Help With Encouraging My Wife



  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I would add...get her on MFP, if she's forced to log her food she'll see HERSELF how all those little nibbles and snacks here and there add up..sometimes we can fool ourselves into think that one extra chocolate or pastry isn't THAT everyone do your thing and eventually she'll come around and then you can get her to log calories and you won't have to SAY anything..she'll see it for herself.....and ya...kudos for being so loving and caring!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    That is what is great about this site. You can believe all those little sugary snacks aren't hurting anything but when you see them all added up it's a wake up call. This weight loss thing works only when you decide you really want it and only when you see it as a life long journey, not just a quick loose 10 pounds by swimming season diet. You wife will have to decide that on her own.

    However, it really helps me when my husband suggests walks, bike rides, hikes, because basically I am as lazy as they come. But it is hard to turn down a good looking man like my husband when he suggests a walk along the river on a full moon night..... oh yeah, baby.
  • TubOlard
    TubOlard Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all their great advice. I will try to keep encouraging her in a non invasive manner and hope that she will choose to make that change for herself.

    I myself know I will be struggling in the next few months as my son's high school senior football season starts. It is a very busy time of the year for me and most of the weeks in the evenings during football season I will be at the football field as I am a freelance sports photographer for my son's entire school football program.

    This will make it very difficult for me to get my exercise in on a daily basis and definitely makes it more difficult for me to watch the diet. Concession food I'm sure is extremely high in calories. I will have to make a shift from evening workouts to very early morning workouts before I go to work and that will be extremely difficult for me to accomplish.

    I know that if I can stay strong in my goals and efforts that I hope that I can be an inspiration to my wife that you can still lose weight and get healthy no matter how busy you are. I try to help her as much as I can to give her the opportunity to have more free time. I cook dinner a lot and help do laundry as well but in the end it's up to ourselves to make the time and choice to give the effort to do it.

    Again, thanks to everyone for their helpful suggestions!
  • summersmi
    summersmi Posts: 50 Member
    Don't worry too much about it. My wife took a while to get on board with the program also but once she did she was unstoppable. I found that just staying in shape myself helped encourage her to try. She will see it work for you and want to join in. It is your job to stick it out and show her the difference it will make. Took me a year to get her started on serious dieting and exercise(not some bogus TV program). After two months she has lost 19 lbs and this morning got on to me for not really wanting to lift weights with her. That's right my wife wanted to lift imagine that. Anyway be strong and be an example that's what she needs.
  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    You said: "you can still lose weight and get healthy no matter how busy you are."

    Absolutely TRUE!! Read what some of the members here do for a living and you'll find quickly that you are not the only one with a crazy schedule. There are many on here with families, jobs, full time school, etc. all at once. They still figure out how to make healthy choices. Good for you for thinking about your upcoming season and knowing that you will have to plan. No way around it:)
  • summersk
    summersk Posts: 59
    First off, she says she's dieted lot of time before and she doesn't need you to tell her how to do it. That's were she's wrong! If the "diets" that she did before had been effective than she wouldn't need to lose weight now! You are doing nothing wrong here, she is the one who needs her mind set to change. She's still thinking "diet" in the new meaning of the word, as in eat a little less of the same junk until I lose a little weight and then go straight back to my old bad habits. What you need to help her see isn't that she need to lose weight (believe me she already knows that) or that she needs to exercise more, but that she needs to completely change her life style. Just working out and eating less may work to get the weight off, but it does very little for your over all health. I don't know your ages or if you have children, but I know my wake up call came when I had to have a surgery that was only supposed to be a hour long and ended up lasting three and a half hours because I had let my health fall so low that an other wise obvious tumor on my thyroid had been hidden for around six years. I have two children and knowing how bad that was I decided that I needed to get healthy for them, because I want them to have a mother not a gravestone somewhere! Maybe if you have kids this would be a good way to come across to her about her health, not her weight. If you get healthier by eating right and physical activity, then the weight will come off in turn. I have fought with my weight most of my life, but I remember when I was the smallest and healthiest and what I had to do to get there. It is a long road, but if you walk it together it doesn't seem as long or as hard as it could be alone. The best advice I can give you is just be patient and supportive of her, that's what she really needs from you right now. Oh and tell her that it's okay to not listen to everything her mother tells her, I know what it's like to have a mother who does nothing more than tell you how much weight you've gained and remind you how much you still have to lose! The best thing to do there is just not listen, it makes life better. Good luck with your healthy life style, and I hope she sees the light soon!
