New to here and need some serious motivation!

Shawna_831 Posts: 316
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I actually joined here maybe a month ago but wasn't very serious. I didn't edit my profile or hit the message boards until now.
I'm going through some pretty stressful things right now and my answer today.....Burger King go Large! The whole drive there I was telling myself to just go home and eat lunch. The stress won and I loss! I was never a stress eater growing up. I would actually do the opposite but now I catch myself wanting a Dr. Pepper or something salty and greasy when I get stressed out.
I do pretty good on somethings. I don't buy sodas for the house and don't drink them at work. I've done pretty good at cutting them out of my lunch time as well. I'm not a snacker....Thank God or else I would probably need to lose a lot more. I want to get down to at least what I weighed before I had my first baby 10 years ago. I was 155 and fine! I've been lucky to carry all this weight gain pretty well. Take the clothes off and yuck! I need friends and support on here. Someone who will get on to me if I don't log in or if I eat Burger King go Large again!


  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    and my calories are in the red already and I haven't had dinner :sad:
  • Hi Shawnaherron...That would be me....I am new to this thing too and i am trying to get to the same weight so i got you!!! Today is the first day of your new life...Let the taste of that Burger King linger around in your mouth, cuz you will never taste it again...BYE BYE BURGER KING!!! LOL...LET'S GO!!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Add me as a friend!:smile:

    I too am a stress eater! Trust me I am only about a month into this but I feel SO much better already. Just get past the first two weeks and you'll be good! Try and get some exercise in and it will help with the stress!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Just remember, just like your food diary, everything starts over each day. Its common for stress and such to cause emotional eating. You have to relearn that food isnt going to amke you any less stressed and as you can see here will just make you feel worse in the end.
    DJDUFFY Posts: 98
    Hi Shawnaherron,
    Add me if you want.I am being real strict on myself and saying no to all junk food.If i get hungry in between meals i work on a word find book or play games on yahoo or i am on i go for a walk and tell myself to burn the calories off and don't stop anywhere for fastfood places.I sometimes go by my neighbor and chat with her until it is time for the next meal.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    DJDUFFY Posts: 98
    Thanks for adding me and i hope i gave you some ideas to help you out. :flowerforyou:
  • ashleyr25
    ashleyr25 Posts: 1
    hello, hello, Shawnaherron,

    i too am trying to lose weight. every day is a true struggle with losing weight. when i had my first son 10years ago i was 15 and weighed like 140lbs and 10 years later and another baby i weigh about 50lbs over that.. (THAT'S DEPRESSING) so i can truly truly relate. i have been letting the mt. dew and coke win. when the day is crazy in the office I'm all about hitting up the pop machine or better yet going to McDonalds and getting a large $1 coke.. every day i tell myself I'm gonna get out and walk or do a exercise video.. yeah who am i kidding.. i would love to be your support if you are okay with being mine.. we are only a step away from being where we want to be....... :smile:
  • twyman
    twyman Posts: 4
    For me when I start I always hit a point where I want to drag anything living to a fire pit, cook, and eat it. It resembles detox. Your body is addicted to the sugar, salt, and grease. Not to mention phsycologically addicted. I hit this wall several times and fail, but once I do manage to break through once, it starts to get easier. The first week for a drug addict is the hardest and this is no different. I will warn you, after you succeed and break through and start to see results, after awhile you may experience some depression. I did. I missed my old life. The days of sitting aroudn and just eating and not counting, thinking, or calculating. Try to do controled cheats to manage this. Hope this helps.
  • ladiluvbug83
    ladiluvbug83 Posts: 38 Member
    I know what you mean. The best thing to do since you are in thre red zone already and don't have any calories left for supper is to add extra exercise to you plan today. If you seriously work your *kitten* off at a work out. You will think twice before you find the drive-thru at Burger King. If you make this your motto everytime you think of falling off the wagon it will boost your weight loss and help keep you on track. I am new on here . But not new at weight loss. I have lost 60 pounds since Sept 2009. Hope this helps you. If you would like to be friends send me a request. I will help you and you can help me,

  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I really appreciate all the support!
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I need more friends like you guys! This is awesome support and I will gladly welcome all! :happy:
  • I joined a little over a month ago myself, then went on vacation, gained an additional 10 pounds or so and realized that I probably should have stuck with it through the vacation....I too need some motivation and encouragement, because there are days when I doubt that it is really even possible to make the healthy choices....anyway, if you want somebody to report in to every day or weekly or whatever, I will keep you accountable if you will do the same for me...
  • ammoore96
    ammoore96 Posts: 6
    I find it GREAT to look up the calories before it even goes in my mouth. That way I can feel the guilt for even thinking bout it rather then after:) LOL. Because I am one of those who after I have blown my calorie goal I just throw in the towel and do it REAL bad. Having the calorie counter on here has been a fabulous help to me. Be tough girl, we can all do it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, Shawna: I've only been on this site for only 3 days, and I love it. I've been on the South Beach Way of Eating and exercising since May and I've aleady lost 23lbs. I sometime eat things that I know is a no, no, but I don't dwell on it, I get right back on track with the exercising and the eating right. I need to loose at least 80-85 lbs, I'm taking baby steps to do it, 5-10lbs. I would love to be your buddy too, let's motivate each other through this journey.
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