Little tricks



  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    Enter food in your diary in advance. That way when you get hungry you already know what your meal will be and you won't get tempted by standing in front of the open refrigerator trying to decide what to eat.
  • casecarroll33
    Try eating small portions 5 times a day! Also, eating at a deficit has helped me :) drinking lots of water! Good luck!
  • TillyTick
    TillyTick Posts: 11 Member
    I like orange ice lollies when I need something sweet. They are tasty but not many cals
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Mine is lift weights......heavy :)
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Apart from just tracking everything accurately and watching my macros, fiber, and sodium, the biggest useful change has been to start drinking my coffee black. I used to put away a cup of whole milk with my coffee every morning, and untold amounts of half and half later in the day. Now my coffee habit doesn't add calories to my intake.
    The problem I found with juice is the sugar content .... Even the no added sugar ones still have plenty in:(

    Coffee with no sugar and no milk has 1-2 cals depending on how strong you have it ;)

    I'm still on my quest for coffee I can drink black. I tried Stumptown today. It's OK. I think my brewing method needs refinement.

    I have a major Stumptown habit, and here's how I make it taste good at home: I use filtered cold water, I use a decent burr grinder, and I have a BonaVita drip coffee maker that is simply amazing. It's very well designed, easy to clean, and makes great coffee every time.

    ETA: if you don't want to spring for a BonaVita, Chemex is a good low-tech alternative, and they use it at Stumptown so it is coffee-douche-approved. It's a bit time-consuming, though.
  • pongwiffy
    Eating mostly vegetables, fruit, and meat always helps me stay full. My problem seems to be eating way too much high calorie food (which mostly comes from bread and cheese for me). I find that when I make a vegetable-laden meal I can stay full for longer.

    Also, if I do eat restaurant food or whatever, I try to have it at lunch time so I have a bit more energy to last the day and more time to burn it off. I try to make supper the lightest meal of the day. Works for me, anyway.
  • meaningful99
    Fiber is filling. Eating high-fiber foods makes me less likely to get hungry and make poor choices. Vegetables, beans, whole grains, fruit, popcorn -- a full belly gives you strength to resist things that will wreck your plan.
  • JessicaJoanJarvis
    JessicaJoanJarvis Posts: 80 Member
    Bump :)
  • Mikemax125
    Mikemax125 Posts: 108
    One tip that works for me when shredding out is I never let my total fats + total carbs surpass my total Protein. Ex: if my goal is 250grams of protein my total fats +total carbs will not exceed that number. Another tip is, drink a glass of water with 1 serving of psyllium husk fiber(metamucil) for breakfast and 1 serving for dinner everyday.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    High fiber and high protein water water and more water and cup of black coffee or green tea once a day

    Oh this may be silly to some but a half of grape fruit to your diet
    " Grapefruit is very nutritious. It is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants and is high in lycopene, which may reduce the chance of certain types of cancer. Also, grapefruit is fat-free and low in sodium. White or red, grapefruit helps to promote a healthy diet
  • laurajcrampton
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Don't drink your calories.

    Research low calorie foods and use them, also never keep junky, high calorie foods in the house.

    Switching to splenda and low fat milk made me drop weight like crazy.

    But I also use slim pasta, chocolate fish (imported from New Zealand), cup-a-soups, Soleil yogurt and low joule jelly to help me along.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Substitute sugar with stevia personally I believe it's better then sweet n low and Splenda there has been studies that they may cause health risk along with cause food cravings which in the end your better off sticking to natural sugar to begin with!

    Oh and don't forget to calculate condiments in your calorie intake
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    Mine is this: Before I eat something, I try to evaluate - do I want to eat it because I'm hungry or am (seriously) craving it. Or am I bored?

    I do satisfy cravings, I just measure the portions out and accommodate within my allotted calories. But if I'm just fidgety, I'll substitute with carrots (nice and crunchy) or a glass of water or something.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    Have a glass of water with your meals, I found that really helped

    A glass of water half an hr before or half an hr after meals help, else the food does not get digested(dilutes the digestive fluids) and remains stored as fat!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Have a glass of water with your meals, I found that really helped

    A glass of water half an hr before or half an hr after meals help, else the food does not get digested(dilutes the digestive fluids) and remains stored as fat!

    What? So, because the food doesn't get digested it gets stored as fat? So how does it become fat? By digestion maybe? Now I'm not saying that drinking a lot of liquids with a dinner could not dilute your stomach acid, but I'm not seeing how this will turn stuff into fat.

    Do you have any sources for this?
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    Smaller snacks through out the day instead of larger meals three times a day.
    For example I pack a lunch, but I don't eat it all at once, just pick at it throughout the day.

    Not putting extra condiments on.
    I've cut cheese out for the most part.
  • PipBnz
    PipBnz Posts: 49 Member
    Telling myself that if i'm not hungry enough to eat healthy then i'm NOT HUNGRY....its just a craving.

    Having regular rest days (1-2 a week depending on how hard i've been going at work and gym).....

    Mixing up exercise....1 kettlebell day, 2 run days, 2 gym cardio & weights days and 1 hot yoga day mixed up through the week

    And logging.....logging EVERYTHING is what has kept me going on the right track :smile:
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Cook as much as possible from scratch - then I know exactly what is in it and can alter the portions sensibly. And before I eat something, first - do i really want to spend those caloies I just "earned", then have some water or make a cup of tea and get half-way down before I decide if I really want it- often we think we're hungry but actually thirsty!