Who's doing Insanity? Friends?



  • I'm doing Insanity; I started Wednesday. Love it so far, but this is only the beginning..anyone else just starting? Add me! I need motivation! :D
  • PinkGemini612
    PinkGemini612 Posts: 63 Member
    Insanity isn't for me! I have it and I've started it a few times and I can't stick with it. Right now I'm doing the P90X/TurboFire Hybrid. So far so good, it's only been a few days. ;)
  • Starting Monday 4/22/13....but just put in the fit test today to try it out. Almost died after 15 min...so embarrassing lol I will definitely need motivation!!!
  • bllecroy
    bllecroy Posts: 31
    Started today! I loved my P90X results, but this one is going to be tough. I need some insanity friends. Add me if you'd like.
  • I'm on day 6 of Insanity. Just now getting over the muscle soreness. Way out of shape and using muscles I didn't even know I had. Got on the scale today and gained a few lbs. I was like no way! So, after researching I found that your body protects itself and the muscle soreness are tiny tears in the muscle tissue and the body retains water to heal the tissue. They say this should go away in a couple of weeks. Hope this helps anyone that is getting discouraged in the first week like me. But, push on and "dig deeper" and will see great results soon!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Today starts Week 4 Day 1 for me. So 22 days into Insanity. Shall be doing it when I get home from school later on tonight. Not looking forward to month 2. Just thought I'd say that. It's getting pretty close. Damn you ShaunT!
  • taciturnity
    taciturnity Posts: 69 Member
    Today starts Week 4 Day 1 for me. So 22 days into Insanity. Shall be doing it when I get home from school later on tonight. Not looking forward to month 2. Just thought I'd say that. It's getting pretty close. Damn you ShaunT!

    I know! I'm in recovery week, and then to the MAX workouts. I'm so nervous!!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Today starts Week 4 Day 1 for me. So 22 days into Insanity. Shall be doing it when I get home from school later on tonight. Not looking forward to month 2. Just thought I'd say that. It's getting pretty close. Damn you ShaunT!

    I know! I'm in recovery week, and then to the MAX workouts. I'm so nervous!!

    As you should be! Have you seen the videos on YouTube? Gah, I'm terrified! LOL we'll make it through. Even if we have to curse him and his whole team out and cry afterwards. Good luck! I'll be there soon.
  • Tomorrow I do the second fit test. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I don't feel like I've gotten a whole lot better, lol.
  • I started but I'm not doing it consecutively because it's noisy and I live with family right now. So, on the days I can't do it I'm going to do walking and regular quiet stuff.. lol Day 2 is my next thing to do next.
  • kitty710
    kitty710 Posts: 11 Member
    I am on day 1 and judging by the fit test its going to be a lot of hard work but with great results!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Today starts Week 4 Day 1 for me. So 22 days into Insanity. Shall be doing it when I get home from school later on tonight. Not looking forward to month 2. Just thought I'd say that. It's getting pretty close. Damn you ShaunT!

    I did my first month two workout last night. The toughest thing is fit test and then another hour. I wouldn't say the workout itself was harder than month one as such just longer and a lot of the moves are combined. Dreading Max Plyo tonight though as I hated Plyo in month one.

    I've lost 3lb since starting (big whoop :grumble:) and can't say I'm not a bit disappointed it's not been more but I am seeing big changes in my progress pics.
  • New to this so apologies if it's a simple question...

    Just started this morning. Damn good workout. I've done a lot of circuit training over the years and Insanity seem to be another HIIT / circuit type class.

    In terms of adding an Insanity session to the diary, should I just use a circuit class or is there something else more suitable?

    Thanks, Phil
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    New to this so apologies if it's a simple question...

    Just started this morning. Damn good workout. I've done a lot of circuit training over the years and Insanity seem to be another HIIT / circuit type class.

    In terms of adding an Insanity session to the diary, should I just use a circuit class or is there something else more suitable?

    Thanks, Phil

    A heart rate monitor would be the best really but if you can't get one then callisthenics seems to be the most accurate for the workouts and then the 'recovery' one once a week is best logged as yoga I found
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Started my second round. Moving to Asylum next year. I guess you could call it expensive...


    It's not the cost of gas to drive to a gym, its not the cost of a gym membership, its not the cost of time waiting to use machines, and traveling.

    So, I see it as cost effective.
  • A heart rate monitor would be the best really but if you can't get one then callisthenics seems to be the most accurate for the workouts and then the 'recovery' one once a week is best logged as yoga I found
    OK, I just compared circuits to calisthenics and they're the exact same calorific value for the time elapsed. Many thanks.
  • Smamfa
    Smamfa Posts: 139 Member
    Started with the fit test today! WOW!! Feeling it in my arms at the minute! Slightly shaky LOL! Day 2 here I come!
  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    On rest day about to start week 2! Woohooo! Definitely a love hate relationship! Hahahaha!
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member
    I am starting P90X from tomorrow. Bring it on! ;)
  • bnjones23
    bnjones23 Posts: 86 Member
    I am starting day 43 today!! These Max workouts are no joke!! We can be buddies!!! :) I also post pics and stuff about my Insanity journey on FB if you want to check it out! www.facebook.com/CoachBrandy