New guy; back on the road at 52

Hi everyone, I just turned 52 and my goal is to be in the best physical shape of my life.

When I was 25 I began bicycling long distance (some rides of 100 miles in a day). At 35 I began weight training and reached a point where I could bench 300 punds, but in the process my weight ballooned. Now, after welcoming my first grandchild, I just want to get back into cycling shape without loosing too much of my hard gained upper body strength. I've signed up for a hundred mile club ride in Jonesboro Arkansas on October 9 of this year and I'm working my way to that goal. Yesterday I took my longest ride of the year, a 35 mile jaunt through the Ozark mountian foothills. At the end of the ride I was tired, but not exhausted.

Since I've ridden a lot in the past, I feel that my bicycling ability is coming back rather quickly, and I'm wondering if the calorie consumption estimates might be a bit over stated when applied to someone who has done a lot of bicycling. I guess what I'm saying is that 30 miles for a beginning would seem much more difficult (and perhaps more calorie consumimng) than someone who has ridden a lot in the past.

Has anyone ever looked into this sort of thing. Does calorie consumption vary with experience and fitness?

I think this is a great program and an excellent tool for accountability. Though I've only been at it a few weeks, I'm already beginning to experience results. Thanks for the help.


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hi and welcome, we are the same age, I also took up bike riding, the first week was tough, I went over the handle bars, but I got right back on. I wear a HRM that way I know exactly how many calories I'm burning.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I love riding and it I like that it doesn't take long to get back your riding skills after a long winter. I don't trust the calories on this site as being extremely accurate so I cut them in half and then count them.
  • TheNailer66
    Moondog, as you're a bike rider, perhaps you can answer this question? I've been doing a few miles most evenings on a (cheapo) mountain bike, so the tyres are the chunky tread ones. Would the ride be easier (therefore I could probably go a greater distance) if they were 'normal' tyres? Most of the route I take is road with a bit through a park. I could cut out the park if needs be. Thanks
  • moondoggie72512
    The bike I ride is a road bike with 1 1/4 inch tires. It's great for pavement, but almost impossible to ride on sand or dirt. I've ridden bikes like you describe and they are great for off road and their performance on the pavement is not bad, but nothing like the thin tires.

    If you get a road bike with thin tires you'll immediately notice an easier, smoother ride, but you may not be able to cut through the park as easily as you do now. Like everything else, there is a trade off!

    Good luck!

  • moondoggie72512

    Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, we are the same age. I'm proud to have made it this far and make a point to tell everyone I see how old I am (I actually started lying about my age early, telling people I was 50 when I was only 48!) I like the idea of looking younger than I really am, which is one of the reasons I'm trying to get back into shape. I figure I still have my hair, so why not drop a few pounds and enjoy life.

    I'm from Missour too, by the way. Lived in the bootheal until 1970 when we moved to Arkansas. Still have some farmland near Gideon.
  • moondoggie72512
    Julia, I know what you mean about the calorie count. I think that has been at least a part of my problem. I've been on the program for three weeks and have lost only 3 pounds (I'm on a 2 pound per week program). I exercise each morning, the look at the calories I'm alowed and the numbers are huge! So instead of being conservative and having a thousand or so cals left over at the end of the day, I end up consuming every one that I am alowed. I think your idea of dividing the colories burned in half would prove more accurate, at least in my case.

  • TheNailer66
    Thanks Moondog. I spoke to a cycling mate today and he said much the same. Gonna get some sort of hybrid tyres that are for road but are OK on grass. Plus I need to get 3rd gear sorted as it keeps slipping. Chain came off last night on a main road. Joy...
  • jeanineadele
    jeanineadele Posts: 114
    I'm 53 and I think it is our age that makes it hard to lose weight. BTW I think 3 pounds in three weeks is pretty darn good. At the end of 1 year you will have lost 52 pounds.

    Your body probably does have a lot of muscle and we all know that muscle weighs more than.......