Ladies, let's talk cellulite.



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    This is what I have been doing and it has helped a lot. I've only been doing it for around a month so I'm excited to see long term results. First is walking and running. Both help shred fat in the legs and butt. Second is having my husband massage my thighs and butt every night before bed with some random lotion I have. He does a "deep tissue" massage for about a minute per leg. Third is water, water and more water. Try it for one month and see what happens. BTW, I walk for around an hour a day with my dog and do the C25K program 3 days a week. HTH :)
    Yes. That's right. Massage, a good metabolic burn so your body can go after it (exercise), water, clean.
  • sophy28
    sophy28 Posts: 72 Member
    I also have terrible cellulite to the point where it gets painful!

    Try drinking plenty of water, load of fresh fruit and veg, as little tea/coffee/alcohol as possible. Do some squats, lunges, have a soak in an epsom salt bath (Get it from a local chemist or ebay) exfoliate the whole area and massage firmly.

    I do all that daily when it gets bad and its like a miracle cure! Just remember it will keep coming back so you need to keep on top of it.
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    JUst as everyone has pointed out..cellulite is a part of most womens lives. It's not as ugly as you think and it doesn't define you. Be happier, smilier, cheerier so that nobody has a moment to look at your supposed flaws. Distract them with your glory. Thats my motto! :)
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
  • annielizstan
    annielizstan Posts: 24 Member
    Cellulite is the result of enlarged fat cells beneath the skin, which place pressure on the skin between the anchor points of the connective tissue and push it upwards, causing the skin to take on that dreaded bumpy appearance.
    Here best tips also:
    Do massage daily.
    You should do exercise at least 45 minutes.
    Eating a healthy diet is very important for your Skin.
    cellulite is natural creams that also very good for skin.It is similar to the skins natural cream.
    If you will have some cellulite problem. Use can Cellulite Creams.
    Hope will help.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    This is what I have been doing and it has helped a lot. I've only been doing it for around a month so I'm excited to see long term results. First is walking and running. Both help shred fat in the legs and butt. Second is having my husband massage my thighs and butt every night before bed with some random lotion I have. He does a "deep tissue" massage for about a minute per leg. Third is water, water and more water. Try it for one month and see what happens. BTW, I walk for around an hour a day with my dog and do the C25K program 3 days a week. HTH :)

    Aw what a sweet hubby!! hubby would not do that unless he gets something in return haha...he's a greedy
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    My boyfriend doesn't notice the little on my legs (towards my butt) but after Insanity I'm going to do Brazil Butt Lift with ankle weights AND resistance band to see what happens! Hoping it works! :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, runnng is good,, get out there and get more active.