motivation REALLY NEEDED!! :(

i been slacking around, dining out, just eating bad...
the past 2-2.5 months now. i just started dieting in january!
i cant get back on track :(

any motivation, help...ANYTHING will be appreciated!

I am moving to another country in 6 weeks, and i d like somewhere between 3 and 7 kg more to lose! i know that the 7 might only be possible if i eat really good and up to my calories every day, no cheating!

i am about to give up on myself! i really need some help!


  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Motivation has to be found from within. If you want it bad enough you will buckle down and do it.
  • bulkbrah89
    bulkbrah89 Posts: 15 Member
    Pull your socks up or i will pay you a visit...
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    pay me a visit? haha.. uh what?

    yeah i know, it all needs to restart in my head... i will try and make a shopping list for the rest of the week, so i only buy food that i need!
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    when you mean no cheating do you mean no going over calorie count or no eating yummy naughty stuff? I have found that when I work out hard core I earn enough calories to eat something (small) naughty and still net 1200. I do super low calories for 1 meal and eat pretty normal for the rest. (a cup of carrots and 2 tbsp of peanut butter fills me up fast! but doesn't up my calories like crazy)

    You have made progress simply by acknowledging that you need to pick yourself back up. Remember- it isn't over until you quit! We all fall down but if we keep going it makes our story more admirable.

    (i just started a few days ago)
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    It's not how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get back up. (Author Unknown)
  • kpile1
    kpile1 Posts: 5
    You did mention shopping and going to a new city in the same post...I think you shold hold off buying yourself anything new until you have reached a goal weight! That always gets my butt in gear!
  • lagardenista
    think of where you are moving... the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself, start fresh, and not take any past baggage with you. so, imagine yourself meeting new people and feeling amazing about yourself. In order to take the happy, fresh, fantastic "you" with you, then you gotta get with it, girl.
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    rebby, thanks for the advise. but since i am moving in June, i cant do a gym membership anymore, i cancelled mine in february, since i was bound to 12 months. ever since then i am just trying to walk as much as i can, and make little exercise at home.
    its just hard to get back on track, while i was losing weight, i had "over calories" only every once in a while, and it worked out fine, now i see me dining out way more, eating wrong.. just cheating on myself. i can hold my weight, but i dont loose. i just need more "good" days again!
    with cheating i mean yummy nasty food that takes me over my calories with one meal!
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    You did mention shopping and going to a new city in the same post...I think you shold hold off buying yourself anything new until you have reached a goal weight! That always gets my butt in gear!

    with the shopping i meant shopping for foods. i make a list for the whole week, and only buy what i need, so i dont have any binge food at home, and i dont tend to go out dining, cuz it would be a waste of food that i bought and have sitting at home.
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    think of where you are moving... the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself, start fresh, and not take any past baggage with you. so, imagine yourself meeting new people and feeling amazing about yourself. In order to take the happy, fresh, fantastic "you" with you, then you gotta get with it, girl.

    that was the plan when i started! i just had too much binging lately!
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    Do you have before and afters? Look at those, take a photo of where you are and compare! I know when I'm slacking its usually because I'm in denial about what my body is really doing. I had a scale that told me I was 205 no matter what, and I wouldn't let people take pictures of me cause I looked terrible in them. It took a new scale (I weighed over 240!) and someone taking a picture that "wasn't too bad" of me that I didn't delete to compare to what I used to look like to realize I needed to do something.
  • m_m_bowen
    My motivation is getting out my favorite pair of jeans and not getting them above my hips. :( Find something to inspire you....get a reward to look forward in July I want to buy myself a new beautiful I want to be to my goal by July 1st. Good luck....
  • sav483
    sav483 Posts: 1 Member
    For me, it is all the negativity that I experienced that gives me motivation. Like the other guy said, find it in oneself
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    u can do it i started in jan also
    and have lost 18 pounds so far
    feel free to ad d me as a friend
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    It's not how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get back up. (Author Unknown)
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    Do you have before and afters? Look at those, take a photo of where you are and compare! I know when I'm slacking its usually because I'm in denial about what my body is really doing. I had a scale that told me I was 205 no matter what, and I wouldn't let people take pictures of me cause I looked terrible in them. It took a new scale (I weighed over 240!) and someone taking a picture that "wasn't too bad" of me that I didn't delete to compare to what I used to look like to realize I needed to do something.

    i took some pics when i was around 80 kilos, i am 77 now. so i wont see much difference. i forgot to take pics when i started at 84.
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member

    Here's my before and current, i know its my journey but maybe you can get something out of it
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    Quit finding excuses to not do it and look for some to motivate you. New clothes when you get where your going, a trip, whatever your thing might be, reward yourself if you stick to it.

    Now put on those big girl panties, pull them up nice and firm and get moving!!! :laugh:
  • sabimausl85
    sabimausl85 Posts: 219 Member
    Quit finding excuses to not do it and look for some to motivate you. New clothes when you get where your going, a trip, whatever your thing might be, reward yourself if you stick to it.

    Now put on those big girl panties, pull them up nice and firm and get moving!!! :laugh:
    what are you talking about, excuses?
    the gym, ok, but what should i do? join a gym for 6 more weeks? i am moving out of country! all the moving stuff, selling, cancelling contracts, personal stuff, my relationship... its hard enough for me right now, joining a gym, explaining them all the stuff that i only need 6 weeks... idk about that.
    but i said i move around as much as i can! extra long dog walks, some little workouts at home if i find some time.
  • lobo_a_gogo
    lobo_a_gogo Posts: 265 Member
    Make sure you regularly take pictures. I know that is what has been keeping me motivated. Also, looking at pictures in the "success story" thread always makes me inspired because I get jealous and can't wait till I can post my "before and after" rather than my "before and during"