Anyone feel like this? losing weight for a baby<3

Hello, I'm Ryan. :)
I have a seven month old boy, I love him so much he's the best baby I could've asked for.
My only problem is my weight.. I was about 140 before I had my son.. now I'm around 200
I have tried so hard to get this weight off, but for some reason it just wants to stay on my bones! :(
I want to try and lose a good amount of weight from now until November. My husband and I want to start planning our next baby! This is a big deal for me as would it be for any women. A while ago I thought I was pregnant again, but I ended up not being which was good, but it got me use to the feeling and the excitement of having another baby. Of course my husband wasn't too happy about it at the time he didn't want anymore kids. We have both decided IF I lose a good amount of weight from now to Novemeber thne we will start trying in January! :D Yay! If I don't lose any weight or not a good enough amount I'm not having anymore children... how can I lose this weight!!????!!?!... Anyone having the same problem?


  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Eat healthy whole foods, lean meat, and exercise. You don't need any special supplements. It doesn't happen in a week. It took you 9 months to gain the weight, expect the same time to lose it all.
  • mdraper60
    mdraper60 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi there! I'm Melissa. I'm kind of in a similar situation! My husband and I don't have any kids yet but we want them. We want to start trying in January also but I want to lose a good amount of weight before then so I can be as healthy as possible. Feel free to add me for support if you would like! Unfortunately, there are no secrets to making the weight come off, just have to be dedicated and go for what you want!!
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    This is not a problem! I have been working on a healthier me for a year now. My husband and I are wanting to try for a baby in about a year. In order for me to do that, I needed to loose some weight and strengthen my back so I can carry a baby and be healthy afterwards. We already have 2 boys, so it is very important to me to do this. If there is one peice of advice I can give you, understand that the best reason to loose the weight is for the health of the baby and YOU. Good luck! FR sent and feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Could always get that extra exercise practicing ;)
  • I've been trying really hard for awhile now and it doesn't seem like the weight wants to come off. When did you start losing weight?Like, how long were you exercising before you got that awesome number drop?
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    I've been trying really hard for awhile now and it doesn't seem like the weight wants to come off. When did you start losing weight?Like, how long were you exercising before you got that awesome number drop?

    The first 45lbs I lost I only walked 2 miles a day at a leisurely pace. Remember it's what goes in your mouth.
  • Dr_Waffles
    Dr_Waffles Posts: 141 Member
    Could always get that extra exercise practicing ;)

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Exercise and eat well! I got pregnant with my second child when my first was 13 months old, and I'd lost my baby weight by then. It did take some hard work though! Unfortunately I put on a lot of weight in my 2nd pregnancy - a combination of nausea, tiredness and some early bleeding meant I didn't exercise as much as I should've at the beginning, and then I got out of the habit.

    I've lost 60lbs since baby no. 2 (she'll be 2 next month) and I'm smaller than when I got pregnant with my 1st now. I'm thinking of trying for another later in the year so I want to be as thin and fit as possible just in case I do put on some weight.
  • anneitz
    anneitz Posts: 7 Member
    Hey girl!
    I am in that same situation. My daughter is 2 and my husband and I want a second baby but I really do not want to try until I lose some more weight. I am to scare of gaining even more during the pregnancy. I was also 140lbs when I got pregnant with my first. I did lose it all after the baby but then around 5 months after, my husband lost his job and my anxiety kicked in and I gained a LOT of weight. Now I am slowly getting back into shape. It took me a while to see results but all I can tell you is to take it one day at a time, stay active and write down everything you eat. Your body will start responding.
  • Thank you!!! :D This is giving me a new outlook on things :D
  • verdouxkai
    verdouxkai Posts: 24 Member
    I'll echo what others have said. It's a simple math game. You have to be diligent about knowing how many calories go in, and how many you burn in a day.
  • torviegirl
    torviegirl Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I too need to lose weight for pregnancy, my husband and I don't have any babes yet, but we're trying. I have Polycystic ovary syndrome - it's a terrible cycle because the condition makes you gain weight & makes it harder to take off - but the heavier you are the worse the symptoms are, and the worse the symptoms are, the more you gain weight - arrrrggghhh!

    But children are sooooo worth it and we can do this!
  • mzsunshinez
    mzsunshinez Posts: 15 Member
    Well we all know how hard it is to lose baby weight. I lost 20lbs in one month. I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for 75 days straight. I did level 1 for 30 days straight, moved onto level 2 for 30 days straight, then did level 3 for 15 days. i finally just started walking to just keep the weight off. i also did not drink anyyyyy juice unless it was vegetable juice that i juiced myself. I only drank milk or water and small portions. i started post partum at 186 and the first month i remember i lost about only 4 pounds , i remember drinking 64oz after my workout, I was pretty mad i only lost 4 lbs. i continued working out onto month 2 (level 2) this time drinking water throughout the entire day, ALOT of it!!! (i think i only lost 4lbs because i was staying dehydrated because i wasnt use to so much water). anyways my 2nd month i lost a WHOPPING 19lbs! i continued for another 2 wks then i just walked to keep the weight off.

    That was back in 2009. now it is 2013 and i just had a baby 7wks ago and I am back on this plan to shed the weight very quickly!!!! you really just have to buckle up and make absolutely NOOOO EXCUSES for yourself. thats what i did. Also try not to let the numbers on your scale discourage you, you may not be losing weight so quickly the first month because while your losing weight your gaining muscle. =)
  • kattangel07
    kattangel07 Posts: 4 Member
    I used MFP after my first baby was born and it really helped me to lose the weight faster. I ended up 30 lbs LESS than when I got pregnant the first time. Well, now my 2nd is 6 weeks old and it's time to start again. After my first was born I was working out, but the weight didn't really start to come off until I started to track what I was eating. When I started using MFP I started to realize that my portion sizes where really off and what I thought was one serving was actually 2 or 3. Portion size and tracking what you're eating will help immensely.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for support! We want to have one more so I have 13 months to get as close to my goal weight as possible before I start this rodeo all over again.