I feel like my face is getting bigger.

I've lost 10 kg (22 lbs) so far and I can see that my whole body is getting thinner,and maybe it's just me,but I feel like my face is getting bigger.
I have about 10 grams of processed sugar every day and I eat fruits like bananas and oranges on a daily basis,so I thought,maybe that could be it.Also,I don't feel like I'm getting enough water,could it be that my face is somehow retaining water?
Could it be something else?
If anybody's experienced this or knows what could be causing it,please,share your experience.


  • amaira515
    amaira515 Posts: 22 Member
    Drinking enough water is without a doubt very important to weight loss. It could be that your face is slightly bloated from not drinking enough water and if you also eat a lot of salty stuff.

    On the other hand I've noticed that when I look at myself I feel like I'm not going anywhere despite the scale going down but then I have customers that are regulars coming into my work and asking me if I've lost weight and/or complementing me on how great I'm looking and encouraging me to keep it up. I think it is hard for us to see the changes in ourselves. You see yourself everyday and the changes happen gradually so to us it doesn't look like anything. What has helped me is taking pictures once a month. Then I can look at my old pics and see just how far I've come. Chances are you have lost weight in your face as well but you just can't see it yourself.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Could it be something else?
    Maybe it's this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder Not trying to be sarcastic, but from your pictures, your face doesn't even look big in the first place. If they're old and you think your face is bigger now, do a side-by-side making a similar pose as one of the ones you have up there now to compare.
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    Could it be something else?
    Maybe it's this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder Not trying to be sarcastic, but from your pictures, your face doesn't even look big in the first place. If they're old and you think your face is bigger now, do a side-by-side making a similar pose as one of the ones you have up there now to compare.
    It could be BDD...I mean, I'm not sure if it really is getting bigger or it's just me being paranoid or whatever.
    My face doesn't look big in photos because I take like 100 photos until I get one that looks good.Photos can be very deceiving.
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    Drinking enough water is without a doubt very important to weight loss. It could be that your face is slightly bloated from not drinking enough water and if you also eat a lot of salty stuff.

    On the other hand I've noticed that when I look at myself I feel like I'm not going anywhere despite the scale going down but then I have customers that are regulars coming into my work and asking me if I've lost weight and/or complementing me on how great I'm looking and encouraging me to keep it up. I think it is hard for us to see the changes in ourselves. You see yourself everyday and the changes happen gradually so to us it doesn't look like anything. What has helped me is taking pictures once a month. Then I can look at my old pics and see just how far I've come. Chances are you have lost weight in your face as well but you just can't see it yourself.
    Thank you! I guess I'll try drinking more water.
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    With the first few pounds both my neck and face looked proportional smaller. This week it appears that I've lost a little more fat in my neck and that is making my face look bigger in comparison. It's just an illusion, however.