zig zagging? I am really trying to lose the weight but it isn't coming off. I workout 4 to 5 times a week and have been doing this for about 6 weeks. I joined the site in March and have actually gained 2 pounds since then. Can someone please give me some ideas of what to do at this point...... I need to get out of this slump...
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    This will give you an idea of zig-zagging.
  • mak1272
    mak1272 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the web site. I checked it out and it is very interesting. I will have to try that. So do you count all your calories and are you following a strick diet?
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I count all of my calories - I weigh and measure my food. I dont think my diet's too strict - 1700 calories. I sometimes eat my exercise calories but only if Im hungry. If not then I dont force it. During exercise I burn 1100 an hour.
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I count all of my calories - I weigh and measure my food. I dont think my diet's too strict - 1700 calories. I sometimes eat my exercise calories but only if Im hungry. If not then I dont force it. During exercise I burn 1100 an hour.

    Your burning 1100 an hour? Doing what!! Is this what mfp says or do you wear something that takes your heart rate? I have a HRM and i have never burned near that much in an hour! Tell me the secert!!!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I count all of my calories - I weigh and measure my food. I dont think my diet's too strict - 1700 calories. I sometimes eat my exercise calories but only if Im hungry. If not then I dont force it. During exercise I burn 1100 an hour.

    Your burning 1100 an hour? Doing what!! Is this what mfp says or do you wear something that takes your heart rate? I have a HRM and i have never burned near that much in an hour! Tell me the secert!!!

    I bought a Polar HRM and it's no secret...I just do HIIT workouts with heavy weights. Now...keep in mind that I do weigh 330lbs so the more a person weighs, the more they'll burn. I also dont do a full hour all at once - I do 2 workouts 1 in the morning and 1 before bed. There's a lot of people here who weigh less than me and burn the same amount. Guess it depends on the workout.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    It was around the 25 lbs lost mark when I hit a plateau. I read all the posts that others suggested... Eating more/less, zig zagging, changing up exercise, increasing/decreasing exercise, being patient (which I'm horrible with), etc. Then, I read a post about coffee and water intake. It may not seem like much, but I cut my coffee back to 1-2 cups a day (yes, it's caffeinated) and drinking 8 or more glasses of water. By the end of that week, the pounds started coming off again.
    I just got the Biggest Loser for the Wii. One of the tips mentioned there: If you hit a plateau, increase your water blah, blah, blah. I wish I had had that tip back then. lol

    Anyway, you might try adding 1-2 more glasses of water to your intake. I didn't have to change anything else. Also, I don't eat back the exercise calories. My dietician, my endocrinologist and a good friend on here who's lost a lot, all said not to do that. I know some choose to do so and everyones body is different.

    Good luck!!! :)