get back on the wagon.

Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
Have had a dodgy couple of months, was doing great in January and lost just under a stone but work and life stresses (and getting injured again) got the better of me and I stopped logging in and start pigging out.

So anyhow.. Im back and would very much appreciate a metaphorical kick up the *kitten*! So please add and feel free to send me daily abuse + encouragement!



  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    The good news is your willingness to start again. :wink: :wink:
  • Masyn88
    Masyn88 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Yeah, go you!!! They say never quit trying to quit...I know it's meant for cigarettes, but I think the samae applies to weight. As soon as you stop trying to lose, you are losing. I've been up and down forever, just had a baby, and this site is def great motivation because it makes you hold yourself accountable for what you eat. I think logging back in here is a great way to get "back on the wagon"
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Hey Zampa, I fell off the wagon this past weekend. So now I'm kicking myself and getting back on track, too.

    The way I am looking at it now is that there is no option of failure. We're going to be successful this time. We might fall down every once in a while, but in the long-run, we're going to be victorious.
  • songbirdwoman
    songbirdwoman Posts: 15 Member
    welcome back (((((((((Zampa:flowerforyou: )))))))))....please be gentle and kind to special you.......the past is the past and I understand especially from injury how eating too much can rear its ugly head.....what is most important is that you are here in the present.....its called a gift .....that's why it is called 'the present' .....give yourself some tender loving care .....hugsssssssss Linda:heart:
  • rachy867
    rachy867 Posts: 32

    Like you I have also just jumped back on the wagon after a month or so of falling off. However I have returned determined and eager to lose the weight and not let stress and other factors throw me off course.

    Wishing you luck :smile:
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Someone shared this with me once, and I saved it because it really helped me:

    "There is no wagon. Starting now, you make the choices that you know you need to make. And whatever you do, do *not* fall into the trap of, "well, I fell off the wagon, so now I can just throw everything out."

    It helped me to loose the "all or nothing" mentality that was killing me progress. (Whether is was hours, days, weeks, etc.)
  • Zampa13
    Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks guys for the really kind responses they are very helpful and reassuring that Im not on my own.

    Thanks Tina for that Quote... I think I will copy it and put it on my fridge!
  • streese50
    streese50 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm back too! Lost 16 then gained some back. New goal is to lose 20 lbs by fall. Easing slowly back into exercise and tracking food!
  • redrose129
    redrose129 Posts: 57 Member
    Congrats!!!! I have been where you are and am so happy to see you've come back! After being extremely successful, to extremely unsuccessful, I know how devastating "restarting" can be. But someone very close to me said,

    "'ve done it you know you can do it and succeed. just keep trying"......

    You can do it!!! xoxo
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Thanks guys for the really kind responses they are very helpful and reassuring that Im not on my own.

    Thanks Tina for that Quote... I think I will copy it and put it on my fridge!

    You're welcome! I'm a quote junky. I have a blog with my favs, a Pinterest board and a FB photo album. I even have my screensaver set to rotate through images. One of my favorite things about quotes it that someone else wrote them.... it reminds me that I'm not alone in my struggles.