Pounds/stones math help required!

I am abysmal when it comes to maths and I really need some assistance from someone with a head for figures

My scales read 10.4 last week and 10.2 and 1/4 this week.

I converted 10.4 into pounds and it comes out as 145.6 and I tried to work out this week's 10.2 and 1/4 and came to 142.25

So, when measured in stones the difference is 2 and 1/4 pounds, but when measured in pounds the difference is around 3.3 pounds. But aren't stones measured in pounds so surely the two numbers should be the same??

I know I'm doing the math wrong but could someone show me how please?

Thank you


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    10 stone is 140lbs, so 10 stone 4 is 144, 10 stone 2 is 142 etc etc
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    yes, you're confusing .4 to be 4/10ths when it's actually 4/14ths
  • scrabblemouse
    Ah right, I think I see what you mean now

    So, should I ignore one quarters and things like that? Are they worth counting in the figures?

    Thank you :)