weight watchers or no



  • amv1262
    amv1262 Posts: 2 Member
    :smile: I do agree with you, I lost a substantial amount of weight with Weight Watchers. It is a good program if you have the money and a motivating leader. Unfortunately once my motivator left, I slipped back into old habits and gained back the weight. I have no one else to blame but myself. I went back to WW many more times, spending lots of money on educating me on what the right things are to do, but ultimately not doing them effectively. I've been using MFP for 10 days and have found favorable results. Instead of counting points, and getting exercise points, I'm counting calories and getting workout calories back. I like that I can connect live gps workout apps to MFP and I have found a workout buddy at home and at work to make me move. I also find the blogs to be very inspirational, motivating, with good recommendations. What I did learn from WW is that a 2lb loss per week is a good sensible loss week. You will always lose considerable more the first one or few if you are sedatary and eat high contents of fat, carbs etc but that's with any drastic bodily change. Weight Watchers statistically is the most effective weightloss program, but then we must remember the battle is not only losing the weight but sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • annemhouse
    annemhouse Posts: 18 Member
    I did WWers for a little over a year and lost and have been holding right at 40 pounds. I started MFP a couple of weeks ago to shake things up a little bit and try to get the weight moving a gain. The post earlier about free fruits and vegetables being a slap in the face is correct. You can eat fruits and veggies for free, but THEY STILL HAVE CALORIES! That is where I made my big mistake. I just ate to many of them and stalled out. Now that I'm counting my calories, it is working a lot better. Good luck. Weight Watchers is a GREAT program. The support you get from your leader and class mates is very motivating. Good Luck!!
  • ajstar
    ajstar Posts: 1
    My mother did weight watchers. She lost 80lbs in about 8 months. She did very well with this program. I also buy the frozen meals just to help me track my calories easier.
  • Shereta5
    Shereta5 Posts: 13
    You've gotten some great responsing so far. I'm for MFP all the way now. With WWers, I felt like I was in the dark about calories, proteins, carbs and fiber. I like seeing exactly where my calories, carbs, protein and fiber is coming from. Those numbers mean more to me than Points. points are not a reality for me now. I did lose 28lbs at one point with WWers, but now, I want to know more about the foods that I'm consuming as in how many calories, carbs, protein, fiber and more. That info helps me make better choices.

    Either plan will work, but it depends on what will work for you in the long run.
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt Posts: 226 Member
    I've lost 20-30 lbs before when I've done it, so for weight loss it's pretty simple to follow and effective. I didn't keep that weight off though, because it is essentially a diet, but I can't blame the program itself for that. It was more an issue of my not addressing the emotional issues that the overeating was a symptom of, as well as not making it a priority once I'd reached that progress point to transition from "diet mode" to making a lifetime change in my eating habits.

    If you're ready to look at it as less of a means to an end and more of a lifetime way of eating, then you'll probably have much better chances than I did at it. (as with any reasonably portioned weight loss program, really)
  • sakthorp
    sakthorp Posts: 13 Member
    I followed weight watchers and dropped 45 pounds and found the program extremely easy to use, especially once I 'memorized' point values and portions. That said, I much prefer My Fitness Pal because I'm able to track my nutrition, not just calories. The fact that it's FREE, syncs with devices like the FitBit, etc, is just icing on the cake :-)