Friends needed for binge support!

Hi everyone, I'm 24 years old and have been binging (sometimes purging) for a while now, usually once a week.
Yesterday was my binge day, and I ate around 6000 calories of food in just one day!!
I don't know what is causing these binges, they happen whether I eat 1200 or 1900 calories a day so it's not a case of restriction or deprivation - I allow myself chocolate etc....
The thing with me, is if I have an extra serving of say, cereal in the morning because I'm not quite full, that sets off the binge for the rest of the day!
Basically, I just would like some more friends to be accountable to I guess, perhaps a positive comment here and there when I'm feeling bingey might help. No one in real life knows about my food struggles, and I'm so ashamed to tell anybody :-(


  • slr90
    slr90 Posts: 212 Member
    Heya :) Don't worry you CAN stop the binges. I suffered from EDNOS til I was about 20 (I'm 22 and a half now), having started having issues at about 14, and I've been eating 'normally' since. I know at the time you just feel so out of control, and thats why the purging seems like the 'good idea' a way to undo the damage done so to speak. One thing I was told was to always eat little and often to help and control the desire to binge initially. Have you looked at CBT self help books? They can help you change your way of thinking by making you look at things from a slightly different perspective. Maybe keeping a diary could also help to see if you can identify any emotional triggers? You can take control. :) Its not something to be ashamed of, so many people have disordered eating, but in knowing that binging and purging isnt the way to go about things you are taking the steps on a road to healthy eating :)
  • slr90
    slr90 Posts: 212 Member
    Forgot to add - Have you set up a 'distraction plan' the idea is that as soon as you feel the need to binge or purge you have an action plan so you have a list of things that you can do ; call a friend, walk the dog etc. just something that you can do to get you away from the food/ the bathroom and once you get over the worst ' i need to do this...' bit you realise you dont actually need to and you can get past that particular hurdle :)
  • TreddersPT
    TreddersPT Posts: 24 Member
    Some great advice there, thanks.
    I like the idea of a distraction plan, and will definetly try and figure one out asap!
    The fact that you have recovered from this, really helps right now, as I just feel like i'm never going to overcome this and just want to be normal around food so badly.
    I have bought a self help book from amazon that has rave reviews, so once I can find the time to really get into it and have a good read, I shall be reading that.
  • veggiegirl314
    ^^what's the name of the self help book? I have the same issues with bingeing :(
  • SportyLadyPhotographer
    I have issues with this been really good recently but have weeks where its almost everyday
  • TreddersPT
    TreddersPT Posts: 24 Member
    ^^what's the name of the self help book? I have the same issues with bingeing :(

    Its called 'eating less. Say goodbye to over eating'
  • veggiegirl314
    Thank you!