Need friends for support

Lost 40 lbs, gained 20 back, then lost 18 lbs of the twenty I gained back. Trying hard to stay on the path and could use a few more friends to keep me there. Tired of riding a roller coaster!


  • ashleexmarie
    I know the feeling. I'll lose ten then gain seven only to lose it again and gain it right back. We need to just keep working hard and staying on track! Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm on a mission.... I aim to have completely turned myself around by the end of the year.
    Fel free to add me
  • julesL1975
    Been playing the yo yo diet game and am in need of support. Feel free to add me.
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have gained and lost the same 18 pounds for the last two years. I am going to start low carb tomorrow. I have no friends on MFP I would like friends but having friends with ppl who have 70 80 friends doesnt work for me.
    Feel free to add me for support. But I will let you know in advance Ill need support back:flowerforyou:
  • garob57
    garob57 Posts: 7
    Well...Looking at the bright side...atleast your loosing some before you gain. You could be just gaining like me, but atleast it's stopped. Exercising and eating better has stopped the gain, my goal now is to start rolling it back. I love this sight, it has it all.
  • nvstlrgrl
    nvstlrgrl Posts: 70 Member
    Also looking for a few friends for support. I don't have many, and I do log in every day. Feel free to add me.
  • tgcitw
    tgcitw Posts: 19
    Awesome start, thanks to all my new friends. I work out a bit and I have some really good nutrition information ( yes I am a walking oxymoron ) and I also have a personnel trainer who I actually believe is a superhero at night and he loves to answer questions so if I can be any help please let me know. You support me and I will support you! Night everyone.
  • gowrirao81
    gowrirao81 Posts: 139 Member
    Sending you a friend request .. I have yo-yo'd for years too .. happy to support you! :smile:
  • texasokie
    texasokie Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me also if you need more friends. I'm starting to get into walking and am beginning the C25k program.
  • yogagirltrista
    yogagirltrista Posts: 9 Member
    I've yo-yo'd for years, too. I'm just getting back into logging my food and exercise. I was at my best just before I had my 2nd daughter (11 years ago). I'll exercise and eat right and then the baked goods do me in and I gain weight. I'd be happy to support you and I could use all the support I can get. :happy:
  • yuko120
    yuko120 Posts: 36
    I've went up and down 30~50lb easily my whole life. This is the heaviest I've ever been, so no more fad diets. I'm doing it the healthy way by eating right and exercising. Feel free to add me for support :wink: