Warm sensation in muscles

whenever i do Jillian Michaels dvds (this never happens when i do cardio on it's own, just when i do lots of muscle stuff) a few hours later i start to get really warm sensations spreading through my muscules. it happens periodically throughout the day/night.. sometimes it's my arm, my legs, anywhere i have really worked. It always catches me by suprise and it's quite a strong sensation. It doesn't hurt or bother me but i actually woke up the other night cos it felt like someone was pouring warm water over my arm... but it was just that sensation spreading through my muscle. has anyone else experianced this? Is this normal? Advice would be great thanks :)


  • fight_for_fit
    My only guess would be that its from a build up of lactic acid from your workout. I've only experienced this during a workout though. I feel sore after a workout for up to 2 days while my muscles are trying to repair itself, but I never feel a warm sensation.
    My suggestion would be to stretch it out, lots of water, warm showers or pickle juice! (someone suggested it to me and it actually worked)
  • victoriageorgina
    victoriageorgina Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks. I am going to try to stretch more and get more water in me... Shall look into the pickle juice too! Thanks :)
    It is strange as it is different to the heat i feel while working out and seperate from the usuall soreness for a day or two. Shall give your suggestions a go and keep an eye on it :)