WATER! Help please!!!

So up until about 3 months ago when i started my 'journey' i NEVER drank water....ever! Id be lucky if i drank maybe 2 glasses a YEAR!! its embarrassing to admit but when i first started drinking water i was amazed that my pee was clear because i didnt know that was suppose to be NORMAL!!! EEEKKKK i know! anyway took me a while to aqquire the taste for it and could only drink 3 if that glasses a day.... I set a goal to drink more water recently and have been drinking 6 to 8plus glasses BUT its literally going straight through me...is this normal? im going to the toilet every 10 minutes im waking in the night several times to go im having to go into shops etc in town to use the toilets because its so constant no exaderation every 10 or so minutes its driving me nuts and its like a full load everytime!! i cant hold it cause the feeling is like im bussting at the seems to go ahhhhhh help does anyone know what or why this is happening its really annoying lol


  • HollyWalle
    HollyWalle Posts: 31 Member
    i have the same problem!
    my co-workers look at me funny cause i'm always running to the washroom! lol
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm the same! I drink 2-3 litres a day, and go to the toilet at least once an hour in work if not more! Lol it doesn't help that I work with all male, so they look at me gone off! Haha x