Weekends are a no, no!


I have been on a great diet plan, exercising, counting calories and seem to have great will power during the week. However, on the weekend its a completely different story. I feel like I have no will power what so ever. Does anyone have this same problem? Does anyone have any suggestions?? I feel like I work my butt off all week and ruin it on the weekend. Any suggestions to help me with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you :)


  • decrecm
    decrecm Posts: 14
    Ugh I have the same issues. Gong out to dinner with friends.. and everyone orders burgers and fries and 600 calorie margaritas. I am trying really hard to start ordering healthier and making sure I go to the gym early Saturday and Sunday mornings but it really is hard to stay away from all the temptations.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    same area i fail in hah so if you find out how to stay on track let me know!!!! lol i just want beer specially if its warm out and theirs a grill by my side
  • Nikki_G30
    Nikki_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    Yes, that is totally my problem too! I'm not sure why weekends give me an excuse to stop being OP. I keep trying to track every bite even if I am not eating well so when Monday rolls around again I can look back for motivation not to do that again. However, I have not been that successful with this either. I think that is why my WLJ has taken so long. Good Luck and let me know if you find anything that works for you.
  • I completely know where you are coming from. I am the same. I am so regimented and good during the week and somehow it all falls apart during the weekends. I don't have any amazing advice (but will watch other folks' reply on here closely :) - I have seen one trend for me, at least, though - if I don't eat my usual high protein/high fiber breakfast during the weekend, I find myself snacking on anything & everything the whole day instead. And without breakfast, I am also much more likely to want something terribly unhealthy for lunch and/or dinner instead.
  • jacquelinaaa706
    jacquelinaaa706 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone, glad to know I'm not alone in kicking myself in the butt on Mondays! I'm sure we will get through this but the weekends are making it such a slower process....AHHH :explode: I frustrate myself sometimes lol!
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    If I know I'm going to drink I add it to my diary in the morning so that I can work my day around it. Do a good workout on a friday and if going out to eat, try and make better choices or watch your portion. Weekends get me too lol x
  • Oh god, I have this EXACT same problem! I'll be on this perfect running schedule during the week, and BAM the weekend hits and I turn into a lazy slob who only wants to eat crap.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Same problem, and then I feel gross on Monday's (today I feel like I'm dying).
  • That is a very common occurance. As you can see from the other posts. All I can suggest is trying to keep your routine into the weekend. (eating at the same time, the same way) With that being said be sure you get out and experience life. You have to have a "cheat" day in your plan or you will go crazy. Stress has been proven to be a cause of poor results in a fitness plan, so do your best to not let that happen. So once a week give into that sinful pleasure (just don't go overboard)
  • JessicaDumont2
    JessicaDumont2 Posts: 100 Member
    I do t have that problem on the weekends, I used to, but ended up feeling like crap and guilty the following days.
    It's been really hard, but every single time I want something unhealthy, I remind myself that I want to get a better body by summer and that it won't happen if I eat/drink that.

    I find the hardest part is when I order healthy or something small, and friends or family judge it and make comments and try to pressure me into eating something unhealthy. But I keep in mind that in a couple months, I will be extremely proud of what I accomplished. :)
  • jacquelinaaa706
    jacquelinaaa706 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it!
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Yeah my weekends are a completely different story from during the week too. I feel like it's different reasons than yours though.
  • iwish123
    iwish123 Posts: 56 Member
    I feel exactly the same and always slip up at weekends, but I have now changed my weigh-day to a monday which helps a bit, as I want to be good so that I see a loss on the monday morning!
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    You can go crazy two nights a week as long as your weekly average is low [i.e. ~1500kcal].

    I eat 1200 kcal a day net apart from two nights a week when I'm wildly over. But I still lose weight because my weekly average is low.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I'm so bad on the weekends i forget to log into MFP. So I am right there with you. To me a couple of days won't kill me but i have noticed i go three steps forward two steps back, so i need to work on this as well. I've found starting my weeks on Sundays is helping a lot. I've just got into the swing of doing cardio 4-5 times a week and if i start on a sunday at least the week wasn't a total waste.
  • I have the same problem! I almost dread weekends now because of this. Every Monday seems to be a start over day. Kinda sick of it!
  • Same here and how hard to try to fix it every weekend is the same story after doing great all week and the story repeats , your not alone
  • Weekends are hard for me too, because I eat at odd times or eat out or drink out more.

    I try to keep myself honest by doing two official weigh-ins - Friday and Monday mornings. That way, I weigh in on Friday morning and I feel good about my loss going into the weekend, and all weekend I think - I gotta keep doing well if I'm going to be a success on the scale Monday morning too!

    I also try working out first thing on the weekends, so that way I feel good all day about what I've done so far and then I don't want to mess that up either!

    As for the actual eating part, I do try to eat a late-ish breakfast. On weekdays I eat at 8 am, and on weekends I try to eat around 10 if I can hold out that long. That helps me too because I feel like I stay up later on weekends and if I eat an early breakfast I feel like I either snack all day or eat a fourth meal!!

    Also with eating - if I know I'm going out to eat with a friend, I try to plan ahead. I try to go in knowing what I'm going to order, and if it's not the healthiest thing, then how many calories it is - so I can try to work around it.

    It does suck so hard - but you can't be good for five days and then ruin it all on the weekend!! Good luck!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    What I've been doing is make healthy plans instead. On saturdays my son has karate and then we go to the park and have a picnic. For dinner I have something fun to eat and go over my cals but not by too much. Then on sunday I have a planed activity that burns lots of cals. This sunday we went hiking and I burned at least 1000 cals. I think it's best to plan your weekends that way you know that on monday your not going to regret anything.
  • MsDaraElaina
    MsDaraElaina Posts: 25 Member
    You're def not alone with this dilemma!!! I have a HUGE problem with the same thing... I just get pure lazy and don't want to do anything except for all the things I'm not supposed to do lol... It's a struggle for me but as time goes on, I can def see more little changes over time on my weekends and they seem to get better so we'll see... There are some good tips from others on here that I will keep in mind so thanks for posting this... And if you do happen to have a bad weekend, don't be so hard on yaself, just get right back on it ; )
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Ditto here. I think it's because during the work week I have a set routine that has become a habit, but on the weekend I crave variety so I usually make one of those days a cheat day where I allow myself more of the foods I like and one day I aim to stay within my calorie limit, but am more lax on the macros.
  • mk_hammer
    mk_hammer Posts: 105
    Plan your meals for the entire week (INCLUDING the weekends) ahead of time. Pre-track your food if you need to, and STAY ON PLAN. It will suck sometimes, but you just have to stick to it and make your health a priority. That doesn't mean you can't go out or have a drink or whatever it is you want to do, but it does mean you must track it when you do.

    If you bite it, write it!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I've learned to plan for it.

    I pay more attention to my weekly average calorie count than my daily for precisely that reason. I "save up" a few hundred calories on MTW--which seem to be my cleanest and lowest calorie dayes, and then inevitably "spend" them come Friday or Saturday.

    But to me, it's like putting money in a savings account and then spending it on something I really awnt-- and some times wha I want is to enjoy th ecompany of friends without worrying about "blowing" or "cheating on my diet.
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    I agree that "weak"ends are a big problem for me also. Friend me if you want to connect on weekends to give/get support.
    All the best!
  • thedietpilot
    thedietpilot Posts: 56 Member
    Weekends are definitely a lot more challenging to stay on track due to all of the social engagements that pull us this way and that, which inevitably involve food.

    One thing I would definitely recommend is to be true to yourself and at the very least TRACK, TRACK, TRACK.

    Even if you end up eating 3,000 calories on a Saturday or a Sunday, just track it anyway!

    That way you will be accountable to yourself, you will learn from your mistakes, and you will be compelled to motivate yourself to do better the following weekend.

    The LAST thing you want to do is avoid tracking as a way of hiding from the numbers. This will cause you lose focus.

    Moral of the story: Even if you have a bad day, TRACK IT!
  • That is a very common occurance. As you can see from the other posts. All I can suggest is trying to keep your routine into the weekend. (eating at the same time, the same way) With that being said be sure you get out and experience life. You have to have a "cheat" day in your plan or you will go crazy. Stress has been proven to be a cause of poor results in a fitness plan, so do your best to not let that happen. So once a week give into that sinful pleasure (just don't go overboard)

  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I have terrible willpower... My husband shops as if he's a 16 year old at the grocery store, and I'm like, WHEN DID YOU GO WITHOUT ME? Too late...

    I do best to not open the cupboard doors and go run on the beach or play on the weekends. =) Looks like you are doing a great -14 loss so far! Keep it up!
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    Weekends are my achille's heel. It starts with pizza on Friday night. When we make our own, it still fits in my calorie limit, but it's usually the late-night snacking or bigger breakfasts that get me. I'm trying to be better at tracking regardless of how bad it is!
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    I've learned to plan for it.

    I pay more attention to my weekly average calorie count than my daily for precisely that reason. I "save up" a few hundred calories on MTW--which seem to be my cleanest and lowest calorie dayes, and then inevitably "spend" them come Friday or Saturday.

    But to me, it's like putting money in a savings account and then spending it on something I really awnt-- and some times wha I want is to enjoy th ecompany of friends without worrying about "blowing" or "cheating on my diet.

    Exactly what I do. Means I can have some wine or beer and a pizza a couple of nights a week and still lose pounds.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Weekends are killing me lately too! Before I was not eating enough so I would just stay the same and it would take a couple of days before I saw progress. Now there is always something going on and I just can't seem to eat correctly!