Need Help Staying Motivated!!!

Hey everyone! Well I've been on this site for almost 2 yrs now and I have been trying to lose weight for even longer. I have been struggling with this weight loss battle and I constantly fall off of the wagon. Its like I can do sooo good for weeks even months at a time with both dieting and exercising but when I start seeing the results I guess I just get lazy and slack off, then before I know it I have gained the weight back and some.:frown:

I feel as though I have this weight loss thing backwards because seeing results should motivate me to work harder to reach my final goal weight but instead I let up on my dieting and exercise and say to myself "well I've worked hard all week so I'll treat myself to that ice cream or those chips"... And I end up back at square 1!!! :cry:

So if there is anyone out there who is going through what I'm going through or understand and is willing to give me some tips on staying motivated and some support I would really appreciate it!!! :heart: I just feel like I'm in this battle alone and I know things are always easier when you have a friend by your side. PLEASE HELP!!!:flowerforyou:


  • Eiletram
    Eiletram Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Janie Mae
    Yeah, I am exactly like you! I see that I have lost a few pounds and feel a little better.. and then I do bugger all for a week and have a boozy night out. Before I know it I have regained the pounds.
    My biggest motivater now is that.. it took me a lot of effort and determination to lose just a few pounds.. and I put it on in one weekend.. that is insane! So when I do think about chocolate or ice cream, I think.. really?! can it be worth 2 weeks of exercise and dieting?!

    Hope it helps to know someone else feels the same

  • Janie_Mae_
    Janie_Mae_ Posts: 9 Member
    Hey moldrol! Thanks for your response... You know that is so true, you work so hard to get the weight off but its soo much easier and quicker to gain it back. So when I find myself slacking I should just remember all of my hard work and hopefully that will keep me on track better because its even harder the second time around. Thanks soo much!!:happy:
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I use to have the same problem. I kept telling myself I deserved a treat after all i had worked so hard. and treating myself would undo all my progress. Now my thought process is, I deserve to respect my self and my goals. I deserve to stay true to what I really want. I deserve to loose weight. maybe you've had those thoughts too, I did they passed through my head, but its really sunk in now. I think maybe I was a little scared or maybe I felt I didn't deserve it, or maybe it was even worse than marriage fell a part when I lost the first 60 lbs....theres some psychology for ya..... but my point is ....loosing weight... as we say on here is not about a diet, but a life style chane. And part of that lifestyle change is changing the way you think. Thats why a lot of people on here say when you reward yourself it shouldn't be with food. Anyway, just my two cents
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    ooops double post
  • Janie_Mae_
    Janie_Mae_ Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks sassy0913!!! Thats a really good way of looking at the situation... Eating the wrong foods is the reason I'm overweight now so it really doesn't make sense to reward myself with these same foods after working so hard... Thanks a lot girl!!!:happy:
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    :smile: Hey girl! I totally get what you're saying. I've been through the same thing so many times. This time I"ve been a bit more successful and I think this is why:

    1. I've looked at this as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Lifestyle change just sounds so permanent and I've psyched myself out into thinking it IS going to be permanent.

    2. I quit using food as a reward. I used to see that I'd lost a pound or two, and like moldrol said, I'd go crazy on the weekend because "I deserved it" for working so hard during the week. Then I'd put the weight right back on. I really had to quit thinking about rewarding myself with food. Now, I'll reward myself with a new dress (in a smaller size! that's a reward right there haha) or new makeup or something like that.

    3. If I know I'm going to splurge for something special, I make sure I work out twice as hard that week or even just that day.

    4. I make sure to put EVERYTHING I eat into MFP. I'm MUCH less likely to eat it if I think, "This is gonna look horrendous on my food diary."

    Good luck!! You can do it!
  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    I always had the same problem, I would reward myself with food and think that I deserved to eat whatever I was craving cause I had worked so hard. Now when I feel like I need to reward myself with food I start to think about how long will it really last? If I think I need to reward myself with, let's say a piece of cake, the satifaction it will only last two or three hours then I will start to feel bad for eating the cake in the first place. But being able to reward myself by buying a new shirt or pants that is a size smaller than what I have been wearing- that satifaction will last for weeks or months.