What keeps you going...

...when you're working out and you're drenched in sweat, muscles burning from almost complete fatigue, heart pumping up in your throat, chills from the exertion, and you just want to break down and cry from pushing yourself to the limit...

What do you think about at that moment that keeps you going?

I think about my wedding day... and how fantastic I will look in that dress on the beach....and relaxing in my bikini for my honeymoon. I also think about all the sexy clothes I'll fit into once again :bigsmile:

I will be skinny again!! :sad:


  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    ...when you're working out and you're drenched in sweat, muscles burning from almost complete fatigue, heart pumping up in your throat, chills from the exertion, and you just want to break down and cry from pushing yourself to the limit...

    What do you think about at that moment that keeps you going?

    I think about my wedding day... and how fantastic I will look in that dress on the beach....and relaxing in my bikini for my honeymoon. I also think about all the sexy clothes I'll fit into once again :bigsmile:

    I will be skinny again!! :sad:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Two things:

    1. Not wanting to look like I did a year ago. (EEEEEEEKKKKKK :noway: )

    2. Knowing I get to share & get encouragement from the ding dongs in the MFP Runner's Club! I :heart: them so! :love:
  • lisatownsend
    hay good job but i wold like to lose some weight ive seemed to have lost that mojo but im keeping on tucking with my not smoking ! i drink lots of water and dont eat very much but exercising seems to never get done to much ! :yawn: im so tired after work and i no its an excuse but i dont no well i could use some help
  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    My iPod. No joke haha I have some of the cheesiest, teeny-boppy songs on there but they are fun to sing along to so I just keep going and going. When I feel like I want to stop, I just tell myself okay just 2 more songs or however many. I also think about how much more I'll be able to eat! :laugh:
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    well what keeps me going is seeing my mom in september again after a year apart and her saying to my husband and kids where is your wife and mother who is this the nanny. and all the clothes she has given me that she now no longer fits which im about to go see what can be moved to the 'i can wear now' end of the wardrob
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    What keeps me going. . .don't laugh. . .is THAT moment!

    The other day, in yoga, I was watching the sweat drip off of me (I've done this in spin as well) and just thought: "it is so cool that I am so hardcore!"

    Bear in mind that three years ago, I was walking with a cane, so any physical activity is a blessing. . .and sometimes I get overwhelmed that my body is so functional!

    Also, on the way home from a good workout, I think "I am going to sleep like a baby tonight."
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I just keep thinking of how great I am feeling and how it truly sets the tone for the day when I get a good workout in! Get my sweat on and feel my muscles burning! It really does feel great and I am an endorphin junkie these days!!

    And my health and being around for a long long time for my son and his family is a HUGE motivation as well! I also want to get pregnant again in the next few months and want to start out in a much healthier body than I did the last time. I am already 75 lbs less than I was at my first pre-natal appointment with my son! I cannot believe that!!!
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Just finished with that exact moment, and I kept going because I didn't want to have to leave the gym and go out into the 110 degree heat. No lie, it's really 110. :cry: (not tears, sweat!)

    I also like to see what is going to be the next song on the ipod shuffle.
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    I also want to be at a healthy weight for when we are ready to try and conceive so that's a bonus motivation.

    Tonight at Jazzercise I REALLY had to think hard about my motivation to make me stay and do Body Sculpting too.....:noway:

    I'm glad I did... it went by fast, not without pain and sweat though :laugh:

    I feel great! :drinker:
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Two things:

    1. Not wanting to look like I did a year ago. (EEEEEEEKKKKKK :noway: )

    2. Knowing I get to share & get encouragement from the ding dongs in the MFP Runner's Club! I :heart: them so! :love:

    I'm with you, Shannon! Checking in with the runner's club, knowing that I have to write in what I've done keeps me honest.

    My "new" wardrobe is a motivator.

    Double takes by younger guys don't hurt either.......:wink:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    My iPod. No joke haha I have some of the cheesiest, teeny-boppy songs on there but they are fun to sing along to so I just keep going and going. When I feel like I want to stop, I just tell myself okay just 2 more songs or however many. I also think about how much more I'll be able to eat! :laugh:

    Recommend any songs??? My playlist is getting old!
  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    My iPod. No joke haha I have some of the cheesiest, teeny-boppy songs on there but they are fun to sing along to so I just keep going and going. When I feel like I want to stop, I just tell myself okay just 2 more songs or however many. I also think about how much more I'll be able to eat! :laugh:

    Recommend any songs??? My playlist is getting old!

    Hahahaha I'm kinda embarressed to say. But for MFP, anything..hahaha. Basically my iPod is filled with old school Spice Girls, Britney, Christina..anything cheesy and real diva hahaha. I swear I don't listen to these type of songs outside of the gym (okay maybe driving with the sunroof closed and windows rolled up :indifferent:)

  • uwhuskygirl
    uwhuskygirl Posts: 320
    I get to the point where I think to my self I've been running (or whatever) for X amount of minutes. 5 more isn't going to kill me. Then 5 turns into 10. And then after 10 minutes of telling myself this my body has figured out the trick. At least I can trick my body for 10 minutes. :ohwell:
  • BlazinEmerald
    I get to the point where I think to my self I've been running (or whatever) for X amount of minutes. 5 more isn't going to kill me. Then 5 turns into 10. And then after 10 minutes of telling myself this my body has figured out the trick. At least I can trick my body for 10 minutes. :ohwell:

    LOL I do the same. 5, more minutes, just 5 more minutes Ive done this for X amount I can do 5 more minutes. Needelss to say I start this at a minute into working out and continue the 5 more minutes rant until my time is up lol