OOPS! I kind of slipped up this morning...Any advice?



  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    I agree, just do the best you can for the rest of the day, maybe try to fit in a little bit more exercise. Then keep an eye on your weekly goal. Seeing the weekly goal really helps to put my slip-ups in perspective. Over the course of the week, they really do generally even out (except last week when every day had a slip-up).
  • sveastraus
    sveastraus Posts: 3 Member
    When this happens to me I usually try to burn the calories by doing 65 minutes of Stair-treadmill. Usually this burns about 600-700 calories. After that, you are golden!
  • paday
    paday Posts: 24 Member
    What's wrong with a Ben & Jerry's breakfast on occasion? Where is the enjoyment in life if you can't be a little naughty every now and then? Plus, 600+ calories isn't the end of the world. You ate the ice cream and I'm sure it was great (I love me some Chunky Monkey and Cherry Garcia!). No need for remorse. Just eat how you regularly would the rest of the day, drink lots of water, exercise some, and move on with your day. No biggie.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member

    A) Get over the gym and burn it off......Then forget about it ; )

    That's what I would do!!!

    B) Only eat the rest of your calories left...........Which will probably mean your going to be hungry.... And I love my food too much
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    If I were you, I would:

    1. Exercise a bit more than you normally would. Even 50 to 100 extra calories burned would help offset a bit.
    2. Concentrate on eating high nutrient foods the rest of the day. Your breakfast probably didn't have much of that ;)
    3. Make sure you drink a ton of water to hopefully offset any water retention.

    Don't worry if you go over your calories this one day. Get back up and dust yourself off! You'll be fine.
  • tnewcomb4
    tnewcomb4 Posts: 3 Member
    Do NOT exercise any more than normal. Do NOT take out any more calories than normal.

    More importantly is that you are associating eating some ice cream for breakfast as "wrong." Be in control of your mental and emotional state and since this was't a part of your nutrition plan, simply store this experience away for later.

    In the end, don't worry about it and just try to be more aware of things for the rest of the day. And remember, you can do it.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I'd like to see your diet journal just to cover all our bases here. You are 18 years old, 5'2", 105 pounds, and want to get to 98 pounds so you will "like yourself" according to your profile. I see some issues here. You need to love yourself no matter what you weigh. Love that body God designed for your use and treat it well. You look great.

    Down to the nitty gritty: at your size (105 pounds), to get from where you are to where you are going (98 pounds), that should be at least a daily 1200 calorie diet regularly. Otherwise, you are going to want to eat a lot of things you don't need. That means good choices available for meals and snacks every 2-3 hours or you'll make bad choices. Your body needs regular calories and energy, and it will crave if you are not feeding it well. If you don't want to eat ice cream as a choice to throw you off, don't stock it in the freezer. Put some sherbet or lowfat vanilla to add into a protein smoothie. Make some protein shakes and freeze them for popsicles if you like frozen treats. Eat a frozen banana. Have good choices available that taste good to you and scratch the itch.

    Make sure you are eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day of 1200 calories, and be sure to keep track of exercises and eat those calories back...you need calories to build lean muscle which burns fat. Muscle looks great and works for you.
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    Learn from it.

    Don't allow it to mess up the rest of your day... Do a little extra exercise...try squats!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    start exercising
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Personally I would just eat lighter the rest of the day, and exercise as normal.

    On days I find myself 500+ calories over goal (like a weekend of drinking and eating out) I will eat a lighter day the next day, it all balances out. I've kept my weight the same for 9 years now so I would say it is working.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    stop eating ice cream
    eat fruit for breakfast not icecream
    eat a full healthy breakfast
    if u crave sweets get fruit, mcdonalds fruit pafrait, skinny cow candy, skinny cow ice cream sanwiches, 100 calorie cookie packs
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    You enjoyed it.
    Get over it.
    Move on.
    Smile :)
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Forget it and move on. There is no point in beating yourself up on it. For the future, plan your breakfast the previous evening so you have something to look forward to that is decided when you are thinking straight rather than when you are tempted by other things and falling off your plan. You have the choice of what you eat and this journey is all about making the right choices

    Couldn't have said it better myself - forget it and move on. Just because you trashed the first part of the day doesn't mean you have to do it for the rest of the day. Look at it this way - better to have 1/2 a day goof up than the whole day. It's much easier to resolve. Good luck!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    If you're constantly fighting against the urge to overeat, it could be a sign that you're eating too few calories. But if it's a one off, then don't worry about it.

    My mom and I are both 5'2", and when my mom was very sick, she was down to your goal weight of 98 pounds. You obviously know yourself better than any of us do, but 98 pounds is considered underweight, even for someone our size.

    As to your question, I can't see your diary, but if you can't eat normal meals and still stay under your goal today, then try - if possible - taking the amount you're over and eating that much less the next day (or if you're over a lot, then divide it up over the next few day). In other words, if your goal is 1300, but you ate 1400 calories today, you're over by 100. Divide that in half (50) and just stay 50 calories under your goal the next two days. If you can work it off, that works, too. I don't get upset when I'm over if I'm normally at or under my goal; it'll balance out anyway. Good luck!
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I'd like to see your diet journal just to cover all our bases here. You are 18 years old, 5'2", 105 pounds, and want to get to 98 pounds so you will "like yourself" according to your profile. I see some issues here.
    Precisely why it would be great if other people checked before offering their advice. Good call. Not having an open journal and displaying minor disordered eating mentality (the "like yourself" part, and the beating yourself up over one breakfast) should raise a red flag. At 105 you're already at the bottom end of a healthy BMI. Being 98lb at 5'2 will put you in the underweight category.
  • KatGreenGo
    We all mess up on our journey's. Just stop right when you realize your messing up and get right back on track. Don't dwell on it, it will only make you want to eat more. Do some cardio and eat an healthy the rest of the day. At night eat something light, so your body will be able to break down your food easier, before you go to sleep. Good Luck and stay focused and positive. You can do this!!!
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    This is why a program such as MFP if useful.. It makes you realize how many of your daily calories are used on just one binge eat.

    However, it is also good at showing you how you can have the occasional treat and work out or eat more sensibly at other times to make up for these binges.

    I like to enjoy my weekend a little more so often eat under my calories on one or two days during the week.

    I like nights out with wine followed by a few slices of pizza late Saturday night/sunday morning!

    Laurel x
  • kdzi
    kdzi Posts: 78 Member
    I'd like to see your diet journal just to cover all our bases here. You are 18 years old, 5'2", 105 pounds, and want to get to 98 pounds so you will "like yourself" according to your profile. I see some issues here.
    Precisely why it would be great if other people checked before offering their advice. Good call. Not having an open journal and displaying minor disordered eating mentality (the "like yourself" part, and the beating yourself up over one breakfast) should raise a red flag. At 105 you're already at the bottom end of a healthy BMI. Being 98lb at 5'2 will put you in the underweight category.

  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Go back to regular healthy eating at your next meal.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    As a medical professional, I have found that the Morning After Pill cures these type of slip ups. The FDA has now approved this for over the counter use. If that does not help, I ain't that baby's pappy!!!