Hate putting myself out here...

First of all, I really hate letting people in. I am ok with supporting others, but getting support…. Yikes! :noway:

I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago; I had just had my 4th child and was weighing 220. My doctor said, no more. My goal was to get to 175. Well, 2 years passed before I saw 180, and depending on the day, I am usually staring at 183 – 185. I have watched friends and family members effortlessly drop 40 pounds in a matter of months and keep it off, so what am I doing wrong?
I have done the Atkins, no sugar, fruit, veggie, and protein only, calorie counting, exercising 2 hours a day 5 days a week, bla, bla, bla. I decided to get this crap checked out!! Hashimoto's thyroiditis, of course I do.. why not! My levels were close to 3000. My main frustration is that I am a problem solver, and I can’t solve this problem. The doctor put me on levothyroxine (straight T4) and is slowly increasing my dosage but Holy hand baskets; it is making me insanely hungry! I literally feel like one of the zombies off of the walking dead! FEED ME OR DIE VIOLENTLY!!! :explode:

I am 5’10, and have now set my goal weight at 160; is this achievable? After so many years, I am getting quite discouraged. Pity party today? Quite possibly!! (Did you know you can actually Google how to throw yourself a pity party – Really?) Finding others here with similar issues, that would be awesome. Suggestions on how to overcome would be great as well! Having someone tell me I am doing it all wrong and need to cut it out, well that’s more like it.


  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    First of all, you're not alone. There are many of us here that have thyroid issues. There is a whole group and we'd love to have you come join us.
  • Johlawrence
    Johlawrence Posts: 236 Member
    My daughter also has Hashimoto's and she is only 13. You can imagine what this does to her body image. It's tough, but I try to help her to eat right and exercise. I am also trying to set a good example by doing the same. Last summer, she lost 10 pounds. She has gained a few back over the winter, but has also grown a little over an inch. She is 5'5" and weighs around 138. It's tough and it's a battle she will always have to fight. I have also had my thyroid checked MANY times, BUT it's always normal. Sigh...I would love a medical reason for my weight issues. It has always been a battle for me as well.

    Good luck! Keep your head up! Keep doing what you are doing and you will reach success and be so healthy when you do!!!
  • tonicandgin
    tonicandgin Posts: 175
    hi there, i'm your height and am hypothyroid....it has taken me a year and half to lose 50lbs....its possible but its slow going, feel free to add me, we can support eachother ....also there is a thyroid group on here that you should join-its helpful to read that others are having similar issues
  • greeniedgirl
    greeniedgirl Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you so much, everyone.
  • greeniedgirl
    greeniedgirl Posts: 10 Member
    That's wonderful. I'm still new to this site so I need to figure out how to join. :smile:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I have PCOS and losing weight definitely doesn't come easy for me. Took me a year to lose 40 lbs!
    You aren't alone with the struggle. I know how frustrating it is.
  • greeniedgirl
    greeniedgirl Posts: 10 Member
    My daughter also has Hashimoto's and she is only 13. You can imagine what this does to her body image. It's tough, but I try to help her to eat right and exercise. I am also trying to set a good example by doing the same. Last summer, she lost 10 pounds. She has gained a few back over the winter, but has also grown a little over an inch. She is 5'5" and weighs around 138. It's tough and it's a battle she will always have to fight. I have also had my thyroid checked MANY times, BUT it's always normal. Sigh...I would love a medical reason for my weight issues. It has always been a battle for me as well.

    Good luck! Keep your head up! Keep doing what you are doing and you will reach success and be so healthy when you do!!!

    I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, that is so frustratig, especially at that age. I've always been heavy, I was 260 when I was 16 so this is possible i've had this quite some time. As for having your thyroid checked, mine has always come back normal. My throat kept swelling and I knew that was not normal. I went to another doctor (endo), my fourth, and he is the one who discovered this. If you know something is not right, keep pressing in to figure out what is going on.
  • smvarnam08
    smvarnam08 Posts: 6 Member
    I have Hashimoto's as well. I know just how discouraging it is! I have friends that just eat and eat and are rail thin. Have you heard about the relationship between Hashimoto's and gluten? Cutting out as much gluten as you can will really help with some of the issues you are having. You may want to make sure your thyroid medicine doesn't have gluten in it! I have to be on brand name Levoxyl because most other thyroid medicines (and most any medicines) have gluten in them (Crazy huh?!). I really encourage you to focus on inches, not pounds. I started really getting in shape and watching what I eat in August 2012, and was 145 lbs at 5'2". I actually gained weight and got up almost to 155lbs, but I was tracking my inches and taking pictures every 1-2 months, so that was what helped keep me motivated when the scale was going up. I am back down to right at 150lbs and have been for 3 months. The scale doesn't really move. But the inches keep dropping off and I can see the results/changes through the pictures I have been getting. Keep going at it!!! I really understand how frustrating it is! Feel free to friend me so we can encourage each other!
  • greeniedgirl
    greeniedgirl Posts: 10 Member
    I have Hashimoto's as well. I know just how discouraging it is! I have friends that just eat and eat and are rail thin. Have you heard about the relationship between Hashimoto's and gluten? Cutting out as much gluten as you can will really help with some of the issues you are having. You may want to make sure your thyroid medicine doesn't have gluten in it! I have to be on brand name Levoxyl because most other thyroid medicines (and most any medicines) have gluten in them (Crazy huh?!). I really encourage you to focus on inches, not pounds. I started really getting in shape and watching what I eat in August 2012, and was 145 lbs at 5'2". I actually gained weight and got up almost to 155lbs, but I was tracking my inches and taking pictures every 1-2 months, so that was what helped keep me motivated when the scale was going up. I am back down to right at 150lbs and have been for 3 months. The scale doesn't really move. But the inches keep dropping off and I can see the results/changes through the pictures I have been getting. Keep going at it!!! I really understand how frustrating it is! Feel free to friend me so we can encourage each other!

    I've done a little research. I have read about reducing the gluten, dairy, soy, and salt... this leaves.. hummm.... chicken, yea chicken is good.. lol! My doctor did test for me for a gluten allergy, which came back negative.. but i'm game for anything. I told my husband to get out the measuring tape this morning, i'll track those instead of weight for a while. Thank you so much for your encouragement, I have added you. :)