Really discouraged!

hawaiibound Posts: 158
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So i'm really discouraged and in need of some help. what the heck! I've been working my butt off working out all through the day and eating right....i get on the scale this morning and i'm at 159.2!!!!!!! Oh my word...why am I working out so much if i'm just gonna gain weight!!!!!! I've been eating right (except for my birthday cake) and working out all through the day including 30day shred at night. only drinking water...and i get on the scale and thats what it says! i'm so upset...whats going on!


  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    I feel your pain, I am in the same boat, gained weight this week and so disappointed, it made me cry! Hang in there, we'll get through it!:sad:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    If you are working out a lot with a lot of intensity, your body is going to water around your muscles to heal. This glycogen store is a good thing but not for the scale. Take your measurements and try weighing yourself after a day off from exercise. You might have a happier number.

    Good Luck.
  • mazza18
    mazza18 Posts: 3
    :flowerforyou: You keep at it. You are doing great. Keep at it the devil is busy just wants to discourage you. He is a liar. Keep the faith. God bless
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    I PROMISE you that I won't say the dreaded words, "Muscle weighs more than fat!" I always hate hearing that UGH! However, with that (not) said......
    Is it the TOM for you? Also, you may find that all of a sudden you will start dropping sizes and then numbers. I will keep my fingers crossed for your success! Good Luck, and just know that we are all here to help and support you!

  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Don't be discouraged gf! It's probably just muscle! Keep going at it and I promise you will see results very soon :smile:
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I saw your other post about being under in calories...I checked your diary and it seems other than 1 day, you sorta were only eating 2 meals a day???? I dunno, I think your food intake is the reason to be honest....your lacking in substance and considering your doing some workout that's causing all those calories burned...your just not feeding your body the fuel it requires...another thing...what exercise is it your doing? are you using a hrm monitor to verify? You could be THINKING your burning more than you are??? I don't know for sure ..I am just giving some suggestions since I know how hard it can be to not see the numbers moving where you'd like...
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I know how frustrating this weightloss can be--I gained weight back this week too (thats from sunday's alcohol and bad foods and TOM)...

    Looking through your food diary you are not eating enough to maintain the amount of exersice you are doing. You should be at a net calorie of 1200 for the day at a minimum. So if you eat 1200 calories before working out and burn off 800 calories you need to eat those calories to have a net of 1200 for the day. If you stay under the net calories all the time your body will eventually go into starvation mode and hold on to everything instead making you gain weight instead of losing.

    Try eating more during the day (veggies and fruit are great fillers) especially if you know you will be working out burning 800-1000 calories. Also have some protein and water after working out. Your muscles need this to recover. If you are not drinking enough water your body will retian it causing you to gain.

    try eating more good calories and reaching a net of 1200 not under for each day and you will let your body know that it will have its calories and not need to hold on to everything that you consume.
  • BeeZoe
    BeeZoe Posts: 37
    Just from personal experience, don't listen to the scale! My weight can change within 6 pounds from one morning to the next depending upon what I did for exercise the day before, how much water I drank etc. Trust your clothes and how you feel, you know what I mean, we always have the unique "I feel light and lean" feeling. Also make sure you're eating enough!
  • jmaille
    jmaille Posts: 7
    With the amount that you are working out, you are not eating enough. Are you logging your exercizes to see how many calories you've burned/earned for the day?

    I am having the same trouble....eating well, but losing nothing. I totally ate a ton yesterday in hopes to get my body back on track. I'm trying to see if my body was just used to the amount of calories I've been doing. I've been dieting for 6 months now.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Agreed with above comments.... you aren't eating enough and not enough substance in your diet. Especially need to up your lean protein intake!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    FIRST the scale is the DEVIL do NOT visit the devil often.
    Also, i saw a post on here that according to your diary you are basically eating to meals a day. That is killing your metabolism- if its true. When you eat food your body kicks in gear to burn it off, so if you eat small meals through out the day, then your body is constantly working and there for not holding on to everything you put in. Check your sodium intake. Never over estimate your work out calories. Muscle does weight more than fat---its annoying and discouraging but its true. And ofcourse as mentioned above TOM plays a roll to-- so hope some of this helps
  • austinusn
    austinusn Posts: 38
    Hi - some really good advice here so I won't repeat :) I looked at your food diary as I was having the same frustrations as you - staying under my calories/fat/protein etc for the most part, running and running and more running... but sill not losing weight ... after consulting with a trainer, here's what i found...

    - sugar -- try to cap off your sugar to the RDA of 40g per day
    - fiber -- you should be getting at least 25g per day. Some good articles out there for what fiber does for you.
    - water -- can't stress this enough, as much cold water as you can
    - what kind of working our are you doing? do you have any variation? what is your HR during the workouts -- is it in the fat burning or anaerobic zone?

    some things to consider, I'm sure you will get lots of other input. Main thing is to stick with it and don't get discouraged!
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    thank you for all the advice...i just have a hard time eating when i'm not hungry...this morning i had an activia yogurt...and i had to force myself to eat the whole thing...i'm just not a big eater...i understand that i must eat...but i've heard its not good to eat when your not hungry.
  • BeeZoe
    BeeZoe Posts: 37
    It's only not good if you are just filling your face without a good reason lol. You need to set your body up to expect nourishment every 2-3 hours. Eat small, calorie dense, nutritious meals (about 6 per day) Make sure you have a protein and a carb in each meal, your muscles need this and it's good for your digestion. The sign that you are never hungry is proof your body is going into starvation mode, get it out now!. As soon as you are done any weight training drink some chocolate milk, it's a great recovery is you don't want to put out the money for an actual recovery drink, your muscles will love you. Train yourself at this for a week and youll find you're getting hungry every few hours, your scale will reflect your success and you will feel great! Good luck
  • jill_momof2
    jill_momof2 Posts: 3 Member
    So, trying to stay under the recommended amt. of sugar each day is almost IMPOSSIBLE for me!!!! Not becase I eat lots of sweets, but because I eat fruit and carrots. Isn't that ok?
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    It depends on how much fruit and carrots you are eating. It's recommended to eat only 2 - 3 servings of fruit per day. And you have to watch the portion control.... 1 apple may not equal one serving, 1 banana may not equal one serving.....You have to pay attention to the size of the fruit, etc.

    So, trying to stay under the recommended amt. of sugar each day is almost IMPOSSIBLE for me!!!! Not becase I eat lots of sweets, but because I eat fruit and carrots. Isn't that ok?
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    thank you for all the advice...i just have a hard time eating when i'm not hungry...this morning i had an activia yogurt...and i had to force myself to eat the whole thing...i'm just not a big eater...i understand that i must eat...but i've heard its not good to eat when your not hungry.

    I completely understand you on this one! I used to NEVER eat breakfast. It really is important to get that breakfast in tho. Get your body going for the day and keep your metabolism on the move. Start off with small stuff to get you in the habit. Maybe try some fruit instead of yogurt? I find fruit less filling. And the only way it's not good to not eat when you're hungry if you're already eating enough. Your body is taking what little it is getting and storing it as fat and such so that you'll have enough energy to get through the day. Just try to fit in little things to "wake up" your metabolism and get it back on track. It made a huge difference for me.
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    thank you all for the encouragment...i'm going to keep doing what i'm doing...working out is fun but painful in the morning lol...30 day shred is kicking my butt lol...i think my expectations are just set to high...i'm so anxious to be cute again :)
  • austinusn
    austinusn Posts: 38
    So, trying to stay under the recommended amt. of sugar each day is almost IMPOSSIBLE for me!!!! Not becase I eat lots of sweets, but because I eat fruit and carrots. Isn't that ok?

    That one is really really tough and is under debate all over the internet :) My feeling is the sugar you get from fruits comes bundled with fiber and other nutrients you don't get from other forms of sugar. Its one of those things that is not categorized well in my opinion, similarly how they use to categorize "fat" under one big # on food labels before they started differentiating between trans fats, saturated fats, etc. i always think its one of those things you should use your judgement on.

    That being said, I wouldn't go out and have a dozen bananas or something like that. Everyone is different of course and for me at least, when i started cutting down on all types of sugar (including fruits), and regulating what I was getting with each meal (i.e. not 40 grams of sugar all at once), the weight start coming off. You have to see what works for you :)
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