Who owns/has owned Exotic Pets?

I realize Betta fish, Garter Snakes, Tarantulas and Scorpions aren't exactly "exotic" but at one point I've owned a couple Pacu. Basically legal Piranha.

Just curious about your slimy/scaly friends.


  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I've had Yabbies, Rats and a few turtles. thats about exotic as mine have been.
  • freshvl
    freshvl Posts: 422 Member
    I had a brazilian girl as a pet once, was very exotic
  • TattednPierced
    I had a brazilian girl as a pet once, was very exotic

    Interesting. Did she do tricks?
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I have Ferrets and have also had multiple Parrots and a few Betta fish :)
  • Rbacchiega
    Rbacchiega Posts: 52 Member
    <--- fish nerd. I've owned pretty much everything you can own (at one point had over 30 tanks, including a shark/ray pond/pool)
    various reptiles and snakes. Had a pair of sulcata tortoises and a few boas and pythons.

    Oh, and I once had 8 peking ducks.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    These probably aren't exotic but I've had red eared slider turtles that were rescues. I've also had just about every other normal pet you could imagine. I also had a speckled king snake that I rescued out of my cat's mouth ... would probably still have him except I went to bed one night, woke up in the middle of the night & looked at his tank, and he was gone. Searched the room high & low that same night. Searched the house. Never found him. Not sure if he found a damn good hiding spot and maybe escaped back into the wild or if one of my cats got him. Also have a variety of saltwater fish.

    & You didn't ask but I'm telling anyways ...

    My dream exotic pets would be a python (albino especially), opossum, red fox, white tiger (or any tiger or big cat) and/or a raccoon. If you couldn't tell by now, I'm one of those nutty animal lovers that is willing to rescue anything. You'll probably see me on Fatal Attractions within the next 10 years. JK! I'm not THAT crazy.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i am buying justin biebers monkey.
  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    I had a rat, rabbit, snake & a couple aquatic frogs. Now I just have a beta..My frogs and bunny were my most favorite!
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    Not really Exotic but I have 3 chickens I call the rose, peal and gemma, the kids called them ROAST, BUTTER and TERIYKAI :laugh:
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    My daughter has leopard geckos.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    I keep a few different species of giant african snails.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I have a bulldog and $hitzu mix.
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I think the most exotic I've had were probably bearded dragons and flying squirrels. XD
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I have a bearded dragon named Yoshi......she is my ticker pic :)
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    If you have a small hole in your foundation that you don't plug, animals will fall through it and live with you. Every time I go down there I feel like Ace Ventura.

  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    The more exotic I have owned is a Blue Crowned Conure (Parrot)... sadly I left her with my ex... she started hating women and was all about my Ex in the end.... Miss having a parrot!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I've had chinchillas before. They were pretty damn awesome.

    This is Mistress. She's our 7' Jungle Carpet Python
  • weephees
    weephees Posts: 27
    I don't have any exotics of my own sadly I just have a cat at home but I do however study animal care at college so we have all kinds or reptiles we care for! We have snakes, bearded dragons, fire belly toads, an axolotl, green tree frogs, leopard, fanfoot and wonder geckos, a tortoise, an iguana and last but not least my favorite the chameleon!

    Dino our Yemen chameleon when he was tiny!

    He likes to think he's a hat.

    Sony our corn snake.

    Oscar our not so green, green iguana!

    And one of our lovely little leopard geckos.

    I hope you enjoyed the pictures of just a few reptiles we have at college :smile:.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    We have a sugar glider/sugar bear.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I don't have any at home, worked as a naturalist for a number of years and took care of a corn snake, a box turtle and a spiny soft shell turtle. The turtles were rescues.