Help me stop! I keep nibbling on my kids' food!

Any suggestions as to how to keep myself from nibbling on my kids' food? I am becoming more aware of this habit. My kids eat a fairly healthy diet, so I don't really want to change what I am giving them. I just notice, for ex., I pour them Cheerios and I grab a handful myself. I pack them pretzels and fruit for a snack and I'm helping myself to a few pretzels as well. And don't get me started on what happens to the crusts that I cut off my little one's sandwiches! ;-) Although each little helping individually isn't too much, over the course of the day, I am really adding calories. And I am not even really enjoying (or even noticing) the food that I am eating in this way. Any tips out there?
This is the second time I am posting this topic because I didn't get any responses the first time. I really, really could use some help!


  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    There ain't no shortcuts to avoid it. Just focus & quit it. :)
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Self control! Ask yourself why you feel the need to grab a handful or bite. Are you not eating enough at your meals or snacks?

    As for the cutting off the crusts, this is just my opinion but you are teaching your children that is ok not to eat them and to waste food.

    Lead by example.

  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I'm tempted to do the same but I'm aware that if I'm prepping a meal, I would rather sit down and enjoy my calories.
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    You can't eat it unless you log it.
    That helps. You'll feel ridiculous logging in 1/6th of a slice of bread (crusts).

    OT, but my kid loves the crust best! He'd kill me if I cut the crusts off!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Self control! Ask yourself why you feel the need to grab a handful or bite. Are you not eating enough at your meals or snacks?

    As for the cutting off the crusts, this is just my opinion but you are teaching your children that is ok not to eat them and to waste food.

    Lead by example.


  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Be more mindful when preparing food. Just think about what you're doing.

    Also I agree on making them eat their crusts, its just bread.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    I'll bet if you make yourself log those little handfuls, you will soon realize that it is a pain to log them, and that it is really not "worth" the extra calories for the amount of pleasure that you get out of them. Somewhere in the back of your head there is probably a little voice telling you that the calories don't "count" since you didn't eat much, or that you didn't really mean to eat them. NOT TRUE--they do count and you should be logging them if you eat them.

    Regarding those bread crusts--if you have a "thing" about wasting food, either throw them out for the birds, or keep a bag of crusts in the freezer and when you have a bunch, toast them and then put them through the food processor to use as bread crumbs.
  • traceyfunk
    Becoming aware of it is the most important step! So you're on your way - now it's what you choose to do that matters! Drop the guilt for what ever has happened in the past and carry on from right now. You know when you're putting something in your mouth, it's really just a matter of stopping before it goes too far. There's 4 pieces of crust right? If the first one goes in without a thought (and believe me - I know EXACTLY what that is like!) the more you become mindful of what you are doing, the easier and quicker it will be to catch yourself before the next one goes in. You'll do a happy dance the day you catch your self before anything gets in!

    And if you're looking for something a little more concrete - there's always the brush your teeth before you prepare their food, or chew gum, etc. - but that's only masking the problem, and giving you another habit. Mindfulness is the key to permanent change!
  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    I my kids a napkin then ask them to put it on there plate after there done eating. Nothing like a dirty napkin to gross you out so you so won't eat the food on it!! Also let them get it themselves or put it in. A bowl don't grab it with your hands. Does that make sense lol
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't really eat my son's scraps, but I find that I sometimes want to snack while I am cooking dinner because I am starving after I get home from work. It helps to keep cherry tomatoes, carrots or celery sticks on hand for this time. I will pop a few of those while I am cooking so I don't derail my appetite nor do they add too many calories. Maybe try having things like that on hand so you pop one or two of those instead of the other things. Or like others have said, just stop yourself in the moment and think "is this food beneficial to my body right now?" The answer will always be no so just skip the pretzels and toss the crusts...
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    I stopped when I figured out that eating after my kids is a REALLY good way to catch a stomach bug! Just be aware... I would sit there and my kids would laugh as I would say "what am I doing!?" And like everyone else is saying, it just takes being mindful and aware...
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I used to do the same thing. Logging is helpful for me because I log EVERYTHING and it's just not worth it to me to have to go back in and edit that I ate "one more handful" of something or a "bite of this or that". Not to mention, I realize now how much all those "little" things add up.
  • Cathygal
    Cathygal Posts: 25
    Chew Gum while you prepare their foods. Gum and pretzels don't go together! :wink:
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    Regarding those bread crusts--if you have a "thing" about wasting food, either throw them out for the birds, or keep a bag of crusts in the freezer and when you have a bunch, toast them and then put them through the food processor to use as bread crumbs.

    ^ This is genius! My oldest daughter doesn't care for the crusts (and I don't believe in making her eat them) but I've never thought of doing this! Going to start!
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    As soon as they've finished eating, squirt washing up liquid over the food!! You definitely won't want to eat it then .... and if you do you clearly have major issues! Lol
  • weese17
    weese17 Posts: 236 Member
    Just think of all the disgusting places your kids' hands have been. Turns my stomach every time.
  • stephanieogle35
    I really struggle with throwing away the food they don't eat after mealtime. What has helped me is to be much more intentional about not offering them too much food, so there is less extra. I count out exactly how many chicken nuggets and french fries I think each kid is likely to eat so there aren't going to be extra pieces for me to nibble on. If I do want to nibble something, I limit myself to one bite of each so I'm not eating 3 or 4 leftover french fries, I'm only eating one. And keeping water nearby really helps, too. I need to keep my hands busy. You're not alone with this one, I struggle with it a lot too!
  • karenbrooks14661
    karenbrooks14661 Posts: 9 Member
    squirt washing up liquid on them straight away! (if you are in usa i think you call it dishwashing liquid) either way; it works!!! i used to think of it as food waste, but its NOT a waste if you put on weight eating it! think of it as preventing weight gain! good luck!
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I used to do this ALL the time and it added a lot of extra calories to the day.

    What I started doing was deliberately picking up the left over food, taking it to the bin and throwing it in saying to myself "I'm throwing it out, I don't need it". If I was packing lunch and I picked something up I would stop, deliberately put it down and say "I don't need this". I know it sounds stupid but by making myself aware I was doing it I found myself more able to catch myself and stop.

    I also agree with the thinking...just remember where your kids hands have been!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    There ain't no shortcuts to avoid it. Just focus & quit it. :)

    ^ This. At least you started recognizing that you're doing it. Now stop.