Losing because I can barely walk without Pain.

tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
Hey everyone.

This isn't my first rodeo on MFP. In July-October 2012, I lost about 30lbs. Then, in November 2012, I had to have left Knee Surgery. I gained it all back, plus about 11lbs. My knees are killing me. I can't get up from a sitting position to a standing position without help. I can't get on the floor with my students (I'm a teacher) and it hurts to walk for extended periods of time.

Fearing that I needed knee surgery on my right knee, I went back to my ortho surgeon. All of my x-rays and MRIs are clear. He said it was due to the fact I was "clinically morbidly obese." Those words -- ouch.

I have always been the VERY confident, sexy big girl. Even did plus size lingerie and swimsuits modeling in college....never felt self-conscious about my body - AT ALL - would dress and undress in front of my friends in college, etc...so becoming healthy is NOT a vanity thing for me - But, I HAVE to be able to walk and exercise.

I currently weigh in at 323lbs. This is the heaviest I've EVER been. I don't know what my "goal" is yet as far as numbers - but I want my knees to stop hurting when I walk.

I had a good amount of friends last year, but stopped logging, etc - and a lot of people deleted me (which is totally understandable). Trying to rebuild my support system.


  • abcmom03
    abcmom03 Posts: 89 Member
    Feel free to add me! Your topic caught my attention because I am also experiencing the same thing!
  • Alsm77
    Alsm77 Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me, I also have problems with me knees that hinders exercise
  • Pinkemi
    Pinkemi Posts: 963 Member
    Feel free to add me too.

    Whilst my knee problems haven't been so severe as yours... my doctor warned me that if i didn't loose weight then I would be looking at a knee operation very early on.

    Good for you on re-starting this journey!

    Best advice I can give: Take every day as it comes.
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    I struggle with hamburger knees, too - one of many motivations for me to get healthy. I'm 50, and have struggled with weight all my life. And this is also my second round with MFP, but this time, I'm doing really well.

    Let's be MFP friends!
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    You can add me! I'm a cheerleader.

    My husband has also had knee surgery and he has gained a lot of weight because of his knees. He had a hereditary defect where his knees essentially don't have any cartilage ... Very painful. He too has only has his left knee operated on.

    He says the best thing for him to workout without pain is to do the bike, especially a reclined bike. Stairs and walking long distances are out for him. He also says swimming helps him out a lot but finding a pool he'll actually go to is another story. It's a slow and gradual effort but just know you're trying and to not get frustrated and quit.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    You could try things like chair exercises, swimming, and pool aerobics, to take it easy on those knees. Good luck, and good for you for loving yourself enough to take care of yourself.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Feel free to add me, girl! I like encouraging and motivating my friends. Despite your obstacles you seem to have your head on straight - you want to do this for the right reasons and to feel good. That's the most important thing. Hang in there, you can do it, and your friends can cheer you along the way.
  • KtotheD78
    KtotheD78 Posts: 58 Member
    Awesome to have that confidence! Have you tried swimming or biking? I know those are a couple lower impact exercises that help burn lots of calories, at least until you can walk or do regular exercise. I LOVE it that summer is around the corner. I would much rather be enjoying outdoors activities!
  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome!! Ouch!! It's hard to do much of anything when your knees hurt. I had ACL surgery a few years back, and rehabbing was quite a challenge. As far as exercise, consider working out in a pool. The water will take the weight off your knees and probably make it less painful to work out.

    Good luck & feel free to add me!
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Good to meet you! I'm in knee hell myself; as I've aged I've developed more and more tendonitises and am fighting both patellar and peroneal issues. I want to walk and run, but ugh! So am bracing up and icing down and working through it. Glad you're back in the saddle, Tara, and look forward to watching your successes!
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Feel free to add me too - I have over 100lbs to lose still (lost nearly 50lbs so far) and would love more MFP friends!
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    You can add me! I am on everyday! And I did the same thing regarding trying to avoid more health issues and our genetically bad knees! :)
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Dropping below 200 has my knees feeling better unless I get stupid and do squats. I'm 55 and have arthritus so squats and I just don't get along well. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    thanks! I am using the pool at my apt complex when it gets warmer and we're buying a stationary bike...
  • Aimyloo
    Aimyloo Posts: 14
    Im totally with you, especially with the knee pain. Blew first my right knee, then the left last April trying to simply WALK for exercise while using MFP. (i did have right knee surgery removing meniscus, cauterizing ligaments, etc years ago. I'm almost bone on bone)

    I started at 322, lost down to 308- now I'm around 350 I think. Last time I weighed I was 342. I originally wanted to lose so I could qualify for weight loss surgery. I'm not so sure I want that now- but I DO want to be able to stand without yelling out in pain, or walk more than I do now- which is barely at all- without needing to sit down, or being completely winded & sweating. It's horrible, painful, embarrassing (for me) and generally just uncomfortable being this heavy. I really hope I can find something to do to lose (swimming is out- aside from the humiliation in public factor- I cannot climb stairs), I cannot bike or do many other exercises due to arthritis and other major skeletal issues.. I'm still on a mission for an xbox with Kinect or a Wii for exercise! That's enough from me...just know you're not alone.

    Anyone can add me- I'll try and do the best I can. I HAVE to do this...
  • lynn_1972
    lynn_1972 Posts: 26 Member
    please add me too I have the knee and hip troubles so I totally understand, and the more help the better right!!
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    You can add me if you like. I'm losing weight to deal with knee pain as well. I'm 149lbs @ 5'10" tall. I've lost quite a bit of weight so far, and that has helped a lot, though I'm not yet pain free.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks y'all!

    Feel free to add me and / or send me a message!

    My kids are testing all day today - so it's a less stressful day.
  • Aimyloo
    Aimyloo Posts: 14
    149 at your height is bordering too thin... You'll definitely be underweight if you lose 19 more.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I've been in several bad car accidents (totaled several cars), and I have a screwed up back and hips because of it. I started having knee problems about 5 years after the last accident (I walked with a limp because of the damage to my back). My hips and knee hurt just sitting, let alone walking, but I just push through the pain.

    But I would suggest any workout that doesn't put as much strain on your body, like an elliptical or a bike.