With a little help from my friends???

I have been at the same weight, give or take a few pounds since my youngest child was born. She is now 27 months old. This might be ok, if that 200 pounds wasn't on a 5'1" frame. I need some serious motivation, and maybe a success story or two...I just don't even feel like it is possible for me to get to and maintain a healthy weight... but I have to. I am 34 years old, and besides my 2 year old, I have a 5 and 7 year old as well. The kids are all at healthy weights (for now) but we have pretty poor eating habits, which include too much fast food, and too much junk food. My husband is also over weight...about 275 pounds and he unfortunately seems to be gaining. We recently started trying out new recipes and cooking more at home, but I am afraid that once school starts again the crazy schedules are going to force us back into the convienence of a fast food lifestyle. With 3 kids, a husband who works 60 hour weeks, and me going back to school full time come August, I'm really afraid that the little progress we have made is going to go right out the window....I know that eating right is only half the battle, but I don't even know how to start to fit exercise into the schedule.....advice and ideas, are welcome. Thanks for taking time out to read my story....hopefully with this site and a little encouragement from some of you, it can have a happy ending.
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  • iwillweighlessoneday
    iwillweighlessoneday Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll love it here. I'm a mom to a 19 month old, and a husband who puts in 50+ hours a week. One suggestion for you and your family is to plan out all of your meals for a week, cook them all on Sat/Sunday and then re-heat them during the week. I'm a teacher, so I can relate about working and going back into the "fast food" life-style. Take baggies and keep carrying fresh veggies and fruit with you - that's a great way to help with hunger cravings.

    To add exercise into your daily routine try parking at the far end of the parking lot and walking into stores. Try walking around stores, up and down the aisles (not food stores) even if you don't need anything.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! You'll be fine - everyone here is super friendly, just give us a shout if you need help and encouragement!
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You weight loss journey will really kick off if you can get your family on board. I know convenience is a major player, but you can also make healthier choices even with fast food. Do grilled chicken instead of a burger, and NEVER get fries. Anyways, I wish you the very best. This is not an easy journey, I know! :flowerforyou:
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    I totally know how you feel, after my 3rd baby i just couldnt drop the extra weight with the way i was eating so i had to take control of it for myself and my family. I work and have a hubby and 3 beautiful children but that keeps me very busy as im sure you know with 3 kids lol I was 200 lbs as of last nov and with the help of this site and a change in eating habits I am down to 148lbs (im 5'7) and within a healthy bmi for my height. We eat less fast food and i make pretty much everything at home. I find quick healthy recipes on sparkpeople.com that my family loves and are easy to make after a long days work. Just start logging your food that alone is a eye opener and helped me start to get on track. Feel free to add me , this site and the people on it are great, take every day as it comes and before you know it you will be on your way to a healthy new you!