How many in this

Hey there, i am newish to the site and thought id make a post.

I had a busy day today with all the house work stuff that i thought id pop to my local shop and just grab something quick for the micro so i could get my kids from school before i was just too hungry, thing was one of the cans is not on here and i can find nothing about it on the net for the nutrition so i was wondering if anyone else on here knew about it so i can put in the right info to keep track of my daily intake right

The product and yes i know its not the best for me is Traders Minced beef and onion in a 392 can

so if anyone knows what the cals ect ect are in this it would be great but i dont think i will be buying it again as it was more gravy than mince lol


  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    is there nothing on the label?
  • baldric1331
    baldric1331 Posts: 30 Member
    Nothing at all not even a website only thing it had was a PO Box on it which is no help at all lol
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    Wow. That's a tough one. I guess the only thing you can do is estimate it by entering the main ingredients into your food log [the beef, onions and gravy]. You'll have to guesstimate the actual amt. of each though.
  • baldric1331
    baldric1331 Posts: 30 Member
    yea what i did was to search and it seems asda have one that sounds the same so used that one for now