what is your 3 month goal? join me!:)

Hello everyone,

Just wondering what is your 3 month weight loss goal? My husband and I are going to NYC at end of July and I really want to enjoy shopping for some new clothes there.. I have been fluctuating between 160-165 lbs for a while now and my goal is to get to 145lbs.. I am 5'8"

I am looking to share this journey with anyone who is willing to keep each other accountable.. If you wish to add me feel free..


  • Hello!

    I'd love to join you! My 3 month goals is to have lost 10 kilos (22lbs). I am getting married in March Next year and am going to get a dress custom made in July - I need to chose the style etc by then so being closer to my goal weight will be much better for trying on pretty wedding dresses!

    My plan is to really focus on clean eating as this is always where I struggle. I love exercise so that is not a chore for me but I also love food and sticking to the cals I find difficult at times (need to have more control and be stricter). I'm aiming to lose 800grams (1 lb) per week.

    What is your plan to get to your goal?

    I LOVE NYC - I am from Perth, Australia and went to the states 2 years ago I love your country and would love to go back. How wonderful you get to go shopping there soon! Such good motivation :)
  • Sorry I should also add that I'm 5'10 and my ultimate goal by jan next year is 143lbs! :)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    10% BF. No clue how to get there.
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
  • 10% BF. No clue how to get there.

    If you have the time and dedication I recommend you try a training program called "Kris Gethins - DTP 4 week plan" I done it last year and cut a stone in them 4 weeks, you can simply find that plan by typing it in google, the actual programme is on bodybuiding.com :)
    I also want to get to that 10% body fat in 3 months time, I am currently back up to 16.7% after getting down to 14% 2 months ago.
    I seem to lose weight really quick though, probably because I'm only 21 so hopefully I can reach this goal :)

    Feel free to add me anyone and good luck with your goals :)
  • KatNewby
    KatNewby Posts: 26
    To look lovely in my wedding dress :)

    More precisely, to be no more than 135lbs, and preferably closer to 130lbs!

    I will be SOO excited to see those numbers again; I may cry lol.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    My goal is to lose 5 pounds in 3 months. I am getting close to my goal with only about 11 pounds to go so I calculated it for 0.5 pounds a week loss, plus added 2 weeks for weeks I may not lose. So 5 pounds in 12 weeks.
  • avielosesit
    avielosesit Posts: 79 Member
    3 months from now I will be in Vancouver.... One of my fave cities (sea to sky highway anyone?!). I am hoping to hit 10 lbs between now and then. I have more to go than MysticRealm but I rarely see big numbers week to week and think there will be a week or two in there where there won't be losses. Just being realistic for myself! And I'm excited to lose it!
  • Monique1218
    Monique1218 Posts: 5 Member
    In three months I would ideally like to lose 25 pounds! I just need to remain focused and I think I can accomplish my goal. Anything is possible!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I would like to loose 15 pounds (currently at 155) and 7% body fat (currently at 33%)but more so i want to look buffer. I am going to get some pin up pics done and I would like to look nice in them. I figure it will be a nice confidence boost. I can make myself look great in clothes but not so happy without them.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'm heading out to another MFP'ers home in Chicago end of June - I'd love to lose 20lbs. Realistically aiming for 15. Having a trip to look forward to is always motivation -- especially when the trip involves another MFP member.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I have a class reunion in early August and realistically want to lose another 15 lbs in the next 3 months. If I lose more, all the better ;)
  • I actually would like to show up at a wedding, NOT looking like a XXXX blimp and maybe get down to XX. I already have the gown. It hides a lot I can easily wear it as XXX but want to lose more for myself if possible.
  • sorting
    sorting Posts: 11 Member
    3kg! It's very achievable, but my environment is constantly changing so I will have to focus on my discipline!
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    I would also like to join! Going to europe july19th for a month and want to look as good as possible!! I would love to be down 20-30lbs. I've done it before with some good motivation and dedication.
  • Well, I'm on an April journey right now, but once April is over and I hit may I would love to lose at least 10 more lbs, it'd be great to see 20. I'm at 155 right now. I figure I'll be about the same come the end of April. 150, then 145 are my goals, but I'm starting to think I need to go a little farther. 10 lbs would put me at 145, 20 would put me at 135, which would be AMAZING. I have a beach trip at the very beginning of August and my goal for that is at least 145 lbs.
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    I'm close to my goal with a total loss of 99.8lbs (including pre MFP sqeee almost 100) with about 15lbs more to go. I'm also looking at losing 0.5lbs a week. I'm 5'5 currently 155.2lbs goaling toward 140ish. In 3 months I'll be done with round 2 of P90X and looking for something new. I've done Turbo Fire and Insanity so maybe combat. I do plan on doing a 5k this year as well as many other fun new activities. I'm excited to complete milestones this year and help others find happiness in health and fitness. :bigsmile: Lez do dis!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I want to lose another 3% bodyfat but don't want to get any smaller then I'm now (56 kg / 1.65 m). So, I'm going the slow route of recomposition. I expect to be doing that for the next 6 months or so.
  • MRL1107
    MRL1107 Posts: 74
    30Lbs. in 3 months. I'm going on vacation to Topsail, NC and am really looking forward to not feeling like a cow in my bikini. I'm 5'2" and 168Lbs. right now. I'm working on a goal of about 2Lbs lost per week and am still adjusting my diet and excercise accordingly. I think the 1200 calories per day is too little so I get closer to 1400 cals per day instead.

    Good luck to everyone with your goals.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    My goal for 3 months is to lose 7-10lbs...it takes me awhile to drop so i must be realistic