Looking for vegetable + soy recipes

tamarwe Posts: 23 Member
This weekend, I pretty much tried to stay under my desired calories and still gained weight (not to mention I walked 5 miles, which is more than I've ever done in recent years)...

Therefore, I think I need to rethink my eating habits: low carbs, no meat. (I'm not vegetarian, but meat doesn't seem to help me.)

Last week, I ate Tofurky Sausage Jambalaya (http://www.tofurky.com/recipes/recipe_details.asp?RecipeDataID=65) and saw the weight come off (I was down 4 lbs). I'm looking for similar recipes: filling, but veggie laden, something that I can make on Sunday and eat throughout the week.

Anyone have any ideas for me? Appreciate the help!

p.s. Any recipes with nutrition info would be awesome.
