Eating and Exercising

My question is what's best. Eating a big breakfast before going to the gym or having a protein shake then have a good breakfast afterwards. Im really trying to make this work.


  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I wouldnt have the protein shake before hand, these should be kept for after you work out! I always eat something little, a few pieces of meat and cheese or a fruit before I work out then I eat my real breakfast after and it seems to be working for me!
  • deborahcee
    deborahcee Posts: 7 Member
    Everyone's body chemistry works in different ways. I suggest you try it both ways and decide what is best for you. I always eat first then exercise. I don't eat a lot (Chobani Greet Yogurt) is very high in Protein and starts the metabolism. If I don't eat Yogurt, I will eat 2 slices of precooked bacon from Oscar Meyer..Only 30 seconds in the microwave and you have bacon. Protein keeps you full longer too. Add a fruit or fruit juice as well.

    Good can do it.