Discouraged - 65lbs and no one has noticed...



  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,628 Member
    congrats on your weight loss ...... that's awesome ....... your husband will be thrilled !

    And don't worry about other people ....... you just keep chugging along ......

    I thank your husband for his service !
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Congrats on your loss!

    Please try and keep in mind that sometimes people are AFRAID to comment on weight loss. I own a business and sometimes go 6 months or a year between seeing some people that I have known for years and years. This just happened to me a few months ago...

    "Wow, good to see you, you have lost a lot of weight and you look great!" (Tanned in Winter)

    "Thanks, I just got back from Mexico where I had experimental surgery on the cancer that US doctors say is incurable."

    on the flip side:

    I finally got up the nerve to comment on another one but this person I know pretty well. The response...

    " Thanks, it has been a lot of hard work but I joined this site called My Fitness Pal and it has made all the diffidence."

    Both true stories.
  • If you have a before picture of yourself get it out and take a picture now. I'll be you see the difference. :)
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    That's an amazing loss! Well done!! Buy a hot new outfit and flaunt it!! :) He'll notice!
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    I am sure he will notice. Sometimes when you see someone everyday the gradual changes aren't as striking as when you see it all at once. Be sure to to cherish the moment! As someone who has redeployed before, I would say that it might take 15 minutes or so for him to really notice your weight. He may be overwhelmed with the emotions of just seeing you again, plus all the hubub at the ceremony and stuff. Don't be too disappointed if he doesn't mention it in the first thirty seconds! Take advantage of the occasion to get a new outfit, haircut, nails, etc. You will feel beautiful and GLOW. That's sexy!

    ^^ this. When you see someone every day it is so very hard to notice. They say once you reach 50 lbs lost it is noticable by others. He will notice :) keep it up
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    Oh he will notice! though i found a similar thing. I lost 50 and no one said much then lost another 30 and tons of people said something.

    I agree! I'm sure some people close to you have noticed, right?

    Coworkers, etc didn't comment until I was down like 75 lbs (i started at 250). Then it was like OMG "what are you doing??" You're not doing anything crazy to lose so fast?" Lose fast? I've been working on this for the last 6 months, lol.

    Have you gotten yourself any new clothes? Once I started buying myself clothes hat actually fit and were more figure fitting people noticed and the comments kept coming.

    Keep going, you are doing awesome.

  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    It's the people who see you every day who don't notice or are not sure what they're seeing and don't want to insult you by accident. You sig. other will surely see that big a drop.

    I have only lost 11 pounds so far. No one in my office has said anything but a guy I hadn't seen in a few months said immediately "You're thinner."

    People are afraid to put their foot in their mouth ("When's that baby due?") so they say nothing. You know what you've accomplished. That's great!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Your significant other should notice. 50 lbs is a lot of weight. Regarding the others around you, are you still wearing the same clothes? Maybe it isn't as noticeable then. At 26 lbs lost, I am still wearing the same clothes, although things are completely hanging on me and are baggy. I'm sure when I finally wear something in a smaller size, people will begin to see it more.

    It isn't always about what others see or say. You have done an incredible job and what is good for your body and that is far more important than what others do/say! :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    A few things here.
    Men might not feel comfortable saying anything because they don't want to be perceived as hitting on you, especially at work.
    Women might not want to say anything bc you'll think that they thought you were fat before.
    I'm sure everyone has noticed but didn't want to say anything. Good job!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    husband will definetly notice
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I had been steadily losing weight my first year of uni, and nobody said a word. When I came back for the second year, after summer break, *everyone* was commenting on how much weight I'd lost. During summer, I had been losing weight at the same rate, but people weren't seeing me every week, like they were before. I think your partner will definitely notice the difference, but it might be a little while before anyone else really notices. If you're seeing someone regularly, you don't clock the changes as much.
  • I'm sure he will notice!! Go and get a new shirt that FITS and flash him a giant smile, he won't be able to NOT notice!!!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Do YOU notice a difference? That's what matters. It's hard for people who see you on a daily basis to notice changes that have taken place slowly over time. I'm sure since your SO hasn't seen you in a while, the change will be very apparent to him.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    My guess is that ppl, who know you, are just not saying anything. I know with me alot of ppl didn't say anything to me at first--I ws even told by one person she was hesitant bc she didn't wnt to "offend" me??? It's true. If you've dropped 65lbs I'm certain others have noticed and tht your husband will notice. Keep up the good work! :):):)
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    I'm sure people have noticed. They probably just don't comment on it. I learned this because when I lost 15 lbs, no one at work said anything. But a few weeks later I found my badge from when I'd first started and showed my boss and said, "my goodness, look at the change!" and then she said she'd noticed I'd lost weight. It's just the way some people are. I'm sure your SO will notice. :) He's seen nothing but men for the past 6 months, you're going to look like a (thinner) angel!
  • iceviperma
    iceviperma Posts: 1 Member
    dont be discouraged. You notice, that is what is important, feeling healthy .. about you.. I have no doubt your man will notice.. especially if he has been gone for a while :) hang in there .. dont get discouraged. I am encouraging you ! 65lbs is a wonderful accomplishment !
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    I'm sure people have noticed. They probably just don't comment on it. I learned this because when I lost 15 lbs, no one at work said anything. But a few weeks later I found my badge from when I'd first started and showed my boss and said, "my goodness, look at the change!" and then she said she'd noticed I'd lost weight. It's just the way some people are. I'm sure your SO will notice. :) He's seen nothing but men for the past 6 months, you're going to look like a (thinner) angel!

    Also, my brother noticed and he didn't say anything to me. Instead he said something to my dad and I didn't find out until weeks later.

    Don't fret lady. Be happy with your accomplishment!
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    Congratulations on your loss!

    I totally understand. I have lost nearly 50 pounds over about a year's time and people that I see all the time are just now really figuring it out. I've lost almost 3 pants sizes and they are just now noticing?!? I think they are just too polite to make mention of it. It's pretty funny actually. Because I see them almost every day. Where have they been??

    On another note, I'm sure that he will notice and be very proud of you! Keep up the great work!
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    I've noticed people loose weight before and I am ALWAYS scared to say anything about it. If I say you look good now, I am inferring that you didn't look good previously. You can bet people notice.

    There was a post previously (listed above) .. and I completely agree. Sometimes folks just feel awkward. Congratulations to you on your tremendous life style change. ! You should be super proud--and I bet the other half will not only recognize your weight loss--but, your new confidence !
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    the only two people that matter will see it- you and your hubby- good luck to you, and thank you to him for his service (and you for the support).

    65 lbs is a great great job!!!
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    As many have said, people have undoubtedly noticed but bringing up weight, even if it's a positive like noticing weight loss, can be a touchy subject - if they say you've lost weight and look great, will you take that as they thought you were heavier before and didn't look great.

    I don't know what your starting weight was, but my experience was that people started mentioning that I've lost weight after dropping around 15% of my body weight.

    I'm sure your significant other will notice. Great job!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member

    You will not be ignored.

    Sometimes people are polite or jealous.

    But what are your alternatives if no one but you seem to notice?
    give up and gain all the weight back? You sure don't think so!
    Keep going do it for your and
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I'm sure he will notice. Dress in something flattering, have your hair and nails done, and be sure to look as good as you feel. As others have mentioned, you're probably not getting a lot of comments because people aren't sure what to say or it's just not as noticable because they see you all the time and it becomes a gradual change. Have a great time with your husband's return!!
  • lorax419
    lorax419 Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! That is an amazing feat!

    I think a couple people mentioned - if you bring it up, then others can comment about it. In this society, especially in corporate America people are afraid to talk and say anything about anyone. I have personally seen and heard people get offended when someone says, "you look like you have lost weight". Trying to keep things politically correct seems to be the stance - and giving a compliment or two can get some people in trouble.
  • kimdawnhayden
    kimdawnhayden Posts: 298 Member
    First of all CONGRATULATIONS! That is a huge accomplishment. Some people forget to buy new clothes when they lose weight so people don't tend to notice unless you're walking and lose your pants. :) Don't buy too much right now. You could go to Goodwill and snag a few things. But definitely find something that makes you feel good in. Also, I lost 40 lbs after my baby once and I noticed I lost some friends because they didn't feel comfortable with me at my new weight. I did make some good new friends in the gym however. I think so many people are so worried about themselves they don't pay attention to things or people around them. It's sad the way things are now. The people that matter will congratulate you and keep you motivated. Keep it up!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm sure he will notice!! Go and get a new shirt that FITS and flash him a giant smile, he won't be able to NOT notice!!!

    Never mind the shirt , just go to a sex shop and buy some naughty lingerie lol he will really notice then.
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Try not to get discouraged. I work in an environment that predominantly male and what one of them told me was he didn't know how to compliment me on my weight loss without it sounding like he was hitting on me (and I'm VERY married)........
    One of my male co-workers (who is also a friend) said the same thing. I told him it is polite to humorously said "Something looks different about you.... did you get a haircut?" So we can then say, "No actually I've lost some weight, thanks for noticing" :laugh:
  • He will notice! I couldn't believe how long it took for people to start noticing and saying stuff to me. I don't think I got my first real comment without any prompting from me until I hit 80 pounds. Now people won't stop talking about it...even if I just lose a couple. The more you lose...the bigger difference it makes when it keeps coming off. :)
  • Cappie356
    Cappie356 Posts: 8 Member
    Don't worry, YOU know the success you're having. You're working towards this goal for you. People probably notice that you're looking good but they can't quite put their finger on what about you is different. Keep up the good work...We are all cheering you on!

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