Half way to my goal weight - need motivation

chbruns Posts: 16 Member
I started my quest to get healthy in mid February. I started eating healthy and a few weeks after that started my exercise routine. I'm going to the gym 3-4 times a week and trying to do cardio 4-5 times a week. My starting weight was 167 and I'm currently at 155 with a goal weight of 145 (I'm 5ft 7 in).

I've been ultra motivated but things are moving a bit more slowly in the weight loss now and I feel my momentum decrease a little. I'm looking to friend some people to help me reenergize and stay on track to meet my goal.



  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    feel free to add me ill try my best :)
  • mccoysusan21
    Hi Christine my name is Susan :) I just started using this site. I have been on a low sugar low carb plan for a year and a half and had a baby i have lost about 75#'s total since August 2011; I have decided to start counting calories as of yesterday and i need motivation and guidance as well!!! A support system is key to success!! I have a group on my fb if you are interested some girls count calories and some do 15/6 sugar/carb let me know if interested :)
  • kniknaack
    kniknaack Posts: 32
    You can add me if you like. I'll do my best to keep you encouraged and motivated!
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Feel free to add me.... I am halfway to my goal of 175 . I am currently 208 down from 243 from 1 year ago. :smile: :smile: