Bob Harper's Skinny Rules



    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
  • melodylyn73
    melodylyn73 Posts: 505 Member
  • FitterFaith
    FitterFaith Posts: 34 Member
    i havent got the book, but had a skim on the net. What is the concept behind going to bed hungry in one of his rules?

    There are two thing I like about going to bed hungry. You now that flat stomach feeling you get when your laying down on back in bed and your stomach is not all gorged and bloated. You know when almost feel thin for a minute. When you digested your dinner four hours before going to bed, well you get it and I love it. Also, I wake up starving and so ready for breakfast. I risk not being hungry as soon as I wake up if I eat late.
  • debracornelius
    debracornelius Posts: 3 Member
    I am using the book to get (back) on track with my healthy lifestyle goals and share about it here
  • Giggles40
    Giggles40 Posts: 66 Member
    Does anyone have the Jump Start To Skinny Rules???

  • patty1949
    patty1949 Posts: 20 Member
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    He lost me at eating breakfast and going to bed hungry. I always make sure to skip breakfast and lunch and go to bed stuffed after eating a nice big ice cream cone (yes, I eat ice cream every night) and I'm 5lbs underweight.
  • healthy4five
    healthy4five Posts: 11 Member
  • ldbuster0
    ldbuster0 Posts: 207
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    I'm basically a Bob junkie, but when I got the book I didn't realize that he's no longer a vegan, so a lot of the recipes in the book include meat (I'm a vegan so obviously I was disappointed).

    Here are all the rules (I'm really boiling them down, so if you're curious about any of these I would recommend buying the book, because it is an encouraging read:

    1) Drink one large glass of water before every meal - no excuses!

    2) Don't drink your calories (basically, avoid lattes and sodas and juices because they pack a lot of calories)
    -- Drink your calories if you want to... just keep under your TDEE

    3) Eat protein at every meal (to keep you full)
    4) Slash intake of refined flour and replace it with whole grains
    5) Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day to keep your digestive system moving

    6) Eat apples and berries every single day (for the nutrients and fiber)
    ** Eat any form of fruit and vegetable.. not sure why it's apples and berries

    7) No carbs after lunch (because carbs are primarily for energy, so if you eat them for dinner and don't workout after dinner, they could compel your body to store fat).
    ** No... eat carbs whenever you want to. Carbs don't get stored as fat unless you are over your TDEE

    8) Learn to read food labels (this section was actually pretty educational)
    9) Stop guessing portion sizes (basically, read the portion sizes before you consume a whole bag of chips and find out it was 10 portions)

    10) No more added sweeteners (because it wets your palate for sweet-tasting foods. I've actually adhered by this rule and it has really helped to curb my cravings).
    ** Not everyone needs to cut out sweeteners. A lot of people have no issues with them.

    11) Make one day a week meatless

    12) No white potatoes
    ** NOthing wrong with white potatotes

    13) No fast food or fried food
    * NOthing wrong with fast food or fried food now and again

    14) Eat a real breakfast (to jump start your metabolism)
    * You would think with him being so into fitness he would have some basic knowledge. This one is false.

    15) Eat at least 10 meals a week at home (basically, cook more)
    16) Banish high-salt foods
    17) Eat your vegetables!

    18) Go to bed hungry (stop eating about 3 hours before you go to bed, that way two hours into sleep your body will start burning fat stores)
    ** Eay when you are hungry. You will still burn fat even if you eat IN bed. Timing makes no difference.

    19) Make sure you sleep enough and that your sleep is quality, because it will really help you lose weight and give you energy for exercise.
    20) Plan one splurge meal a week where you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want, but only one meal.

    Hope that helped!

    Please see notes above.

    I used to love the Biggest Loser and the trainers. They now just push the latest fad. Jillian with her name on detoxes, cleanses and diet pills and Bob with his crap rules..

    Please don't follow this junk. These people will put their names on anything and say anything to make a buck.
  • Think I will be buying this book - thanks :flowerforyou:
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    Copied it actually sounds pretty good.. i'll try it, starting tomorrow originally after reading "no white potatoes" i was like not for me, and the no carbs after 3... good thing i have my dinner before 3 lol jk.. but sounds pretty good and doable...
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    Bump for later
  • Stampermom4
    Stampermom4 Posts: 1 Member
    I just watched Bob this morning on the Today Show. He said this was a "Jumpstart to Skinny". He only recommends it for 3-4 weeks. You are then supposed to resume to a more "normal" diet. HTH! :smile:
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    Bump for later
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member

    5) Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day to keep your digestive system moving

    8) Learn to read food labels (this section was actually pretty educational)

    9) Stop guessing portion sizes (basically, read the portion sizes before you consume a whole bag of chips and find out it was 10 portions)

    17) Eat your vegetables!

    19) Make sure you sleep enough and that your sleep is quality, because it will really help you lose weight and give you energy for exercise.

    These are the only ones that aren't complete nonsense.

    depends on your goals... I think I would agree with all of the rules set out there and follow almost all of them anyway... the no carbs after 3pm this is hard though, I mean, veggies have carbs in them too right? :P
  • Can I hv milk or almond milk in my coffee. That's usually a deal breaker on the diet if I can't also is ther any dairy on diet like Greek yogurt
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I pre-ordered it when it first came out and have read it twice! I thought there was a lot of good information, and have especially done well when I have followed the "go to bed hungry" and "no carbs (pasta, bread etc) after lunch" rules (I am a terrible bedtime cracker snacker!!!). I LOVE love love love his recipe for roasted cauliflower, make it often and devour it. In fact, that reminds me, I need to put cauliflower on the grocery list. Also thought the turkey meatballs were tasty, and have been eating a LOT more salmon too, very successful at broiling it using his guidelines. I think it is a worthwhile investment and addition to my health and nutrition library.
  • JillPettersonGreen
    JillPettersonGreen Posts: 2 Member
    I've just purchased the jumpstart to skinny book. I'm planning on using Herbalife 24 Prolong as my electrolyte replacement. it has 250 calories, 58g or carbs and 16g sugar. Is this too much? the other option is herbalife 24 Hydrate which has 1g sugar and 4g carbohydrates and 15 calories.
  • princessnatkins
    princessnatkins Posts: 2 Member
    Has anyone added Barley to their meals? How much do you eat and when?